Author's Chapter Notes:
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This feeling was…what? There wasn’t a word for it. Somewhere deep down, he knew that. And still, as he looked down at her smiling face, he felt frustrated and exposed.

Now she knows. She’ll see what a git I am. William the Bloody awful…

He felt like a fraud. And still, she smiled at him, her eyes dancing, “Are you laughing at me?” he asked, a touch of hurt in his voice. He hated the weakness that he felt.

“No!” Buffy breathed, as she brought her head up to kiss him again, “No, I’m not,” she whispered, biting her lip, trying to resist the urge to smile when she saw the flash of gold in his eyes, “No, I’m really not. I just…I can’t help it. I thought that I knew.”

He pulled back, studying her stunned expression, “Knew what?” he asked, letting his fingers comb through her hair, idly, as it spilled out around her head like a halo, unable to keep from touching her, even for an instant.

“That I belonged,” she sighed, “I mean, I thought I had friends, and because of that, I let them tell me what to do, and what to think,” she closed her eyes, burned by his astonished gaze, preferring to take comfort in his soft, cool skin, and the way he shivered when she touched him.

The silence of her lost words wasn’t silence at all. It was filled with his shallow breaths, breaths he did not need, but seemed to be the perfect compliment to the racing beat of her heart.

Why does he do that? I never understood…

She took refuge in the small sounds of pleasure he made as she slowly ran her fingers up his arm, reveling in the way she seemed to delight him, before speaking again, “…Who to love,” she hoped he had heard her, her voice had barely been a sound, “And, I let them, because I thought I belonged,” she shook her head, at a loss, “I thought I knew…what it meant. But, now I know. I know what it means to belong…because I know that I belong with you. And, that’s something I’ve never felt before. Thank you,” she whispered.

She waited, in the stunned silence that filled the empty space. She waited, and tried to find the answer in her teacher’s eyes, “Well…?” Willow asked, still searching Althenea’s eyes for her answer, “Do you want to kill Spike? Because, if you do, you’ll have to kill me too, because I’ve killed people, and I have a soul.”

“I don’t understand…”

“Now, that does surprise me,” Giles said, smirking slightly as Althenea looked at him, shocked. He found it amusing that she had forgotten him so completely, considering that, only moments ago, she was questioning his sanity, and that of his family, “Because, despite an admittedly thick accent, I am quite sure that Miss Rosenberg was speaking English. And, it was a perfectly legitimate question.”

Again, there was silence, as the woman gaped at them both, her eyes smoldering with anger, “I have heard horror stories about the way you’ve allowed vampires, and other demons,” her eyes rolled toward the ceiling, aghast at the muted sounds that were coming from the upstairs rooms, “to cavort with the Slayer. I had hoped it was not true. You may have forgotten what he is,” she huffed, “I, however, have not.”

“You are right,” Giles said, “there is one thing I’ve forgotten during my time in Sunnydale.”

“I shouldn’t wonder,” Althenea grumbled, “I am relieved that you’ve come to your senses,” she sighed.

Giles raised an eyebrow, and it was all Willow could do to keep from laughing out loud. That look was so familiar. So much like…her eyes widened, and she closed her eyes, reaching her consciousness out to one other. The one whom she considered a friend.

Spike…? I hate to interrupt, really…but…you might want to see this…

“…I’d forgotten how provincial and pompous some of my compatriots can be at times. It’s extremely annoying, and time consuming. Because, you see, you still haven’t answered the girl’s question.”

Spike could sense Willow at the back of his mind. She wanted his attention, but she wasn’t going to get it. He had better things to focus on.

Like her perfect…little…mouth…and that marvelous tongue of hers, as it was leaving small wet kisses on his body, each kiss was lower than the last, until she was gleefully teasing him, flirting with the monster within. Taking him, happily, to the edge.

“Oh, you little minx,” he growled, when he felt her nip his tender skin, not hard, but just enough to make his demon take notice.

“Mmmm…” she moaned, the vibration of her voice driving him to distraction, “Mmmm…”

He hissed, trying to control himself. He didn’t want to be rough, didn’t want to do anything that might remind her of that awful night. But, if she kept up at this frenetic pace, he didn’t know how much longer his gentler nature could stay in control.

His hands wandered to her hair, and gripped lightly, as his head fell back, bearing his throat to her, and his eyes closed tightly, as the last of his control abandoned him, “Buffy,” he breathed heavily, his voice shaking with passion and need, “get up here.”

Her lips suddenly left his skin, and he almost whimpered at the loss, and met it again as she kissed his mouth. As he opened his mouth just enough to let her tongue play with his, the fire of ecstasy singed every nerve in his body.

He tasted it. The liquid fire, the manna he did not deserve. Her blood, willingly given. And, in that moment of incredible color and heat, he knew he belonged.

“I love you, Buffy,” he said, softly, when she pulled away, unconcerned with how he looked, in her eyes, as he watched her eyes glisten with joy.

He was disappointed, but not at all surprised “If you can tell me, honestly,” Giles ground out, “that these last few days have taught you nothing about the true nature of evil, and the strange dichotomy that exists in humans, as well as demons; then you might be correct. Are you unable to see the truth of what we are saying to you? You yourself, I’m sure, are aware of Faith’s, or my own, flirtation with the darker side of our natures. Why cannot the reverse hold just as true?”

Althenea’s tone was firm, and unchangeable, “I have not changed my mind.”

“Then you are right,” Giles conceded, “We do not belong here anymore. We will leave as soon as it is possible.”

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