Author's Chapter Notes:
Two more chapters to go. Yay!
Chapter Nineteen: The Almighty I Can Kick Your Ass (Pretending)

“You know what I think?” Trixie asked suddenly, dropping into a seat at the reading table.

“No one actually cares what you think.” Kennedy commented harshly; God, was she feeling irritable.

“I think I need to get on the first flight back to Paris.” Trixie continued as if Kennedy hadn’t opened her mouth.

“You would give up, wouldn’t you? All that talk about fighting your damndest was a load of bull, huh?” Jess asked, her eyebrow raised challengingly.

“We’re not at the club, Jessie. Stop acting like you’re the champ.” Trixie retorted, eyes narrowed.

“You know what i think? Everyone should just shut up.” Dawn jumped in as she came down from the loft with a book at hand. Having to deal with Margaret treating her like she was as deserving as Faith was getting to her.

“How about you put a sock in it?” Kennedy then said.

That was how the argument started. The four girls had escalated to the point of standing in some sort of circle, yelling at the top of their lungs.

Then Fred showed up, coming out of Giles’ office and looking more than just a little annoyed. Actually, she had been quite tolerant, waiting an entire nine minutes before saying anything. “We’re trying to research!”

“For what?” Trixie asked. “We’re going to lose. And die. Everyone.”

“You don’t know that, so shut up.” Dawn said. “Stop pretending you know the future.”

“You don’t have to know the future; all you have to know is common sense.” Trixie said sardonically.

Spike entered from the training room, heard the yelling and made his only and quickest U-turn, Gunn following him almost immediately.

“You know what I think?” Stacy Lynn asked. “I think you’re all a bunch of scared people, taking it out on each other because you don’t think anyone else is as scared as you are. Well, I have news for you. Get over it. We don’t have time for stupid, whiny, ridiculous arguments, nor the ‘oh why don’t you back off, blah’-“

“What? Are you the almighty Queen of Answers?” Jess asked.

Stacy Lynn glared her way, because really, she was just as annoyed as everyone else. She tried to be the voice of reason, and that was what she got for her trouble.

“No. I’m more the Almighty I Can Kick Your Ass than anything else, but feel free to call me whatever you want.”


“I found a mention on Tur-no…wait. It’s an Old One.” Margaret stated as she sat on Giles’ desk (he of course wasn’t anywhere near it), flipping through pages.

“Which one?” Wesley asked with interest. When was Fred coming back in after stopping the fight?

“Um…Illyria. Peculiar. This information shouldn’t be out in the open like this. This book is erroneous.” She said.

“I beg to differ.” Giles scoffed. Of course he didn’t think any of his books could be wrong.

“You would. But it is; information on how to bring back an Old One as terrible as Illyria shouldn’t be out in the open.” Margaret responded.

“You say that as if you’ve seen her in action.” Giles said.

“Well, I can only imagine,” Margaret replied quickly as Wesley excused himself to go find Fred.

She slowly closed her book and placed it beside her on the desk. She pushed herself off the furniture and neared Giles. “Are you still nervous?”

The watcher jumped and Margaret got the feeling that, yes, he was still nervous. He whirled to face her. “Must you do that?”

“Yes, actually.” Margaret replied. “It’s not as if it really bothers you.”

“Yes, it does. A lot, I must add.”

“Right. I’m more than a few decades old, Rupert. I don’t have time to sit around playing games. So, I’ll be straightforward once more.” Margaret paused for flair and gave him a slight smile. “I’m going to kiss you.”


She leaned forward and pressed her lips on his, as a chaste kiss. She’d only been experimenting, testing, but he held her there, deepened the kiss.

Margaret was getting older, just like Giles. They were past their golden years where they could have fun and play with serious topics. They weren’t always going to feel immortal and they definitely weren’t getting younger. They were the adults. So, maybe, it was a natural thing for Margaret to be attracted to the one person that acted like her.

They parted for air and Margaret instantly smiled. “Are you done pretending?”

There was something about her asking that, or maybe it was the way she asked that, that made him smile. “I believe so.”

They kissed again, slow and sweet, before the racket outside and the sound of a thump met their ears.

“Later?” Margaret asked, ironically almost feeling young.

“Later.” Giles confirmed.

Margaret left the office, followed by Giles. They were just in time to see Stacy Lynn standing over Jess, flexing her fist, as the other girl remained unmoving.

“That felt good.” She said, smirking. “Real good.”


Buffy was in the worst shape between the two as they entered the ship. Katherine had cuts and bruises, but they were all healing. Buff’s arm hurt beyond the usual and if it wasn’t for the fact that she’d only landed on it three times, she’d think her arm was broken-Katherine had assured her it was only sprained.

“Ow. Ow. Ow!” She yelled as Dawn or someone jarred the damaged limb.

“Buffy, what the hell happened?” Spike asked, concern apparent as he crossed to her side to inspect her arm.

“Something prehistoric kicked our asses.” Buffy replied with a small smile sent her husband’s way.

“Katherine, what happened?” Giles asked the demi god.

Katherine looked at him from staring at Jess who sat holding her jaw. “Yeah, um, findin’ Angel isn’t out only problem.” The blonde answered. “There are Turok Hans.”

Buffy found no comfort in the fact that the two words that came out of Giles’s mouth next weren’t dear, or Lord. More like something she’d find Spike muttering in this situation, which, of course, he was.

“Okay, so what are Turok Hans?” Xander asked, eager looks form the others adding to the situation.

“Please, fill me in. I fought it and I’m still in the dark.” Buffy added.

Anya explained with a grimace, “Turok Hans are the worst, strongest, most sinister, primal vampires ever. They’re the first vampires. Something to be feared and awed. They are the vampires that vampires fear. Banished into the hell mouth millenniums ago. If the first released even a few, it means…well, exactly what Giles said.”


Angel was slowly losing his grip on reality. He couldn’t tell the difference between reality and illusion anymore. It had become such a thin line. And the First didn’t help matters any.

They’ll come.

The First began it’s taunting as Spike. “Do you really think we’re coming? Because we won’t. Why should we risk our own hides just to save yours, Angelus? I like my liveliness just fine, thank you. Besides, you’re only a vampire; hardly important. So,” it clapped its hands, “let go of your little wish and do the right thing here. Choose my side so this can end.”

Spike became Glory. “It’s really kind of fun…well, up until the part where one of them kills you…but you already know what that’s like, don’t you? And, hey, I know you really want it. Want the darkness. Want…”

Glory became ADAM. “…to let go. To be what you are. To become Angelus. Because you think Angelus has the strength, the power…”

ADAM became Mayor Wilkins. “Well, you’re wrong, boyo, but good guess. Angelus may be truly evil…like me in condensed form, but he does not have any of the power here. And you should remember that.”

Mayor Wilkins became Angelus. “And what you need to realize is that not even I can be as powerful as what’s coming. Because you all think that just because I’m the First Evil, I’m just a really old evil power.

Angelus became the Master. “Well, you’re wrong. Again. We’re going back, Angel. And, are we going back. Before you, before me, to the entire reason for why we even exist.”

The master became a happily smiling Buffy. “:’Cause, if you hadn’t noticed yet, it’s about Power. Who has it, and who doesn’t. I have it. I’ll always have it. I will keep it. And the reason for this doesn’t start with me, no, not the First, Angel. Oh no. It starts…with her. With the Slayer. She shouldn’t be here, you know. She should be six feet under, in a coffin, being worm food and enjoying the afterlife.”

Buffy became Spike once more. “Now,” he smirked and Angel had to hate him more than usual, “If that isn’t a shock, I don’t believe I know what is.”

Angel shut his eyes tightly, trying to block out the voices and the faces, and concentrate on one single, unrelenting, thought.

They’ll come.


“My little Tara.”

Tara had decided the research in the library at school, as a way to get away from the argumentative group. Once or twice, she’d been ready to shut them all up with a spell, and decided on a more peaceful route.

At this voice, however, she couldn’t manage to keep her gasp to herself, disbelieving as she stood and stared at the figure in awe. “Mama? Are you…are you really here?”

“Tara, I’m really here.”

A joy she couldn’t describe rose within her and she hurried to hug her mother. She stopped when she found that she went through the woman. “What-?”

“I’m not physical on this plane. But, believe me, I’m still here.”

“I’ve missed you so much.” Tara said as a tear fell from her eye.

“I missed you too, honey. I have a message, from very important people, Tara.” The woman paused. “You can’t trust Willow. She’s still irresponsible with the magic.”

“N-no…she’s…she’s better. Katherine helped her get better.”

“The end is coming, Tara. You have to be ready for it. You can’t let love get in the way.”

“I…I can’t kill her.” Tara disagreed.

“You have to. Otherwise you and your bitch can burn in hell!”

Tara backed away from the bodiless spirit. “You’re…you’re not my mother.”

“I’m…I’m not, am I?” She asked mockingly. “But, I had you fooled there for a while, didn’t I? C’mon and tell me I did. It’ll make my day.” The First grinned.

Tara grabbed her things haphazardly, not paying the First any mind. She ran through the doors at the words, the voice light and teasing, a mockery, “You can’t always trust your heart, Tara, honey!”


“It’s amazing what not having a past can do for you.” The First said, appearing on Margaret’s bed. The redhead snorted. “You know exactly what I’m saying, don’t you?”

“I’m the pastless one. What did you expect? And, aren’t there people for you to haunt?” Margaret asked.

For no obvious reason, the First began to laugh, in the form of Tracy. Margaret glared. “What’s so funny?”

“You. And the watcher. And your horrid middle-aged romance. My God, you’re no Jennifer Calendar. Not even Joyce Summers. You’re only the third on the list. And then you’ll die and he can move on.”

“What makes you think I’m serious about him?”

“Everything.” The First hopes off the bed. “I mean, for all your centuries of life, you’d think you’d realize that your entire relationship, he’ll just compare you to them. To the women that came before you. Can you really handle that? Every single choice you make, you are compared to two dead women. Oh, hey, does that bother you?”

By the stormy look on Margaret’s face, the First got Its answer and disappeared, grinning at the redhead innocently.


“They like to keep things from you. For y’own good, they say.”

Katherine continued to walk down the street. “You aren’t my mother. Piss off.”

“I could tell you who killed me. You want to now that, don’t you? Especially since they’re still alive.” The First said, following.

It got the reaction it wanted. Katherine stopped and turned around. “They’re not dead?”

“No.” It smiled softly as it saw the emotions play across Katherine’s face. “A rival coven made a wish to certain ex-vengeance demon you know and love. She granted it, and voila, orphan Kat.”

“Anya.” Her voice was toneless as the truth of it all came to her.

“The simplest wish I ever granted. It was a favor. I killed a witch and her small time husband.” Anyanka told her, a grin on her face.

Katherine frowned. “Sounds more weird than simple.”


Katherine’s jaw ticked and she shut her eyes, as if not to show the evil in her mother’s form just how it affected her to find out that her oldest friend had killed her parents. Anya killed her parents. Had bragged about it, even.

“Now, what do you say?” The First asked as Katherine turned her back on it slowly and began to walk away.

Katherine paused. It sounded so much like her mother; she couldn’t help her answer. “Ta, mum.” She closed her eyes again.

“And…what do you do?” The voice took a sinister and dark turn…too unusual for the soul it had once belonged to.

A curling black cloud surrounded Katherine’s heart and gripped it. She only had one thought: Anya killed them. Anya killed them.

Katherine’s lavender eyes snapped open, her hair’s color changing. “Kill that bitch.”


“Well, you must be happy.”

Willow looked up and stumbled off her bed to see Warren Mears standing before her. She was pretty sure that Katherine had killed him a half a year ago.

“Not having to feel that pang of guilt. Not having to be called a murderer. No, because a demi-god changed things. So, you couldn’t kill me. I’m not really torture on your soul. But, I just felt I had to remind you that if it wasn’t for that blonde bitch I’d have killed your precious Tara.”

Willow took a deep breath, reminding herself that Katherine killed him months ago and that it didn’t matter anymore. That he was dead and nerve coming back and, most of all, he was dead. She really hoped her eyes weren’t turning black.

“You need to realize that you’re dark. Always will be. Nothing, not even changing fate, will take that away.” Willow shut her eyes. “I mean, just think about what happened with Rack. You wanted the darkness. You still do.”

Warren became Buffy before her very eyes. “You have to end this, Will. Before it’s too late. Before you hurt us all, like you hurt me. Before you kill us…kill yourself.”

Her eyes shot open, not quite the inky black of before, but not quite the pure white Katherine was capable of. “Leave me alone!” Her words held power, a power that was unknown to her where it originated from. But it was there.

The First gave a smile, disappearing. Willow waited for it to be gone to slump to the floor, shaken beyond measure.


“My poor Spike. Not my dark prince anymore. He’s been touched by the light. If I reach out, I’ll burn. Burn…burn…burn to dust. No more princess.”

Spike looked at the soulless being with much annoyance. “You know, I don’t have anything traumatic enough to bother me with at the moment, so why waste your time?”

“You may be right.” It paused. “But I just wanted to give you a heads up. Katherine found out about Anya, courtesy of moi.”

It only took Spike a moment before he backed away and ran off in the direction of the apartment.


“Where does she get the money for all of this?” Faith asked, looking at Katherine’s living room, with respect.

“That’s a real obvious way to change the topic.” Stacy Lynn replied. “But, yeah, I don’t have a clue.”

“I’m just…confused.”

“I get what you’re saying.” Stacy Lynn said. “And if there’s anything I’ve learned in one hundred and two years, it’s to let it all go.”

“I can’t. Dawn’s…she’s Buffy’s sister. And she hates me, with good reason-“

“Tell her to hate Spike. Tell her to hate Anya, and Katherine, and Angel, and everyone else she still loves, even though at some point they tried to kill Buffy-or will.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“No it isn’t, is it?” Stacy Lynn replied. She didn’t know what to do for Faith. Dawn was adjusting to the fact that Faith wasn’t evil to anyone else anymore and Faith would have to wait out the teenager’s acceptance.

“I’m gonna get a soda and food. How’s pizza sound?” Stacy Lynn asked.

“Pizza?” Faith raised an eyebrow.

“It’s Charlie’s fault.” The vampire defended. “And Spike’s.”

Faith nodded. “Yeah, okay then.”

“Be back.” Stacy Lynn, grabbing her jacket and heading to the door. One hand on the knob, she said, “Oh, and Faith?”


“Dawn can’t see it yet…but you’re doing just fine.”

Faith smiled a bit, grateful for Stacy Lynn’s words. The door closed behind the brunette vampire and Faith sat back, closing her eyes.

“I’d say better than fine, you know. I’d say that you’re doing a real bang up job.”

Faith’s eyes shot open to see the First looking at her, the form of the Mayor haunting her. “Get out.”

“Well, gosh. I think a ‘hello’ or a ‘nice to see you’ might be a little more welcome. It’s the end of humanity, Faith, not the end of courtesy.” The First said with a smile.

“You’re wasting your time. I know who you are. What you are.” Faith really wished Stacy Lynn would hurry back. She had a bad feeling about this conversation.

“Yeah, nobody’s explained to you how this works, have they? You see, I am part of the First, as you kids call it, but I am also me. Richard Wilkins the Third (III), late mayor and founder of Sunnydale. Here; I’ll prove it to you.” The First said. “Ask me a question only I know the answer to. Something like…where did I hide the moon pies in my office, or who was my favorite character in Little Women. Meg. I know! Most people guess Beth, but Meg, she’s such a proper young lady. Remember when Jo burned her hair?”

Faith stood up. “I know what you’re doing and it’s not going to work.” She then shrugged. “But feel free to keep talking, ‘cause, hell, I could listen to you yap all night. Well, not all night. You might have to leave when Stace gets back. I think she might listen for five minutes tops before telling you to shut the fuck up.”

“Hey, hey, hey. Language. You’re a Champion now, aren’t you? You keep throwing around the h-e-double hockey sticks and the f-u’s and pretty soon the younger ones are going to pick up on it. Like Dawn. Then what?”

“Hey, you let me worry about Dawn.” Faith idly wondered if anyone else was having a conversation with a dead person tonight.

“Of course, of course. You’re doing a great job there, aren’t you, Faith? Though, you know, Buffy just might wise up and feel the same way her little sister does.”

“Buffy wouldn’t do that.”

“Why are you protecting her? You think she cares about you. She nearly killed you, Faith. Not that I’m surprised. You do keep trying to kill her boyfriends. First Angel, then Spike. And they protect you from her. A girl has to wonder…”

“It’s different now.” Faith said insistently.

“Or are you just hoping it is? No matter what you do, Buffy will always see you as a killer, not as a person. All she needs is an excuse and she’ll finish what she started when she stuck that knife in your belly. You stay on guard, Faith. Buffy’s dangerous. If you’re not careful, she’ll destroy you. And I’ll watch.”


Buffy sat next to Dawn on the couch, handing her the bowl of popcorn. Spike had volunteered to scout some place for Angel, so the two were taking to opportunity to enjoy a sisterly bonding night.

Both were alarmed when a white light flooded the room and Joyce appeared with a distressed look on her face. The two girls squinted, covering their faces with their forearms. “Buffy, Dawn, please, don’t-“

“Mom?” Dawn asked, concerned when the light suddenly faded and she disappeared, flickering back, much calmer than before.

Buffy grabbed Dawn’s arm and yanked her back, noticing the difference between this Joyce and the glowing one. “Get out.”

“Buffy, don’t tell me you can’t say ‘hi’ after nearly two years?”

“Buffy, it’s mom! What’s wrong with you?! Buffy, stop being psycho and let go of me!” the teenager screeched, yanking her arm away.

Buffy grabbed her again. “Dawn, it’s not mom.”

“Of course, it’s mom! Why wouldn’t it be?” Dawn stepped back from her sister again.

“It’s the First.” Buffy answered, the thought occurring to her.

Joyce faded into Buffy, her attention focused on Dawn. “Y’know, you should listen to me, Dawn. I’m always right. Well, not always, but mostly. It’s a gift.”

Buffy turned into Spike. “The end’s coming, and you, my two beautiful Summers women, will not be batting for the same team.” It smirked at the looks of distrust the sisters gave each other. “From beneath you, It devours. From underneath, I will come.”

It disappeared.

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