Buffy awoke slowly, fighting wakefulness. She smiled with her eyes still shut as memories of the night before flooded her mind.

William loved her. He’d said it. A lot. Over and over again, in many different ways – and with many different positions too! She smiled saucily and popped her eyes open, gazing at the man beside her.

She loved him so very much. It almost felt unreal, the whole thing. Twenty-four hours ago they’d been at each other’s throats; she’d been ready to leave, and felt as though her heart were being torn out with the idea that he was having an affair with Faith. Meanwhile, he’d really loved her back the whole time.

They really were thickheaded and stubborn weren’t they? Well, she thought, humming to herself, There will never be a dull moment, that’s for sure!

She wanted nothing more than to cover his body with hers, and wake him in the most sinfully delicious way possible, except she knew he was more than likely just as tired as she, and he’d been working all week to boot.

So, she’d do the next best thing, she decided as she climbed out of bed, wincing slightly at the ache in her muscles, she would make him breakfast. Sliding her clothes on quickly, she jogged down to her bedroom to change into some comfy pj’s before heading to the kitchen to prepare her man some food. And then later they could take Ella to the park and figure out what to do while he was in London…


William franticly dressed as tried to piece together in his mind exactly what had happened to make Buffy leave. He had bitten back his first urge, which was to jump out of bed and run after her, but somehow he didn’t feel she would take him seriously whilst being completely nude.

Was it all payback? Was she playing some sick and twisted joke on him where his shattered heart was the punch line? He went back through the events of the previous night searching for some kind of clue to her cruelness, but only came up with love and acceptance and a rather uncomfortable hard on.

He barged through his bedroom doors and went to find himself his girl. He would make her listen, make her see that they had too much to gain from loving each other to throw it all away on the chance of getting hurt.

That realisation literally stopped him in his tracks. How had he come so far? Not six months ago he would have scoffed at the mere thought of a relationship, let alone love. And actually risking something to have it? Not a chance. His first thought was to find Drusilla and tell her. His second was how she would never know the gift of love that her death had brought him. He started searching for Buffy with a renewed vigour. There was no way his sisters sacrifice would be in vain.


Buffy was humming to herself and setting the tray with all of William’s favourite foods, excited to be present him with a tray of goodies. A nice leisurely breakfast was just what they needed, and maybe after, they could burn breakfast off. She had to smile devilishly at that thought.

Picking up the tray, she turned toward the door when William barrelled through, causing her to jump and nearly drop the tray.

He looked wild, as if a ghost were chasing him.


“Buffy, you can’t leave me.”

She stared at him. “I--”

“Because what you and I have, it’s special and it’s true and it only comes around once in a lifetime, I know, because this is it for me. I’ve never wanted anything to do with relationships and love and all that rot – but I do now, see? I do. I love you so much and I know that a lot of shit has happened between us, a lot of it needlessly, but I want to make that up to you and swear to you, from here on out, that this is real. We’re real. Don’t give up on us pet, don’t give up on me.”

“Okay,” she said slowly. “Did you have a bad dream or something?”

“No, I didn’t have a bad dream. You left me!” he exclaimed, frustrated.

She looked down at the tray of cooling food and then looked up at him. “Breakfast? I made breakfast. That’s why I left…I won’t ever make you breakfast again if you’re opposed to that sort of thing--”

He looked down at the tray and then up at her. “You didn’t leave me?”

“Well, I left the bed, and in essence you, but I just made breakfast for us.”

“You made breakfast for us?”

Buffy nodded slowly. “Yep, I did.”

“Pet, could you put the tray down for a minute?”

“Sure!” and she placed the tray down carefully on the nearby counter. A second later she was in William’s arms and he was kissing the breath out of her.

Oh wow, she thought as William lifted her onto the counter and proceeded to kiss his way down her neck. He stopped briefly to take off her pyjama top. It took her brain some time to realise what he was doing as it was too busy processing the pleasure he was giving her.

“William,” she tried to grab his attention. Apparently the tops of her breast of which he was peppering kisses on were doing a better job at keeping it.

“William,” she exclaimed as she grabbed his head and brought it back up to hers. She was ready with stern words about appropriate kitchen behaviour, but all reason was knocked out of her when she saw the look of pure desire in his eyes.

“I love you,” and she kissed him with all the passion within her at the same time she reached down to take his shirt off. Her need to feel his skin against hers was too great to matter about who could walk in and catch them. As they made contact a part of both of them seemed to feel at peace, as though they had been apart for too long.

Buffy’s hands made there way down his back. His skin was so smooth she cold feel every curve and muscle beneath her fingertips. She found the waistband of his pants and pulled them down.

“Please,” it was more an admission of desire than a plea. With a speed she think even shocked William, he had pushed aside her panties and entered her with a sense of urgency that only heightened her pleasure.

He took her roughly, as though channelling his earlier distress and her leaving into his thrusts. She was not scared by it; she felt powerful that she had driven him to want her this way, to claim her as his. She wanted it.

“I’m yours, William,” his thrusts increased at the sound of her voice he seemed lost in the moment, lost in her. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to him.

Their mutual orgasms crashed over them, Buffy finding release within seconds of her giving herself over him. William was so in tune with her already, he came shortly after she did, roaring her name.

“Buffy,” he gasped, gathering her in his arms and collapsing against her. He was shaking and Buffy thought perhaps now was the time to move it to the bedroom.

“Will, do you want to go upstairs now?”

He nodded dazedly and then grinned at her goofily. “I love you.”

She smiled, kissing him sweetly. “I love you too.”


After eating a lukewarm breakfast, Buffy and William lay together in bed, unwilling to start the day just yet even though Buffy had mentioned seeing Ella a few times in their conversation.

“Willow is looking after her I’m sure,” William told her, lazily stroking her back.

“You know how I feel about that,” Buffy replied, “She is our responsibility.”

“Buffy, I have spent months wanting to be with you like this. Loving you and just being. Can’t we have some time for ourselves?”

Buffy melted, “Yes, William. We can.”

“You know I’ve been thinking,” he said and nuzzled her neck.


“I don’t really have to commute so much to London. I could work from here a few times a week and only spend a couple days there. The drive isn’t that far and my clients could always meet me here.”

“They wouldn’t mind?”

“Not for the work I do for them.”

Buffy beamed and lifted his head, kissing him soundly. “You can do that? Spend more time here?”

“Yes, I will be working though, luv.”

“Not all the time. You’ll still have the evening with Ella and I right?”

“Yes, and maybe a lunch too.”

“That makes me so happy, Will. Thank you.”

“You’re thanking me?” he asked, blinking at her.

“Yes, I am. I know what a work-a-holic you are and the fact that you’re willing to compromise and spend some time with your family means everything to me.”

William smiled, “I’m glad. I don’t think I’ve ever made someone happy like this before.”

“How about every time you make me happy, I show you.”


“Oh…” she grasped his hardening cock in her hand. “I think I can find a way.”

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