Chapter 15
“Why can’t I go, too?” Dawn followed Spike through the corridor heading towards the library. “She’s my sister, you know.”

Spike set his jaw straight and kept walking, refusing to be baited into an argument. “I know, bit.”

“I can take care of myself. Buffy taught me… and Traci… I patrolled with her in Sunnydale.” Dawn stepped forward and grabbed Spike’s arm. “Stop it, Spike. I’m an adult and Buffy is my sister.”

“Dawn,” Spike sighed, his body slumped, leaning on the wall. “It’s too dangerous, love.”

“I can handle myself.” Spike watched Dawn employ Summers’ Patented Dirty Trick Number 13, the deadly pout. “Buffy would let me go.”

“Come on, nibblet!” Spike diverted his gaze by rolling his eyes. “A, I doubt very much Buffy would let you go and B, Buffy and I couldn’t handle ourselves, hence Buffy being kidnapped.”

“Fine, whatever,” Dawn flipped her hair behind her and continued to walk to the library. Dusk was only minutes away and the Council had been organized. Riley had been persuaded to help look for Buffy and Sam. A spell had been performed indicating that Sam’s energy was near the Thames, across from where Drusilla and Spike were last night. The army of nine young Watchers, one older Watcher, a Master Vampire, and a Soldier got their gear together and walked out of the Council’s headquarters.

Stepping into the night air, the group started to load up the three vans that they were taking to East London. The witches that the Council employed indicated down to one square mile where Buffy was being held. The energy of the earth was increased plus the presence of Sam brought it all together.

“Spike,” Drusilla’s soft voice wafted toward the group, “Look at all these people.” All bodies turned to watch the vampiress float towards them, “Are they nice people?”

“Dru, pet, what are you doing here?” Spike stepped forward between the group and Drusilla. He smelled a fresh kill on her and didn’t want anyone else to get the right idea about her.

“I saw the dead fishies, Spike. They didn’t swim anymore.” Her voice dropped down to a whisper, “The shark is coming.” She looked over his shoulder at Riley. “It’s your shark, you know? All the blood and the guts on your hands. You did this to her! She used to be beautiful. Raven streaking through the night, but you made her ugly. Scars and holes through her body, breaking her, molding her, breaking her, molding her.” Drusilla broke free from Spike, leaping towards Riley, only to be stopped by Giles, “She just wants what she can’t have, what the sun has. It’s not fair, she thinks. Yes, not fair for the fish to be forever strong, never wavering in her might!” Giles pushed Drusilla back to Spike.

“Spike, please.” Giles pleaded, both aware of the other Watchers around them.

“Oh, Rupert,” Drusilla’s hand came up to Giles’ face, stroking his cheek. “Don’t worry, the angel has been watching over you.” Giles stepped back as if scorched, he could have sworn he was looking into Jenny Calendar’s eyes. He shook his head, knowing Drusilla had used that trick on him before. “Don’t be afraid, Rupert, for you are the wisest of all, bringing the knowledge to the power and beyond.” Drusilla shook her head, as if she was shaking herself out of a trance, “Spike! Hurry. The river will run red by the morning!” She turned around and grasped Spike the biceps. “She needs you, Spike!”

“Spike, we need to hurry,” Giles whispered to him, “We can’t take her in the van!”

“Sh, Rupert.” Drusilla looked over at Giles. “The ashes that have fallen to the ground are now covered in sunlight. There is no more for me to do.” She looked like a lost woman, staring into the black night, “I’m afraid it’s Spike now. The tin soldier is just a pawn in the queens game and the black knight is just dust in the wind.” Her voice dropped back down to a whisper so only Spike and Giles heard her, “Be careful of soldiers that ride like knights, not all is what it seems. Not even for the king in this castle. The deeper meaning of the past has yet to be revealed and the future isn’t written.”

“Dru…” Spike questioned.

“Shh, Spike. Go find your princess; she will be glorious and safe in your arms.” Spike looked at Drusilla confused, his head cocked to one side. “Go, William. Your wings are no longer clipped and you must fly to the sun, she is your salvation, your future.”

“Dru,” Spike stopped and looked at Drusilla. Giles and the rest of the Watchers were already packed into the vehicles. Unspoken words past through Sire and Childe: understanding, love, commitment, and closure. Spike stepped away, he knew what he needed to do tonight and knew that he was going to come back with Buffy in his arms.
The caravan of vehicles arrived on the south side of the Thames in a warehouse district. The stench of industry hung heavy in the soiled air. The posse unfurled themselves from the vans, stalking through the night. Three teams of four separated, hunting the buildings for a sign of the fallen Slayer. Spike took control of three Watchers, Giles and Riley were in a group with two others, leaving a group of four Watchers as backup. Going around a large warehouse, the most probable place that Sam was hiding Buffy. The windows were boarded up, just like Spike’s vision. The smell of the seawater permeated the air, Spike looked around, still too far inland to smell the salt. “Salt.” He whispered. He inhaled the air around him, “And fish…” His team looked at Spike like he was crazy. “Fish, you Wankers! Fish!” He dashed off quickly, searching for Giles’ team. He ran towards them with all his speed pouncing into Giles. “She’s here, mate.” Spike was almost smiling, elated with the knowledge that they found her.

“You can feel her?” Giles asked quietly.

Spike stood stock still for a moment, trying to reach her through their bond. “No, she’s unconscious or something. But the visions… fish, I smell fish and she sent me visions of fish in Hawaii… or swimming with fish. This has got to be the place, mate. This is the place!”

“Very well, Spike. Go back to your team and we will find her.”

“Right,” Spike nodded his head and was gone in the black night.


They watched the back door open and a large man in fatigues walk out of the warehouse. Spike sniffed the air and caught a softer scent, the scent of his mate coming from the soldier. Grinding his teeth, Spike stayed put with every fiber of his being. He watched the soldier climb into a small car and drive off. He motioned for his team to follow, crawling along the dirty ground. Spike got to the back entrance first, listening against the steel door for motions inside the building.

Opening the door slowly, Spike peered in with his vampiric eyes; the back room was dark and deserted. He stepped inside, allowing the rest of his team to enter. Making their way over to the other door, Spike peered inside. Wide open, the main floor of the warehouse Spike saw her. On the floor, chained to a cinderblock wall, she was laying on her side, curled into a fetal position. Bruises covered her arms and legs. He couldn’t see his face; her hair now red with blood was blocking his view. He shifted his attention, afraid if he looked at Buffy a moment longer, he would just charge in there. Eyes on the bigger picture, he counted five male soldiers playing poker on the other side of the warehouse. Looking around for the bitch that took Buffy, he didn’t see Samantha Finn. Giving the go ahead, he sounded the signal for Giles to enter from the main door. The loud roar from Spike’s lips filled the huge building, alerting the guards that they had company. Spike allowed the watchers ahead of him, wanting to be between Buffy and the fighting, protecting her unconscious body from any further harm. He watched as Giles and Riley barged through the large door in front, leaving a huge hole, allowing the rest of their team, plus the backup team to enter. One of the soldiers got through Spike’s team, running towards Buffy. Spike growled, latching on to the man’s neck, biting through his tough skin. The soldier slowed down, his blood escaping his body too quickly, Spike threw his remains across the room, skittering against the floor. Blood now dripped from his mouth; he didn’t swallow much of the soldier’s blood, not interested in the kill, just saving Buffy. The eleven others in his team seemed to have taken care of the soldiers, leaving Spike to tend to Buffy.

He walked to her side, bending down on one knee to touch her bruised skin. She wasn’t noticeably bleeding, but the scent of it hung heavily in the air. When he touched her, he heard her heart pick up slightly, so faint. Her breath was shallow and short, taking in only the needed amount to keep her alive. With tears in his eyes, he moved her hair away from her face. Spike gasped, unaware of Giles approaching. “Oh dear!” Giles muttered. Buffy’s face was purple with bruises. One eye was swollen shut, the other almost so. Her lip was split open in two places, many punches evident on her face. Bits of dirt stuck to her face, marring her injuries further. “We have to get her to a hospital.” When Spike didn’t move from his position, Giles bent down, ready to pick Buffy up himself.

“No!” Spike growled and pushed Giles away. “She’s been beaten.” He whispered, “Like Glory beaten.” His hand ghosted down Buffy’s body, feeling for broken bones. He felt the pain radiate through him, touching his nerves with her pain. “She’s got a couple broken ribs, can’t be picked up.” Spike looked around for a makeshift gurney. “We can carry her out on that…” He pointed to an old cot in the corner. “Can’t be jostled too much.” He petted her head, still looking for bruises and lacerations. “Here, move it behind her. Going to pick her up a bit and you slide it under.” Spike lifted Buffy off the ground, her body so light. “There.” Giles and Riley took their posts at the ends of the makeshift gurney. Spike listened intently to the blood rushing through Buffy’s body. Still alive, he chanted to himself. She was still alive, but for how long?

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