Daran said you were special. I heard all the stories you told and I
guess it did not sink in. I can't believe I sleep through the whole
thing. Slayer you are a remarkable person. I would dishonor myself
and my people to leave your company before it is time." Basir said
in a serious tone. I nodded my head and the matter was settled. We
talked a bit during the day as we traveled.
Later that day we came to a mountain cave. Basir said he could go no
further and I must go on alone. I thanked him for his company and
all he had done for me. We exchanged gifts as was their custom and I
entered the cave.

It was quite dark but I had a small magic light the Lady had given
me to guide me. Inside the cave I found paintings. I took time to
look at them. They depicted a girl fighting monsters. **how Ironic**
I thought. They seemed to depict different Slayers from different
time periods. **Maybe the greatest in their time?** I wondered. I
came to one picture that showed a girl chained to the earth. She was
excepting the demon inside her. The demon seemed to be making love
to her. The image was done in such away that you saw rapture on both
of their faces as if the were sharing that one point where two truly
become one body and soul. It made a kind of since to me even though
it went against what I had been taught.

The next was an image of the villagers talking to the demon who was
holding the girl lovingly. The next of him protecting her from other
demons. The one after that was of the first human demon sighting,
the human tried friendship the demon tried rule. The continued to
show how the demons ruled this world and then when they had come
here, and then the peacefulness before the demons came. I stared at
that one for a long time.

I do not know if I fell asleep or if the hypnotic feeling of the
image pulled me in or what but I found myself in a quiet meadow. I
walked a short ways and found I was in a park. I finally came to the

Basir had told me in our talks that many of our "stories" are
actually interpretations of true events in other realms. Those
creative people who write them are merely sensitive to the memories
of the universe. The more sensitive one tend to be our seers and
witches and the like that receive messages from the Powers or work
with the magic of the universe. Each has their destiny and purpose
they must find, like I had to and still must.

That is why I had to laugh when I realized where I was. It was New
York City. I had been in central park. It was almost dusk and I
heard the distinct ring of swords near by. I ran to investigate and
see if I was needed. I saw a woman with long red hair fighting a
man. Most would rush to defend the woman but I saw the look in her
eyes. It was a look I had seen often enough, the look of pure evil.
I watched as the two slashed, blocked, defended, and attacked.
Finally the man got the upper hand and took her head. I heard him
say, "There can be only one" before the storm started. I must say
the movie over played it while the TV under played it. I took cover
and tried not to laugh at the hilarity of where I found myself.

After the quickening storm ended I got up and went over to the man.
I felt an odd buzzing in my head and new it was his immortality I
felt. He felt something as well and stood on shaky legs to face
me. "Whoa! Hold it Buddy. I am unarmed. I'm not what you think, but
I believe I was sent to you for a reason. Let's put that sword away
and find a nice quiet, but safe place to talk." He nodded for a
moment and put his sword away. I continued, "You can call me Buffy,
I assume your nature is not public knowledge?" He nodded
again. "Good, I prefer to keep mine that way too. I sense no true
evil in you and I am not familiar with this…..place. I will go where
you think it is safe to talk. We have much to say before we can
determine why I was sent." The man seemed to relax a bit before he
spoke. "You can call me Gus. I have a shop near here where we can
talk." He said before he stared walking. I followed him.

We entered a small antiques store not far from the park. My mother
being an art dealer had given me an eye for such things. "Quite a
collection you have here Gus. I suppose your sword collection is
just as nice?" I asked and almost laughed at the look on his face.
He lead me to a sitting room.

"Okay you seem to know a bit about me so now that we are safe to
talk let’s talk. I should warn you that we are on Holy ground. This
building is over what once was a church and the ground is still
consecrated." Gus said as he took a seat.

"Well Gus you might not believe me but I am from another dimension,
another universe. A wizard I met recently told me that the stories
in our world reflect the truths of others. In my world we have a
movie about the Highlander. It told of immortals later stories told
of their watchers, the quickening, the game all of it. I know not
everything here is like it was in the movie but I think the basics
are true. Don't worry I wont tell anyone. I am going to ask you a
question and I am serious. Have you ever seen a real vampire, or
demon?" Gus was looking at me like I had grown another head.

"I have not but next your going to tell me your Shayla the Slayer."
Gus said with a laugh that quickly dies when I looked on him. "No,
I'm Buffy the Master Vampire Slayer. I am the oldest in history and
the one who cast a spell to activate the sleepers with the help of
my friend who is a powerful witch." Gus was stunned.

“Sleepers?” Gus asked. “Well I assume you know the unto each generation story. Well I was battling the First Evil with some of my friends and as many of the potential Slayers as we could save. We did the spell and it activated what we call the sleeper in all the potentials. It caused them to manifest their hidden Slayer talents. They all became Slayers and like any hierarchy I was the oldest and most experienced and became the master of our race. Just as the oldest of yours has sway over the younger. I became the teacher. Once the world was saved again and we set up the school for the girls, I became lost. I did not know who I was anymore. I was a little girl, then I was the Slayer, now I don’t have to fight alone and I can not go back to being the child I was so I must find out who I am. That started this crazy journey the Powers have me on. This is the second stop on my “Mr. Toads Wild Ride”. The first was to a very Lord of the Rings/D&D type place where I stayed with the Elves for a month and journeyed with a Wizard. I learned much while I was there and now I am here to learn something from the immortals and the powers have chosen you to be my guide.” Gus shook his head.

“How do you know the Powers want me to be your guide?” he asked. “Well I came into this world in the park. The first thing I see is a duel in which you won. I know about immortals and that you are one of the good ones. I know you have a kinsman a hundred or so years younger than you who is nicknamed “the boy scout” because he can not seem to help but help the helpless. I also know that if you did not wish to know more or help me that I would be without my head and not sitting in your home.” I said with a smirk.

Gus shook his head again. “You pegged Connor alright. In fact I think he is who could help you more. He and his student James will be here soon. You may find this interesting. James actually was an actor before his first death. He appeared a few times as a bad guy on the TV show Slayer. While you’re here may be we will have time to compare stories. Your Highlander against the real thing and our Slayer against your story.” He said and started to laugh when I cringed. I was curious but I did not really want to know the stories about my life.

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