[Reviews - 332] LikedPrinter
Summary: Buffy says she could *never* trust Spike -- but how far is he willing to trust her?
Rated: 18
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: Yes
Word count: 95430 Read: 59539
Published: 06/07/2006 Updated: 08/10/2006

1. Chapter One by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 14] Liked (2529 words)

2. Chapter Two by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 8] Liked (2667 words)

3. Only Beginning by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 10] Liked (2799 words)

4. In or Out? by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 11] Liked (3055 words)

5. If You Dare... by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 7] Liked (2425 words)

6. Blind Obedience by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 9] Liked (2811 words)

7. Warm Up by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 8] Liked (2417 words)

8. Are You Listening? by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 7] Liked (3007 words)

9. Still Talking by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 7] Liked (2855 words)

10. Always Bad by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 6] Liked (3006 words)

11. Only One Thing by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 7] Liked (3645 words)

12. Selfish by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 9] Liked (3576 words)

13. Giving You Me by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 8] Liked (2704 words)

14. Gone by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 10] Liked (2541 words)

15. The Theory by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 9] Liked (2801 words)

16. Wish I Knew by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 8] Liked (2837 words)

17. Not About Me by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 12] Liked (3115 words)

18. Won't Play Thjs Game by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 14] Liked (3111 words)

19. All I Can Ask by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 13] Liked (3632 words)

20. Taking It Slow by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 11] Liked (2951 words)

21. So Many Secrets by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 13] Liked (2597 words)
Yes, I know I'm majorly screwing with the timeline, but oh well...and yes, there are other characters in this story :P this is a bit different but hope you like it :)

22. Losing You by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 12] Liked (4159 words)

23. The Man She Loves by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 14] Liked (2994 words)

24. For What It's Worth by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 11] Liked (3224 words)

25. William's Wall by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 13] Liked (2650 words)

26. His Last Love by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 7] Liked (2596 words)
I know, I'm evil -- more on the answer to Buffy's question next chappie :P lol

27. Step by Step by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 12] Liked (2708 words)

28. Letting Go by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 14] Liked (3056 words)

29. The Last Time by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 14] Liked (3583 words)

30. Almost There by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 9] Liked (3405 words)

31. On the Edge by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 11] Liked (2619 words)

32. Epilogue by DreamsofSpike [Reviews - 14] Liked (3355 words)
Hope you've all enjoyed it :)