[Reviews - 900] LikedPrinter
Past Featured StorySummary: Spike returns to Sunnydale to kill the Slayer. He’s just too drunk to do it properly, and ends up getting himself into the deep without even realizing it. Perhaps worst of all, he has no memory of his actions the next day.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 52 Completed: Yes
Word count: 135370 Read: 204723
Published: 06/01/2006 Updated: 08/24/2006

1. Chapter 1 by Ameeya [Reviews - 23] Liked (2008 words)
Thanks to Megan and Meredith for betaing this for me!

2. Chapter 2 by Ameeya [Reviews - 8] Liked (1791 words)
Thanks so much to everyone who read/reviewed!

3. Chapter 3 by Ameeya [Reviews - 11] Liked (2241 words)
Okay, so…ummm, extremely nervous about this chapter. I just want to remind everyone that it is Season 3 Spike, and therefore he is evil. Not to mention drunk. He is very, very drunk.

If my planning goes right (and please don’t hold me to it) this is about as angsty as I intend to go. The fic itself is described (in my head, at least) as a fluffy fic, bordering on comedy. However, I didn’t want to shorthand the characters…at least not so soon in the story. I’m sure I’ll take them plenty out of character later, but for now, I’d like to at least try to maintain the pretense that I know how to write Spike before he gets bitten with the Buffy-lovin’ bug.

Having said that, I have major, major issues with non-con, which made very this incredibly hard to write. So, be prepared…some of this may be perceived (and likely will be) as non-con. But hopefully, the fluffiest non-con you’ve ever come across.

Thanks to my betas for talking me through it.

4. Chapter 4 by Ameeya [Reviews - 25] Liked (2520 words)
I so appreciate all the comments/reviews on this fic, particularly the last chapter. I’m gonna try to get this revved back into the fluffy/comedic light and not do the “expected” thing when it comes to non-con…but at the same time, treat the non-con for what it was. However, I do think it’s important to note that, while Buffy was hurt by Spike’s actions, she was more terrified of her own reactions. It was the only way I could talk myself into doing non-con. Trust me, that scene was specifically for plot purposes. I wouldn’t have done it otherwise.

Again, thank you so much!

5. Chapter 5 by Ameeya [Reviews - 10] Liked (1801 words)

6. Chapter 6 by Ameeya [Reviews - 15] Liked (1973 words)

7. Chapter 7 by Ameeya [Reviews - 11] Liked (2171 words)

8. Chapter 8 by Ameeya [Reviews - 9] Liked (2745 words)

9. Chapter 9 by Ameeya [Reviews - 13] Liked (2227 words)
Thanks so much to all my readers! *hugz you all*

10. Chapter 10 by Ameeya [Reviews - 20] Liked (2884 words)
Thanks so much to my wonderful betas. Your irreplaceable help aside, your enthusiasm for new chapters always leaves me giggling.

And to my readers. Wow. I can’t tell you how much the response to this fic has stunned the hell out of me. Thank you guys so much!! *hugz*

11. Chapter 11 by Ameeya [Reviews - 15] Liked (2444 words)

12. Chapter 12 by Ameeya [Reviews - 13] Liked (2789 words)

13. Chapter 13 by Ameeya [Reviews - 10] Liked (2158 words)
Nothing profound…just want to express my extreme thanks to everyone who has read/reviewed this story. I really can’t tell you guys how much it means to me. I know I keep saying it, but the response has been really, really overwhelming, and, well…that’s about it. Like I said, nothing profound…just the gratitude of an extremely thankful author. =)

14. Chapter 14 by Ameeya [Reviews - 14] Liked (3895 words)
This chapter ran a little long, but I didn’t have the heart to cut it. Hope you all don’t mind.

***bounces nervously*** I really, really hope this was worth the wait.

As always, THANK YOU all for your wonderful support. It makes me all kinds of fuzzy insides. =)

15. Chapter 15 by Ameeya [Reviews - 11] Liked (2001 words)

16. Chapter 16 by Ameeya [Reviews - 9] Liked (2362 words)

17. Chapter 17 by Ameeya [Reviews - 13] Liked (3220 words)
Thank you guys so much for the congrats on the nominations!!! ***HUGZ***

18. Chapter 18 by Ameeya [Reviews - 10] Liked (2622 words)

19. Chapter 19 by Ameeya [Reviews - 17] Liked (2314 words)

20. Chapter 20 by Ameeya [Reviews - 18] Liked (2444 words)

21. Chapter 21 by Ameeya [Reviews - 19] Liked (3268 words)

22. Chapter 22 by Ameeya [Reviews - 14] Liked (1887 words)

23. Chapter 23 by Ameeya [Reviews - 16] Liked (1755 words)

24. Chapter 24 by Ameeya [Reviews - 11] Liked (1910 words)
All right. Here it is. Finally some talk of Spike lacks so drastically in the knowledge of claims. I so appreciate everyone who’s trusted me this far. You guys are so incredibly awesome. ***HUGZ***

25. Chapter 25 by Ameeya [Reviews - 16] Liked (4659 words)

26. Chapter 26 by Ameeya [Reviews - 18] Liked (1969 words)

27. Chapter 27 by Ameeya [Reviews - 21] Liked (2487 words)

28. Chapter 28 by Ameeya [Reviews - 15] Liked (3149 words)

29. Chapter 29 by Ameeya [Reviews - 15] Liked (2370 words)

30. Chapter 30 by Ameeya [Reviews - 15] Liked (3564 words)

31. Chapter 31 by Ameeya [Reviews - 21] Liked (2287 words)

32. Chapter 32 by Ameeya [Reviews - 32] Liked (2337 words)

33. Chapter 33 by Ameeya [Reviews - 13] Liked (2932 words)

34. Chapter 34 by Ameeya [Reviews - 18] Liked (2680 words)

35. Chapter 35 by Ameeya [Reviews - 19] Liked (3784 words)

36. Chapter 36 by Ameeya [Reviews - 19] Liked (2394 words)

37. Chapter 37 by Ameeya [Reviews - 21] Liked (2435 words)

38. Chapter 38 by Ameeya [Reviews - 27] Liked (2646 words)

39. Chapter 39 by Ameeya [Reviews - 21] Liked (2389 words)

40. Chapter 40 by Ameeya [Reviews - 29] Liked (2499 words)

41. Chapter 41 by Ameeya [Reviews - 30] Liked (2301 words)

42. Chapter 42 by Ameeya [Reviews - 24] Liked (2016 words)

43. Chapter 43 by Ameeya [Reviews - 20] Liked (2089 words)

44. Chapter 44 by Ameeya [Reviews - 11] Liked (2853 words)

45. Chapter 45 by Ameeya [Reviews - 7] Liked (3191 words)
*clings to TSR* Eeek! Okay, so, I bring you two - count 'em - two chapters. :) Oh, and I have the BEST FRIENDS in the world. That is all. *bounce*

46. Chapter 46 by Ameeya [Reviews - 12] Liked (4327 words)

47. Chapter 47 by Ameeya [Reviews - 28] Liked (1809 words)

48. Chapter 48 by Ameeya [Reviews - 19] Liked (2942 words)

49. Chapter 49 by Ameeya [Reviews - 21] Liked (2125 words)

50. Chapter 50 by Ameeya [Reviews - 12] Liked (2607 words)

51. Chapter 51 by Ameeya [Reviews - 17] Liked (3474 words)

52. Chapter 52 by Ameeya [Reviews - 44] Liked (3625 words)