Author's Chapter Notes:
I'll try to update when I can. Since I get bored easily, I have this tendency to write my stories rather than type them. That makes the updating process so much slower.
14. Like An Open Book

After two days in France, Dawn was wishing she could stay forever. She could turn in late, wake up late, go to a night club or two, meet a few guys, see the sites, buy new clothes…and somehow manage to still be serious about finding Jess and Trixie.

Katherine and Dawn spent more of their time having fun than actually looking for their girls. Not that either of them would say a word about their activities. And, anyway, Katherine had leads. They just led to club after club to find Jess.

“Yes, Buffy, for the one million-seventeenth time, I’m fine. And, yes, Katherine is the ideal chaperon.” Dawn looked over at where Katherine was going over a list of clubs in France-only it was work related today. They were fight clubs.

“I’m just worried, Dawnie. You’re in another country. With Katherine. On an apocalyptic trip in France.” Buffy replied on the other end of the line.

“Sunrise, tell Buffy to call Angel. We’ll probably need ‘im and his team in the next few days, weeks, months, etcetera, etcetera…” Katherine trailed off, never taking her eyes from the sheet of paper before her.

Dawn relayed the message to her sister and then they parted ways, hanging up the phone. She and Katherine were already dressed for a night out. “How’s the new lead going?”

“Perfect. This one actually makes sense.” Katherine tossed the paper on the coffee table and stood. “Let’s paint the town red, Dawn.” The blonde grinned.


Stacy Lynn sat on the counter in an off-handish way, tossing one of her many daggers back and forth as the others tried to decide what to do.

“There’s no point in researchin’. You won’t find anything.” She finally said.

The Angel Investigations team looked up. “What?” Angel asked.

“Might as well give up and pack.” She hopped off the counter. “Got a phone call.”

The phone range and everyone looked at her before Angel answered it. “Hello?”

“So, you know who it is?” Fred asked, fairly awed. She never actually met a bona fide seer.

You know, Cordelia started. I bet it’s Buffy.

And I already know you’re right.

“The Slayer. Buffy.” The vampire threw the dagger from her right hand to her left. “Sunnydale, here we come.”

“We’ll be there.” Angel hung up and turned to everyone else. “We-“

“Have to go to Sunnydale.” Wesley interrupted.

“Stace told us already.” Gunn added.

“Oh.” Angel grimaced. “Guess it’s time to pack then.” He followed everyone towards the stairs.


Angel stopped and turned to look at Stacy Lynn. He walked back towards the younger vampire. “Stacy Lynn.”

She rolled her eyes. “How’s life, or unlife as the case may be, since we last talked? Got your…” she looked around the building, actually admiring it. “Your fancy hotel…your friends…” she turned back to him, “must be cozy.”

“What is your problem with me?”

“No problem. Just a minor annoyance. I’m kinda sorry I was twenty-two years too late to meet Angelus.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I’m not stupid. Think I’ve seen what he can really do, what you can really do.” She moved past him to walk up the stairs. She stopped halfway and turned back to him.

“Every action has a reaction, Angel. Do you believe that if you hadn’t met
Whistler you’d have went to Sunnydale, waited for the Slayer? Met her? Be on the path you’re on that gave you the hotel that could be destroyed, easily not exist, and the friends that could die at any time?”

Angel narrowed his eyes at her. “So, what; you have a few grudges so you’re just blaming me?”

“No.” The female laughed. “I just go so damn tried of everyone always talking about how, ‘if Angelus was here, we’d probably be massacring the town right now.’ Frankly, I got fucking sick of it. But I got over it. Did something productive with it. Remember the times?”


“Not done yet. It isn’t fair if you speak out of turn.” Channeling, Darla had called it the first time she saw Stacy Lynn do it. It was like having two Drusilla’s in the room, which made for some interesting experiments… “Do you want to know why I’m over it? It’s because they don’t talk about you anymore.” Stacy Lynn didn’t care anymore, but unknowingly, she was setting up something that would be used against Angel later.

“And the greatest part about that?” Stacy Lynn grinned. “If they don’t talk, they don’t care.”


She kicked him in the chest, watching him stumble back. She raced forward, following through with a quick punch to the face, careful of the nose. He told her that she always went for the nose. Then, she was caught off guard when he grabbed her waist and flung her in the air.

She landed on her feet and grinned at him. “You are so in for it.”

He smirked. “Give me your best shot, pet.”

If anyone were in the room with them, they’d comment on the palpable unresolved sexual tension they were stuck with. It made no sense that they couldn’t find the time, or place, to just be a couple.

He ducked a roundhouse kick, followed by a one-two punch to the face. He kicked her in the gut and she doubled over, earning a knee to the chin.

If it were any other couple, the enjoyment of knocking each other senseless would strike a person as peculiar. But, then again, it was Buffy and Spike. And the fighting, plus the passionate kisses, was the only thing close to intimacy they’d get with a few of Katherine’s people staying with them until she and Dawn returned, never mind that Willow and Tara lived there.

She swung her leg up to knock him off his feet and flipped to her own. “Ha-“

She was cut off when he knocked her feet from under her. “Tie.”

It had been two days since talking to Dawn and calling Angel. Immediately, Angel, his friends, and the new addition of Stacy Lynn had then apologized for fighting Buffy eight months ago, also claiming that it was a part of warning her.

Buffy had raised an eyebrow, sardonically asking, “That was a part of warning me?”

“Well, yeah,” the dark haired vampire had answered. “You would’ve tried to stake me otherwise.”

The two days had passed quickly as the two groups compared information they had gotten about what was coming.

Stacy Lynn had, on some level, avoided Spike for two days. She’d had this feeling that he’d ask her things she didn’t want to think about the answer to, and therefore avoid any alone time.

She wasn’t that lucky.

He found her on Buffy’s back porch after a late night meeting; it had to be three in the morning and she felt wide awake.

“I saw you run off at the wedding.” He said and she cursed the loud yelp Gunn had made as she yanked him out the door.


“Yeah.” She watched him pull out a cigarette pack and took the one he offered her, using a lighter Gunn had bought at a market and gave to her. She took a pull. “How have you been?”

Stacy Lynn smiled, as that hadn’t been what she expected.

“Good, actually. Have this nice little set up annoying Angel at every possible chance. A…steady source of sex-“

“Stace, how long have you been in love with Gunn?” Spike cut to the chase.

The dark-haired vampire looked at her sire; she didn’t care whether he was still a vampire or not, he was still and always would be her sire, in surprise. “I’m…I’m not. What makes you think that I-how?” she relented.

“You know you’re like an open book, right?”

He was grinning at her and she returned it, taking a small pull on the cigarette in her hand and watching as she blew out the smoke and it swirled.

“Only to you,” she replied.


“So, um, has life been…good?” Angel asked Buffy as they sat in the alley behind the shop.

God, did she want to go home…Buffy smiled good-naturedly at her ex-love. Her first. And felt…fine. The longing of months ago had faded away. There were no…pangs of hurt, no wishful thinking. No desire to run back time. Okay, maybe a little. But, no hope that someday they could be together again.

“Yeah, Angel. Life’s…” Buffy’s eyes widened and her smile brightened as she though of Spike. “Life’s…really good.”

“So…then you’re happy?” Angel pressed.

“Yes, I’m happy, Angel.” Buffy’s smile dimmed a little.

“And life with Spike is good?”

“Yes, Angel. What’s this about?” the slayer asked, tired of this game on of twenty-one questions.

“You and Katherine are okay, right?”

Yes, Angel. You thought we wouldn’t be because of the thing with Spike?”

“Buffy, It’s not that. It’s just that after Katherine and Spike came to L.A.-“

“You figured, if anyone, he’d marry Katherine, not me.” Buffy said. “And Katherine and I would hate each other’s guts because a decision was made to end the ‘love triangle.’ Well, one-it was Katherine’s decision. Two-we’re stubborn, I get that. But we can’t be that stubborn.”

Angel looked at Buffy and realized how much they had changed over the years. She would always have this place in his heart that no one else but Buffy could touch, and he hoped it was mutual.

“So, Angel, a question, since we’re playing catch up.”

“Go for it.”

“How’s it going with Cordy? You two look happy…well, not perfectly happy, but regular kind of.” Angel gave her a surprised look and she grinned.

“How did you find out?” Angel was pretty sure he and Cordelia hadn’t given and indication that they were dating, and, if they had-

“Spike told me.” Buffy stood and headed back inside, laughingly saying, “But you should’ve seen the look on your face.”


Margaret sat across from Faith at the reading table, thinking about the forthcoming apocalypse. “Faith, how long do you think Katherine will take?”

“Should be a few more days,” she looked up from her chipped nails. “I mean, she took Dawn with her.”

“Who is a child.”

Cordelia overheard the comment as she entered the shop, cappuccino in hand. “Normally,” she started, nearing the table, “I’d agree, but there’s something different about Dawn.”

Margaret turned to look at her as she sat at the table. “You trust the girl to be able to help?”

“And you don’t. Why did you even come to town with Katherine?”

“I could sense why she came to find me.”

“Then,” Faith reinstated herself into the conversation. “Isn’t Dawn as important as anyone else?”

“You know whatever the hell it is we’re about to face is going to underestimate her. But it defeats the purpose if we’re doing it ourselves. All it’ll do is get us killed.”


They were in a fight club. One with the best standing, which was why Jess was the champion there. Jess was a girl with a reputation, a hard look, and a street fighters’ technique her signature.

Dawn had pointed at the ring as she and Katherine watched Jess win a fight once again. The opponent was knocked unconscious by a punch in the face. Jess stood, cocky and smirking as she was announced the winner.

“So,” Dawn started, “I’m thinking we wait ‘til he night is done, then go scare the crap out of her by talking about demons.” She looked at Katherine. “How does that sound?”

“Actually?” Katherine blinked. “Perfect.”


“How long was it before Angel asked if things were okay between you and Katherine?” Spike asked as he and Buffy returned home from patrol that night.

“Five minutes of playing twenty-one questions before I realized that was the whole point of him asking for us to ‘talk.’” She turned to face him, grinning. “Pretty boots, courtesy of Nine West? Sixty dollars. Nice stylish jeans? Forty-two dollars. Lacy shirt Spike likes? Twenty-two dollars. Any accessories? Ten dollars. Seeing the look on Angel’s face when he found out that I knew he was dating Cordelia? Priceless.”

She kissed Spike on the lips and smiled at him. “Dawn’s in France…Willow’s at Tara’s…thinking what I’m thinking?”

“I think I’m a step ahead of you.” Spike answered, pulling her back towards him and kissing her.

Even after five months, it was still surreal to them. It was unbelievable that they’d finally found a point where they fit and they could just be together. And, after going away for three weeks, because it was just much more fun that way, it had given everyone time to fully adjust to the fact that Buffy and Spike were as in love with each other as it was possible for Xander and Anya, or Willow and Tara.

Buffy grinned even as she kissed Spike back, wrapping her arms around his neck as he held her waist and they stood by the foot of the stairs.

“Hey, B, you don’t mind if I eat the last-“ Faith paused as she saw the couple, coming out of the kitchen. Buffy and Spike slowly turned to look at her. A sly grin came to Faith’s face as she reached the obvious conclusion. “Was I interrupting? ‘Cause if I was, I could just go back in the kitchen. Pretend I’m not here.”

As if it’s that easy, Buffy thought, giving Faith a look. “Did you eat everything at Xander’s already?”

“No. Marge just happens to be the endless pit.” Faith slowly backed into the kitchen. “I was serious about me not being her though.” She gave a wicked a smirk and disappeared into the room, the sound of the refrigerator opening, and then closing, greeting the married couple.

Buffy sighed, turning to face Spike. “Later?” She asked, smiling apologetically. Damn Faith.

“Count on it,” he replied, kissing her on the lips. She relished in it, leaning into him as it lingered, before he pulled away and went upstairs.

Buffy watched him go, the fun of that interrupted when Faith said from behind her, head tilted at the same angle as Buffy’s, “Think you could tell me where the mustard is?”


Katherine waited patiently for Jess with Dawn at the back entrance. When the young woman finally emerged, Dawn approached her first. “Um, hi, Jess, right?” the teenager asked as Katherine pulled out a cigarette.

“Yeah, so?” Jess gave her and Katherine looks as the blonde continued to puff; she looked as if she was sizing them up for a fight.

“I think you know why we’re here.” Katherine finally said, putting her cigarette out and hoping that by some miracle she’d trust them.

“I’m starting to think the world may be ending.” Jess replied, implying that she did in fact know.

“It is. I’m Katherine; she’s Dawn.” Katherine said. “Now, if we could get out of here before someone tries to kill us, it’d be great.”


Gunn had known it was going to happen from the moment Stacy Lynn had told him that she knew, that Spike was her sire. It was inevitable. “You didn’t marry Kat.”

“Katherine and me…we’re just best friends-“

“With benefits every once in a while,” Gunn interrupted.

“Not helping, Charlie. Anyway, she made the decision. She decided it wouldn’t work anymore.”

“’Cause she loves you.”

“Maybe. And still not the reason I came out here.”

“So we weren’t playing catch up?” Gunn asked sarcastically. “I’m so very hurt.”

“Quit the theatrics.”

“It’s about Stace, right?”

“It’s always about a girl.” Spike answered, thinking about Buffy and everything he’d done, just because of her and how he felt for her.

“I feel a threat coming.”

“If Stace gets hurt, and I find out it’s your fault, you won’t live to see the next day, Powers be damned.”

Gunn should’ve felt threatened. But, somewhere he knew that Spike just didn’t want Stacy Lynn getting hurt. Gunn would’ve done the same for Alonna.

“Gotcha,” he replied.

“Killing you isn’t really something I had planned.” Spike said as if it was supposed to be anymore of a consolation.

“Yeah…I like me like I am too.” Gunn joked. “Alive.”


The next night, Dawn sat with Jess to find out more about her life. She was truly interested, but she also wanted to make sure none of the Scoobies slipped up and said something to insult or offend Jess.

“My mother is a maid, last I saw of her. She was the best and I miss her dearly. She always dreamed of going to the United States. I really wish I could make it come true.” Jess said.

“You really love your mom.” Dawn said with a wistful remembrance of her own mother.

“She’s all I got. Don’t you love yours?”


Jess could hear the brief sadness in Dawn’s voice. “What happened?”

“She died. Aneurysm.”

“I’m sorry,” the older female apologized. “I shouldn’t have-”

“I’m fine. It’s been two years. I just miss her sometimes.”

“Here I am going on about me mother. Tell me about yours.” Jess sat up.

Dawn smiled. “Thanks.” She began to recollect her fondest memories of Joyce to the warrior.

Katherine watched them, just outside the room, and understood why Dawn was meant to be Jess’ guide. Dawn understood Jess and vice versa. It was a perfect match.

She grabbed her keys to the room and left to find her own warrior.

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