Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks to Just_Sue for working her magic and making my ramblings readable. Thanks for the awesome reviews guys, it really makes me feel good. Glad you're enjoying the story. Now, let's get on with it, you all have been waiting for this since what? Chapter One. So I hope it's to your liking. As before, title and lyrics by Prince. Again, if you liked let me know. Leave a review. ^_^
It Happened One Night

By: Golden Buffy


Chapter Twelve: When Doves Cry Part Two

"All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it."
H. L. Mencken US editor (1880 - 1956)

"Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies."
Ralph Waldo Emerson US essayist & poet (1803 - 1882)

Dream if you can a courtyard
An ocean of violets in bloom
Animals strike curious poses
They feel the heat
The heat between me and you

How can you just leave me standing?
Alone in a world that's so cold?
Maybe I'm just too demanding
Maybe I'm just like my father too bold
Maybe you're just like my mother
She's never satisfied
Why do we scream at each other?
This is what it sounds like
When doves cry


Spike was hot on Buffy's trail, not only from catching her brief scent on the air but because he knew her patrol route. She made it way too easy for any Big Bad, other than him that is, who wanted to ambush her. Spike decided he would have to speak with her about that. Maybe suggest that Buffy change her pattern every other week.

He had just entered one of the cemeteries, mumbling to himself about fast moving slayers who never stayed in once place long and how a vampire had to traipse all over Sunnyhell just to find her. He was pissed, but he couldn't actually blame Buffy for not confiding in him. It wasn't as if they had been friends forever - they'd just recently started the whole friends things - but still, where was the trust? Okay, he could see where that would be an issue as well. Granted, he did try to kill her the moment he'd arrived on the Hellmouth, but after the chip he had trusted the Slayer enough to go to her for help. And, yeah, while still piloting her demise after getting the chip removed, but there was still trust on his end. So the way Spike saw it, he was entitled to his anger.

They were friends. She should have told him.

But Clem could be wrong. It wasn't like Buffy was the master of explanations and when cornered she had a tendency to get that deer-in-the-headlights look, which didn't help her case. Though with the whole donning of magical lotion, her avoidance of him before their truce, and Buffy's ever present mood swings... he needed to find her and quick.

Spike was so swamped with his thoughts that he didn't notice the other vamps until it was too late.

“Well, lookie here boys. If it ain't little ol' Spikey,” the one whom he assumed to be the leader drawled.

Spike glanced around at the new arrivals. Four game faced vampires stared at him, only the leader keeping his human mask. He didn't know any of them – like that mattered. But, for an as yet unknown reason, they had some sort of score to settle with him.

“I’ll thank you not to call me that, mate,” Spike said coolly waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop.

“Or what? Whatcha gonna do, Spikey? Sick your slayer on us?” The five erupted into fits laughter. This was un-fucking believable. Here he was, a Master vampire being ribbed by some nancy arsed minions.

The shoe had dropped and Spike pounced on the closest vamp to him. With lightening quick speed he twisted the minion's head right off. The remaining laughter settled down along with the vampire dust as it floated to the grassy ground.

Spike glanced up at them, scowl upon his face. “Told you to watch what you call me.”

“Get 'im,” the leader growled out as all four advanced.


Buffy exited the Espresso Pump humming to herself as she took a bite of her treat. 'Ummm, chocolate,' she sighed nibbling another piece.

She had Restfield last on her list. Figuring Spike most likely took care of anything shady in his neck of the woods, Buffy decided she'd drop by his crypt and see if he wanted to walk with her over to the Bronze to retrieve Dawn, then back to her dorm.

Not far from the coffee shop, her Spidey senses started to tingle up and down her neck. Vamps were close by. And Spike wasn't amongst them. It just figured that as soon as she took some me time for herself some stupid vampires would come along and ruin it. Sighing, Buffy quickly tucked the brownie back in its plastic wrapper, placed it in her jacket pocket and removed Mr. Pointy.


The vampire flew back, crashing into a headstone . He lay there waiting for the world – which was spinning way too fast - to steady, and decided he was in no hurry to get up anytime soon.

Spike twirled around to face his last opponent. He was just starting to get into the fight, playing with the other demon. Slapping him around a little, letting him get in a jab there, a punch here. It was rejuvenating. Plus, he got to work out his frustrations on the Buffy keeping secrets front.

The vampire who considered himself the leader of the little rag tag team thought he had the fight in the bag. He had gotten a few good blows in but it didn't seem as if Spike was going to be tiring any time soon. His Master had told him it would be an easy assignment; take four vamps with him, track down Spike, and stake him. Piece of cake. But he was beginning to doubt if that was the truth. The Master Vampire had already dusted three of them and, now that he thought about it, he wasn't wearing down either.

Spike had tired of the game quickly; he needed to get to the Slayer before all of his righteous anger was gone. Punch. Kick. Punch. He sent the other vamp staggering backwards before grabbing him by the neck. The minion's eyes grew wide, knowing he'd be meeting a dusty fate this night. Looking over Spike's shoulder he could see the other vamp finally coming to.

“You got to get back to the Mistress, tell her what happened.”

'Mistress, huh? There were no new vamps on the Hellmouth that Spike knew of. Tired of playing games, he plucked his stake from his duster and sent it home. Turning as the ashes crumbled to the ground, Spike grabbed the remaining demon up off the ground.

“Who is this Mistress of yours?”

The little shit refused to answer, though he was clearly shaken.

Spike growled and his demon came forth as he shook the vampire. “Don't think I won't stake you to some tree out here and leave you for the sun. 'Cause believe me, I will.” Spike added a stinging slap for good measure.

“Okay, okay, I'll talk. It's Mistress Harmony. She sent us.”

Spike's brow wrinkled in confusion. Harmony has minions? That was something he just couldn't wrap his mind around. And they were actually afraid of her? Spike shrugged, this was the Hellmouth after all, and he'd seen and heard stranger things than this.

“Why'd she send you?”

“We where instructed to come get you. If we couldn't subdue you, then we were to stake you...” he trailed off.

The blond gave a warning growl; he knew the little creep was holding something back.

The smaller vamp flinched as Spike's grip tightened around his neck. He could hardly take in air to speak. “She, she also sent a second group out for the Slayer. She was to be killed.”

“See, that wasn't too hard, was it?” Spike asked relaxing his hold just a bit.

The minion eagerly shook his head, agreeing before his eyes widened in surprise as he glanced down at the piece of wood now sticking out of his chest, then crumbled to dust.

With that taken care of, Spike whipped out his cell phone to warn Buffy. After the third ring he flipped it shut, muttering a curse under his breath. He knew she could take care of herself but who knew how many minions that bimbo had sent after her.

Catching her scent once again, Spike headed off to assist the Slayer.


Six to one really wasn't that bad, and Buffy was pissed that her little mid-patrol snack had been interrupted. She quickly dusted the first three that advanced upon her. The fourth landed a blow to her jaw, causing the Slayer to stumble a few feet. Regaining her balance, Buffy sent a round house kick to his head then plunged the stake home. She gave a satisfied nod as he crumbled to dust.

The two remaining demons rushed the Slayer, pinning her to the side wall of a building, causing her to smack her head. They were so going to pay. Ripping her arm free Buffy back handed one vamp sending him staggering backwards as she locked the other one under her arm in a choke hold.

“I'm going to say this once, and only once. Don't ever smack my head on a brick wall again.” She punctuated ever word with a punch to his face.

Without releasing her captive Buffy spun around catching the other demon off guard, as he tried sneaking up behind her. She solved that problem with a well placed kick to the nose, and then quickly stake both of them.

Pausing a moment to catch her breath, Buffy remembered that someone called as she’d sprung the poor ambush. Going to her call log she saw that it was Spike. 'Wonder what he wanted?,' she thought as she hit the call back button. Cell phones were neat. Life was much simpler with them in it.

Buffy quickly disconnected the call as that all to familiar watery feeling invaded her mouth. God, she was going to be sick. Quickly looking around she spotted a trash can and ran over to it.

That's exactly how Spike found her, hunched over the trash bin tossing her cookies. He regarded her with a raised brow as he approached her.

Buffy lifted herself up from the garbage wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. “Stupid vampires. Don't they know you can't fight after eating almost a whole chocolate cake?” she mumbled, glaring at the piles of dust.

“You feeling okay?”

“If you call barfing in a trash can okay, then yeah, I'm peachy,” Buffy snapped. “Sorry, it's not you. I'm just cranky now that my good mood was ruined.”

That was the opening he needed. Not that the vampire ever waited for an opening to speak his mind any other time, but Spike felt it was better to approach this subject with the white flag of peace raised seeing as there was no telling how the Slayer would react.

“So it's true then?” he questioned, arching his brow.

“Huh? What's true?” Buffy was puzzled. What the heck was he referring to?

“Makes sense that the wanker would run off to some sodding jungle in the middle of no where, leaving you here alone.”

'Oh, god. He knows. Wait, he thinks the baby's Riley's too. God, is everyone this stupid, or is my mom just smarter than everyone else?'

Buffy stood there, mouth agape and staring at Spike. She couldn't seem to get her mouth to work, nothing would come out except air.

'Well, that answered my question,' Spike thought dryly.

'See, now's your moment. Just tell him. Keep your mouth open and say the words.'

'Easy for you to say. I can't. I'm scared. How did he find out? What if he hates the idea of having a baby?'

'This isn't about you, stupid. Last time I checked he was involved too.'

Buffy still couldn't make the words come as she stood staring at the vampire, willing her mind and mouth to work together.


“Oooo... God... Xander... TRINITY!” Anya shouted into the dimly lit bedroom. A muffled “What?” could be heard from under the comforter.

“Xander get yourself back up here I have important news,” Anya commanded, tossing the cover back as Xander traveled up her body. Moving, he settled next to her as she jumped up off the bed.

“Should I be worried at you screaming someone else's name out when we're having sex?” he asked, regarding her with a skeptical eye.

“No, Xander. I only have eyes for you, dear. But I finally know who Trinity is.”

“Oh, and you just happened to remember who she is while I was doing... well you know?” Xander gestured with his hands.

“You give great orgasms. I don't understand why you can't say what you actually do to get me to have them,” she muttered under her breath as she started to hurriedly dress. “Don't just sit there, we have to go. Dawn is in trouble. Trinity isn't who she appears to be. So get up and get dressed.”

On hearing Dawn was in danger... again, Xander wasted no time in getting up and dressed. “What or who is Trinity?”

“She's a... well, not quite a demon, but she is bad news,” the blonde assured him as she finished dressing and rushed out the bedroom door.

Xander followed close behind. “And they have the nerve to say I'm a demon magnet.”


Dawn had finally taken a break from dancing at the prompting of Janice and Trinity. The band started to play 'Happy Birthday' as everyone in the Bronze turned to the teen's table and began to sing, as Owen approached the table with a mini sized chocolate cake, complete with one candle stuck in the middle.

Dawn found herself changing her view on the Happy Birthday song as well. It was way cooler when preformed in this manner. Owen placed the cake down in front of her and he whispered in her ear, “Make a wish, Dawn.”

With a nod and smile she pushed her hair behind her ears and leaned over the cake. If she'd been paying attention she would have noticed Trinity's eyes start to sparkle.

“Here goes,” Dawn mumbled to herself before taking a deep breath. 'I wish that Buffy would just tell Spike the whole truth about the baby and stop being such a big, well, baby.' With that the candle went out.

Dawn's wish echoed in Trinity's mind as a small smile of satisfaction spread across her face. “Wish granted, Dawn,” she whispered.

“Wha...” she asked, turning a puzzled gaze towards her friend. Trinity only smiled once more before vanishing in a puff of pink smoke. Dawn's eyes grew wide. Oh, God, what had she done? She needed a phone and fast. She needed to call Buffy.

Jumping up from the table she ran off to the back of the Bronze, straight to the phones.


The heavy rain clouds rolled in, covering the crescent moon as the air grew thick not only with the promise of rain, but also with the undertones of magic.

Spike stared at the Slayer, nostrils flaring at the scent of magic that now surrounded her. Buffy knew Spike was waiting for an answer, and she tried to give him one, really she did. For all the many times she’d played this scene over in her mind, telling Spike on a deserted street hadn’t figured once. She didn't want Spike to learn that he was going to become a father like this; she had balloons and a cheesy Hallmark card to announce the occasion. And it was all penciled in for next Tuesday, damnit.

“The baby isn't Riley's, Spike,” Buffy face grew pale as the words rushed forth. One minute she was debating with herself on finally coming clean and the next moment she was blurting out the fact that Riley wasn't the father. But for some reason she couldn't stop herself as more of her admission poured out. Buffy Unconsciously started walking backwards towards the wall that had recently become acquainted with her head.

“Remember when you sorta wanted to kill me, with your gun? And then I told you about my mom... and, well you know the rest. If you factor in the mojo those way powerful shamans did to create the first slayer, toss in a bit of demon, and bam, instant recipe for baby makin'.” Buffy paused a moment taking in Spike's reaction. Was he buying it? Did he even believe her?

Buffy sighed. “It's true, at least that's how Anya explained it, or at least that's how I understood it.” Finishing her explanation Buffy finally came into contact with the brick wall. Thankful for some sort of support she sagged against it.

Spike had followed her retreating form, and stood only inches from her. His mind was racing a mile a minute. His first impulse was to laugh; the Slayer's blurted tale had to be a joke, right? But the more she spoke the more he mulled over her words, and they began to make some sort of sense. Her total avoidance of him a few months back, her rapid mood swings - Buffy could be a bitch but how she was currently acting was a bit overdone, even for her. But her being pregnant also explained away the lotion. It only made sense she'd use it to prevent the demons from getting wind of her current state. Still in denial he decided to blame his thoughts on the magicks in the air. Red could have been working her hocus-pocus and as always, it backfired.

“Funny, luv. We need to go see Red, think she's been dabbling in a bit of magic. Once we have that all sussed out then you can get to tellin' me the truth, yeah?”

God, he didn't believe her. For some strange reason Buffy was compelled to go on convincing Spike that she was telling the truth, all joking aside, even though her brain was screaming for her to shut up and thank what ever gift horse was smiling down on them making Spike not believe.

Leaning forward Buffy raided Spike's pockets looking for his pocket knife. Pulling back she bared her wrist and expertly flicked the knife open before quickly slicing into her flesh.

Everything had happened so fast it took a moment for Spike's brain to catch up with Buffy's actions. The waft of slayer blood hit his nose causing his eyes to seek out its source.

Buffy shook her wrist slightly at the stupefied vampire before her as she shifted nervously from foot to foot. Spike searched out her eyes, a silent question in them. “You don't believe. This,” she indicated with another shake of her wrist, “will answer everything. It's the only way.”

Hesitantly, Spike took her wrist in his hand before lifting it to his mouth. He hesitated a moment, fearful of what he might find. What if she was telling the truth? That meant she had kept this a secret, used magic to hide it. And why tell him now? Taking a deep breath Spike latched onto to the cut and began to gently suck.

It had been over a hundred years since he'd last tasted slayer blood, and one would think Spike's demon would be purring with pleasure, but it wasn't. It was more focused on what truths Buffy's blood contained. Spike's eyes were closed as he concentrated on the task at hand. The first thing he tasted was Buffy; unadulterated power yet sweet with the hint of the young woman that she had matured into. But just below was a spark, a mixture of both of them. That's when he heard it, the beating of a heart faster than the Slayer's and Spike's eyes snapped open in startled surprise.

The vampire unconsciously licked the wound closed before dropping Buffy's wrist, lost in his own thoughts. It was true, all of it. But how?

The silence stretched out between them. Buffy carefully watched him, wanting for him to say something, anything, but he stayed quiet. Suddenly Buffy found herself pinned by an angry blue stare.

Anger and hurt slowly dissolved the shock and Spike was livid. He quickly did the calculations in his head, coming to the conclusion that she was around three months along. She had kept it from him for that long. Closing the small gap between them Spike lowered his head peering into Buffy's hazel orbs, his voice deceptively calm.

“Tell me, pet, that magic lotion that you're so fond of wearing nowadays. What's it really for?” He already knew the answer to the question, but he wanted to hear it from her lips.

'God, could this hole get any deeper?' Buffy thought as she took a deep breath. Why couldn't she keep her big mouth shut? It was if someone or something was controlling her. A light bulb went off in her head. Willow. It had to be her, that's why Spike said they needed to see her. Oh, someone had a whole lot of explaining to do when she made it back to the dorms. Buffy was pulled from her thoughts at the warning growl Spike issued. Tears started to fill her eyes as she tried in vain not to answer his question, but once again the choice was not hers. Her words were but a whisper on the wind, if it weren't for Spike's vamp hearing they’d have been lost.

“I was scared. I had no clue as to what was happening. Or how it even happened. I was looking out for the baby. Had to keep it safe from harm... from demons. I... Willow suggested a protection spell. She and Tara made the lotion.” Buffy finished as a lone tear slipped down her cheek.

“And by demons you mean me, don't you, Slayer?” It was a statement not a question.

Buffy chanced a glance up at Spike, hearing the pain in his voice. His jaw was clenched and twitching, his fist balled at his sides, and those blue eyes hard as steel. It only made make her cry harder.

“No... yes... I was going to tell you. I just...” she stammered between sobs, but her explanation was silenced by the humorless laughter coming from the vampire standing before her. His laugh turned into a snarl.

“You selfish bitch. It never occurred to you tell me in the beginning, just decided Spike is a evil soulless monster and therefore he has no right to know. Were you ever going to tell me?” He didn't wait for a reply as he turned his back to her. He growled before spinning around and sending his fist through the brick wall Buffy was supported by. She flinched. Never in her life had Buffy been more grateful for the tiny chip embedded in Spike's brain; because at that moment Spike looked as if he could claim his third slayer.

She opened her mouth to protest that it wasn't out of selfishness, it was out of confusion and fear, but he didn't give her the chance as he ripped his hand free from the wall. With a final glare at her he stomped off into the night.

The sky seemed to come alive at that moment, a sliver of lightning lit the heavens and the clouds burst open. Within moments Buffy was drenched and shivering, but she didn't notice; she was still in shock. Her eyes locked to the shadows where Spike had vanished, hoping that he would return and she could explain everything more clearly. Snapping out of her hazy thoughts Buffy did the only thing she could.

She ran.


Joyce glanced at her watch, Buffy would be picking Dawn up soon. Taking another sip of her coffee she was interrupted by pounding at her kitchen door. Wondering who it could be she hesitated only for a moment before opening it. Curious hazel eyes locked onto lost blue.

'He knows. Was her first thought followed quickly by the assumption that things hadn't gone well. She found herself wondering what had happened. Spike looked so lost, adrift in a turbulent sea of emotions. She hadn't seen him this broken since Drusilla kicked him out.

Not even bothering to invite him in, she took him by his wet hand and led him inside, then directed him to sit. Neither spoke as she prepared the hot chocolate adding a few tiny marshmallows and a generous amount of brandy, then placed the mug down in front of him. Spike looked up at her with thankful eyes before taking a sip.


Buffy had no idea where she was going, she just followed as her feet pounded down the rain soaked sidewalk. Soon she entered a court yard and hesitantly knocked on a closed door.

The older man hurried to the door, glancing through the peep hole before opening it. Buffy just stood there not really looking at Giles. She stared past him at nothing, lost and confused.

“Do come in before you catch your death of cold,” he sputtered before dragging the girl inside.

Buffy didn't move, she just stood in the spot Giles had left her. She was numb but not from the rain, she was a horrible bad person. What had she done? Could she still convince herself that the precautions she'd taken were really for her baby's safety, or were they done out of spite? At the moment Buffy had absolutely no idea. She started shaking as more tears prickled at the corners of her eyes.

Giles had returned with two fluffy towels and a pair of extra sweats Buffy had left there some time ago. He stood there watching the emotions play over her face as she began to shiver.

“What is it, Buffy?” He hadn't seen Buffy this shaken up since Angel lost his soul.

She turned to him as fresh tears trickled down her face. “It's all my fault. I did this. I... can I stay here tonight?”

“Yes, but what's your fault?”

Buffy headed for the bathroom after taking the offered towels and clothing. “I don't want to talk about it,” she whispered. “Please... just... I promise tomorrow, 'kay?

Baffled Giles nodded his acceptance and headed to the kitchen to start on some tea and place a quick phone call to Xander to make sure Dawn got home safely.


AN: Well that's it, I hope you liked it. If you did please let me know. *bites nails some more*

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