Author's Chapter Notes:
I wasn't sure about this chapter, but I thought, oh, what the hell!

Summary: I’m still off line with my old hard drive so I’m going on by the seat of my pants with this one.

I don’t want to give too much away in the summary but I guarantee you readers…..this is going to be a big surprise to everyone!

Chapter 16: ‘Surprise! Surprise!’

Buffy sat watching Brutus the Akita and his mate, Yuki-Kuma frolic about her back yard. She sighed in contentment, happy to just sit and relax for a while, for once.

It had been about five months since William ‘Spike’ Giles had blown into her life; much like a tornado or such. It had been about three months since she had insisted that Spike bring his beloved Akita, Brutus, out to Sunnydale, California.

It had been about two months since Buffy had taken Brutus into her home and ‘allowed’ him to take over the household. Just a month later, she had insisted that they purchase a ‘mate’ for the five-year-old Akita male.

“He’s lonely for a girlfriend, I‘m sure,” Buffy had declared firmly with a shake of her blond head. “I think he needs someone to love,” she added wistfully.

That’s all Spike had needed to hear and well…both he and Buffy scanned the internet, searching for a perfect mate for their perfect boy.

After Spike had caved in and Buffy and he set out to find a perfect match for the massive Akita, they stumbled on a kennel near Sunnydale. There was a beautiful all white Akita female being advertised; a healthy three-year-old who had already had a litter of gorgeous pups.

When Buffy laid eyes on the exquisite Grand Dam that was Yuki-Kuma (loosely translated: Snow Bear) that was it. Spike and Buffy took the animated polar bear like dog home to Brutus who took to his bride like a duck to water.

Of course, it was as Buffy had predicted, where Spike was concerned. The Brit hung about her condo constantly and had practically moved in. Okay, he ‘had’ moved in, technically and surprisingly, that was fine with Buffy.

Spike had declared his love for Buffy at least a hundred times or so. She had even admitted her love for Spike, although not nearly as many times, butt that seemed to be enough for him.

Over the last few months, Xander and Anya had returned from their honeymoon and continued to wreck havoc in Sunnydale.

Every time the Sunnydale police came close to entrapping the elusive couple and their clan, they seemed to slip through the cracks and escape justice somehow. It was frustrating to Buffy and everyone else, but on the up side; it kept Spike in Sunnydale all that much longer.

Not that Spike was in any hurry to leave, of course, especially since he was absolutely crazy in love with Buffy. Even if they had arrested, tried and convicted Xander Harris and his gang, Spike would stay in Sunnydale. As long as Buffy was here, so was Spike and that was that.

Buffy had decided to stay home today, with the ‘kids’ and enjoy another day off.

She hadn’t been feeling quite up to snuff lately, Buffy hadn’t, but she blamed that on work and the frustrations of the Harris case. That or some unnamed virus that must be going around.

Everyone involved in the Harris case had decided that Angel Crawford needed to be found, pronto. However, the man and his wife, Darla had virtually fallen off the face of the earth.

Rupert Giles had decided that it was imperative to get Angel to come back to Sunnydale, under police protection of course, and turn State’s evidence against Xander and his family.

The rub, as it turned out, was that it was Spike who had run Angel off in the first place. Even if Rupert understood why his nephew had run the crooked PI out of town, it still irritated old Rupes(as Spike affectionately called him) to no end.

As it turned out, apparently Nina, Angel’s secretary truly had no clue to where her boss and his wife had run off to. That would probably turn out to be good for Nina and her lover, Tara, but not necessarily for the long arm of the law.

It was obvious that Xander Harris was scouring everywhere for his ex-lackey, but he also apparently had struck out in that area. Now, it was just a question of which team would find the elusive couple first: Bad Team Harris or Good Team Sunnydale Police Department.

Buffy felt that if given enough incentive and information, Angel would turn himself over to the police; if only to protect his beloved Darla.

When the Sunnydale police questioned Nina, Angel’s ex-employee
Alluded to a suspicion that Darla may be pregnant.

Surely Angel would want the police to find he and his family first so they could protect the Crawfords, right?

Buffy watched as Brutus and even Yuki stopped in mid-play; their ears perked up at attention.

Brutus became even more animated and began to jump wildly about while Yuki chased her pure white tale around and around.

Spike had explained that Akitas were not prone to barking, under any circumstances. Rather, they would become wildly animated; jumping about and almost yelping in human talk. This was if the dogs knew who was approaching or felt comfortable with the nearness of other humans about them.

If the dogs reacted cautiously; even lowly growling in a guttural tone, then it might mean that the human nearby was not someone they necessarily liked or trusted.

Yuki and Brutus were yelping and jumping at the back gate of Buffy’s yard like excited children.

It was no surprise when Spike stepped into the yard and greeted the dogs warmly. He then made his way over to Buffy and gave her an affectionate kiss on her mouth.

“How you feeling?” He asked Buffy with genuine concern.

“Like a washed out dish rag,” Buffy replied with a sardonic laugh. “I have to admit, I’m not at my best lately,” she added with a shrug.

“That’s why I called your doctor and made an appointment for you sweetheart,” Spike offered carefully. “Dr. Noxen expects you at 3:00 today,” he finished firmly, his arms crossed over his chest.

“Oh Spike for God’s sake,” Buffy sighed in exasperation, “I’ve got a bug, nothing more. Why do you…..”

“You’re going,” Spike stated with determination. He brought Buffy’s tiny hand up to his mouth and kissed it tenderly.

“I love you Buffy,” he murmured, gently bussing the back of her warm petite right hand.

“I know,” she replied shyly and then muttered in resignation, “oh, alright. I’ll go see Dr. Noxen.”

“How’s the kids,” Spike asked, rapidly changing the subject as he eyed the two dogs playing happily together.

“Fine,” Buffy giggled happily. “I think Yuki might be coming into season and we might have some pups soon,” she added gleefully.

“That would be nice,” Spike nodded and took Buffy’s tiny hand in his.

For all of his cavalier, or take charge attitude, Spike was worried about his darling girl. She hadn’t been feeling well for at least a week or so and he was getting concerned about her more and more daily.

Buffy entered Dr. Benjamin Noxen’s office and sat down on the modern leather chair across from his impressive desk.

“I’m sorry to have bothered you with this Dr. Noxen, but my boyfriend is kind of, well….“ she trailed off when she saw the smile on her physician’s mouth.

“Uhm, is everything alright Dr. Noxen?” Buffy asked, genuinely concerned by this time.

“Your boyfriend, this William Giles,” the good doctor began casually enough. “He seems to truly care for you Miss Summers.”

“He does,” Buffy nodded, secure in this knowledge. “But,” she began carefully, “should he be worried?”

It was almost 6:00 PM and Spike hurried up the front walkway of Buffy’s condo. He had purposely decided to wait until their supper time together tonight to ask her how the doctor’s appointment had gone. Now he was nervous as a bloody cat and wondered why he had not called her earlier.

The problem with Buffy was that she tended to get a be defensive about her independence and self-reliance. Spike had walked a fine line for months now; trying to keep Buffy close to him, emotionally and physically. Yet, he had to be careful not to drive the coltish young woman away; that would be a tragedy to him and Spike hated the thought of losing his golden goddess.

Buffy pulled the homemade lasagna out of the oven and checked to make sure that it was perfect. It was.

The Italian salad was made, tossed and had been iced in the fridge for an hour. Buffy’s homemade Italian dressing was shaken, not stirred and had been cooled and settled in the same fridge for two hours.

Fresh baked garlic bread toasted in the oven, along side the baking lasagna and Buffy stoically turned off the stove. She pulled off her oven mitts and tossed them onto the stove then straightened her hair, quickly, in the kitchen mirror above the sink.

Spike was ‘home’ and Buffy needed to break the news to him, somehow, and hoped he wouldn’t take her ‘illness’ to hard.

For all of her false bravado, Buffy was very insecure at heart and she would hate to lose Spike, just when she needed him the most.

Spike hurried into the kitchen and took in the sights and wonderful aromas of the room.

He spied Buffy’s special lasagna on the top of the stove and a nice bottle of Chianti was opened on the little butcher block table in the middle of the kitchen. Something inside of Spike niggled at him and he suddenly became even more concerned about ‘his girl’ then before..

“Buffy,” he mumbled as he took is little treasure in his arms and held her close to him.

“Let’s eat,” Buffy crowed brightly enough, but Spike noted a sense of anxiety about her.

“Buffy listen,” he began again and ran his left hand through her golden hair.

Suddenly, loud doggy howling outside in the back yard distracted the couple.

“That’s bloody strange enough,” Spike muttered, somewhat confused. “Those mutts never howl…unless,“

Spike broke away from Buffy and practically ran out into her backyard; she close behind.

“Stay inside,” Spike ordered her firmly as he headed out the back door.

Buffy nervously stood at her own back door, her green eyes wide with fear. Something was very wrong here and even Spike realized it.

After Spike disappeared into her back yard, Buffy stood by the door, anxiously wringing her hands together. She peered out into the darkness, her eyes wide with fear and trepidation.

“Buffy!” Spike bellowed gruffly from the darkness, “call 911!”

“What is it?” Buffy screamed in reply.

“Just call 911 and do not come out here!” Spike roared loudly.

Buffy did as she was told and hit the ‘911’ buttons on her kitchen cordless phone.

It took about five seconds before her morbid curiosity got the best of her and Buffy flew out her back door to Spike.

She found her lover hovering over a small and very pale form that lay prone on the dark green grass by her back gate. A gate Buffy had lovingly set up herself just a year before.

When Buffy saw ‘who’ was laying in her grass, his dark red blood covering the green grass of her yard, she screamed in shock.

“Oh my God!” Buffy gasped in horror, her right hand covering her mouth.

Young Andrew lay on the ground, apparently beaten and cut by some kind of knife in numerous places. He only wore a pair of blue jeans and his fair hair was matted with what seemed to be his own blood.

“Buffy! I told you to…..” Spike began harshly, his voice deep with anger and fear.

“I, I couldn’t stay inside,” she explained in a choked sob. “I called ‘911’ and they should be here any moment.”

Already the couple could hear the sirens approaching Buffy’s condo.

“Who? Why would anyone…..” Buffy began helplessly as she kneeled beside the bloodied, slight form of poor Andrew.

“Oh, God, Andrew…..Andy,” Buffy whimpered, her hand touched the boy’s eerily pale chest. She began to weep uncontrollably and hugged Andrew’s still body to her own trembling one.

“It isn’t fair,” Buffy wailed. “He’s just a kid; a kid who screwed up and never really hurt anyone and…..”

“What’s that?” Buffy gasped hoarsely; she pointed to a note of some kind that seemed to be tacked into Andrew’s skeletal chest.

Spike removed the blood covered piece of paper as gently as he could, careful not to cause the poor kid any more pain. Although he realized that the teen was probably beyond any sense of physical feeling whatsoever.

“It’s, it’s a message, I think,” Spike spat in disgust as he eyed the garishly written note.

“Surprise, surprise it says,” the blond cop muttered gruffly. He showed Buffy the garish black marker writing on the innocent piece of white paper before he tossed it aside.

“Poor little bloke,” Spike mumbled in a hushed tone. “They must have beat him and cut him and threw him back here to die. He’s…..”

“Is he still alive Spike,” Buffy cried in anguish. “Oh God, tell me he’s still alive,” she began to weep over and over again. She protectively covered Andrew’s slight body with her own and sobbed loudly.

“I’ve got a pulse,” Spike whispered, carefully taking the young man‘s wrist in his large hand. “It‘s weak, yes, but…..”

“We’ll take over now,” a young fireman declared before he stepped out from the shadows and knelt beside the couple and the injured boy.

Spike and Buffy sat in the waiting room of Sunnydale Memorial, their hands tightly clasped together between them.

Once the firemen and paramedics had taken Andrew’s near lifeless body from Buffy’s back yard, Spike had made some phone calls.

Rupert and Jennifer Giles sat a few chairs from Spike and Buffy. Amy Calendar, Jennifer’s niece was nearly inconsolable as she buried her dark head into her aunt’s chest and wept.

Dr. Johnathan Levison was not a particularly intimidating man; not too tall or even good looking. He was small of stature but great in talent as far as medicine went that is.

The truth was, Dr. Levison was an amazing man of medicine and he had taken Sunnydale Memorial by storm just the year before. This just may prove beneficial to Andrew and the people who had come to love the child-like young man.

Dr. Johnny scurried into the waiting room and faced off with the odd assorted group of people who were there for the teen he had just worked on.

“Who did this!” Dr. Levison bellowed like an irate father as he scanned the grief stricken faces before him.

“We are not sure Dr. Levison,” Rupert Giles offered sheepishly. “It seems to be a vendetta of some sort and….”

“It was Harris,” Spike spat in disdain at the mention of the monster’s name. “That or he’s had something to do with it,” the blond Brit grumbled.

“Harris,” Levison snorted in disgust. “Do any of you have any idea how many people, old and young alike I’ve seen die from overdoses from that ‘thugs’ poisonous drugs? How many of them I was fortunate enough to pull through in life? Xander Harris had ruined more lives then…..”

“Is Andrew going to be alright?” Buffy asked quietly as she stepped forward from the others. Her heart raced and she felt like being sicker then she had been before when she threw up in her flower beds after seeing poor Andrew so torn up and all.

“He is,” Dr. Levison pronounced with a heavy sigh. “He’ll take time of course, to heal but he should be ‘okay’ in a week or so. The kid‘s got his youth in his favor and although he‘ll be pretty shaken up for a while, he‘ll pull through.”

“He can have a few visitors,“ the diminutive doctor stated with a shrug and stumbled back to the recovery room where his beaten and cut patient waited for more of his miracle work.

“I’m going to go see him,” Amy murmured and hurried to follow the doctor into Andrew’s room.

“We had better go with her,” Rupert sighed sadly and led Jennifer off behind her niece.

“It’s all my fault,” Buffy wept, softly rocking to and fro in Spike’s arms.

“Now how do you figure that baby?” Spike asked in his comforting tone, tenderly stroking Buffy’s face and arms.

“If I had never have saved that monster, years ago,” she stammered in a muffled tone, her head buried into Spike’s chest.

“Buffy, baby, we’ve been over this time and again,” Spike murmured soothingly into her ear as he tenderly stroked her arm.

“You were a kid yourself; had no idea that Xander would turn out to be such a…..” Spike’s sentence trailed off when he looked deeply into Buffy’s wide green eyes.

There was something more troubling Buffy and that was for sure, Spike knew that much. The look of fear and trepidation in her beautiful green eyes alerted him to it.

The doc had told everyone that the poor whelp, Andrew, would be okay eventually, but Buffy was still skittish as a bloody cat. Her green eyes darted about the hospital’s hallway, never quite settled on him or met his concerned gaze.

“Buffy, sweetheart, what is it?” Spike asked, trying to keep an even tone in his voice.

He was getting more and more worried by the second; in fact, he was getting downright pissed off too. More so at himself then her; she had something to tell him earlier, that was for certain. The little drama with Andrew had distracted them both and now…..

“Buffy, talk to me,” he commanded in a gentle but firm voice.

“Oh, Spike….William,” Buffy stammered just before she began to weep quietly. She buried her face into his chest and cried, her little body trembled and shook with each desperate sob.

“Buffy, honey please,” Spike whimpered in despair, “just tell me what’s wrong, sweetheart. I…..” he tenderly placed his finger under her chin to bring her face up so their eyes could meet.

“Tell me,” he purred more then ordered this time as he nuzzled the top of her warm golden head.

Buffy sighed then looked Spike in his incredible blue eyes once again.

“I should have known,” she murmured softly, her green eyes brimmed with unshed tears. “I’m so stupid and…..”

“You’re smart, strong and beautiful,” Spike growled roughly, his arms wrapped about Buffy’s slim shoulders. “I won’t have you putting yourself down like this,” he grumbled unhappily.

“No, you don’t get it,” she interjected impatiently. “My periods, they’ve always been off; you know, irregular so I didn’t even suspect…..”

Spike reared back and gazed at his girl in shock. Her periods? She should have suspected? Could it be?

“Buffy?” He whispered quietly.

“Oh God William,” Buffy whimpered in embarrassment. “I can‘t believe this but…..I’m pregnant.”

Buffy thought she would die of embarrassment or something else anyway. She had been terrified to tell Spike the truth since she had found out that afternoon from Dr. Noxen. There was a little baby Spike Giles growing in her tummy and frankly, Buffy was frightened that maybe the daddy might be a bit gun shy of fatherhood and…..

After taking a deep, somewhat calming breath, Buffy dared a glance at Spike, fearful of seeing a look of disappointment on his handsome face.

Instead, Buffy was stunned to find her William’s face lit up like a decorated tree on Christmas morning.

“You’re, you’re going to have our baby?” Spike asked, quite unnecessarily, in an incredulous whisper.

His blue eyes were wide as saucers, but his mouth was in a wide grin; just like a giddy schoolboy.

“Yes,” Buffy mumbled in reply, feeling pretty damned ridiculous for some reason. Here she was, a woman of nearly thirty and…..

“I’m sorry, Will,” she muttered in apology. “I don’t know how it happened but…..”

“I’m not bloody sorry!” Spike cried gleefully scooping Buffy up into his arms and hugging her tightly. “I’m absolutely over the moon about it!”

Buffy stared at her lover in disbelief, her head had begun to spin (from nervousness, fright or pregnancy…who knew!).

“You’re happy about it?” she asked him disbelief. “I mean, you want the baby? You want me?”

It was a good thing that Spike was holding her so tightly because Buffy felt like she was about to pass out from the drama of the whole damned night.

“Yes, of course I want you and the baby Princess,” Spike cooed lovingly. He gave Buffy another tender kiss on her forehead and then suddenly dropped down on the floor; balanced on his left knee and right foot.

“Buffy,” Spike began in a most serious tone, his blue eyes brimming with tears of joy as he gazed into her eyes with so much love and respect.

“Since the first time I laid eyes on you,” Spike began again, fairly evenly, even though his some words came out a bit higher pitched then others. “Since the first time I met you, I knew you were the one for me.”

Buffy felt her heart fly to her throat, but she managed to swallow hard and clasp Spike’s hands with hers.

“Buffy Summers, will you marry me and make me the happiest man on earth?” Spike managed state in the most romantic, emotional way a man possibly could.

“Well? What do you say sweetheart?” He asked, suddenly a bit concerned that Buffy hadn’t answered him rather quickly liked he had hoped.

Spike gazed at Buffy, the hope in his blue eyes made her heart skip a beat. However, she managed to take another deep breath and well…continue to stare at him as if he’d grown two heads.

“Well,” she began hesitantly as she licked her suddenly dry lips and tried to form some coherent words.

“I, well…..I say yes. I will marry you William,” Buffy blurted her reply rather too loudly; eliciting many an odd stare by nearby hospital staff members and various people in the hallway.

Before Spike could yelp in joy or even hug the mother of his child, Buffy leapt into his arms which sent him backwards on his backside.

Spike looked up at Buffy who was now straddling his body on the floor, her mouth in a perfect ‘0’ of astonishment.

“I love you,” she giggled happily ignoring the ogling bystanders about them.

“I know,” Spike sighed in contentment as he placed tiny, kitten kisses on her flushed face and silky neck.

A/N: Bet you thought I was going to cop out and have just about everyone ‘but’ Buffy be pregs, huh? Nope….I decided to go sappy and have a bouncy Spuffy baby!

Thank you for reading and please review, spufette.

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