[Reviews - 79] LikedPrinter
Summary: A now retired Buffy is called upon to save the world, when a charasmatic vampire raises an army
Rated: 15
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: Yes
Word count: 71388 Read: 41794
Published: 04/02/2004 Updated: 05/17/2004

1. A Perfect Life by TheBear [Reviews - 1] Liked (778 words)

2. A Call to Arms by TheBear [Reviews - 1] (1526 words)

3. A rising force by TheBear [Reviews - 1] (1838 words)

4. A return of friends by TheBear [Reviews - 1] (1487 words)

5. A version of the past by TheBear [Reviews - 3] Liked (1911 words)

6. A little closer by TheBear [Reviews - 1] (2098 words)

7. A chance encounter by TheBear [Reviews - 0] Liked (1971 words)

8. A transfer of power by TheBear [Reviews - 0] Liked (2490 words)

9. A different turn by TheBear [Reviews - 1] Liked (2462 words)

10. A kind of knowing by TheBear [Reviews - 0] Liked (2213 words)

11. A segment of truth by TheBear [Reviews - 0] Liked (1630 words)

12. A lack of answers by TheBear [Reviews - 0] (1529 words)

13. A suspicion of more by TheBear [Reviews - 0] (2391 words)

14. A silent attack by TheBear [Reviews - 5] Liked (3185 words)

15. A coming awake by TheBear [Reviews - 4] Liked (2372 words)

16. A bit of progress by TheBear [Reviews - 3] Liked (2181 words)

17. A familiar dance by TheBear [Reviews - 3] Liked (2705 words)

18. A realisation by TheBear [Reviews - 4] Liked (1676 words)

19. A step back by TheBear [Reviews - 2] Liked (1889 words)

20. A little bit of history repeating by TheBear [Reviews - 3] Liked (1954 words)

21. A few things resolved by TheBear [Reviews - 4] Liked (3077 words)

22. A scene replayed by TheBear [Reviews - 6] Liked (2243 words)

23. A welcoming committee by TheBear [Reviews - 3] Liked (3793 words)

24. A healing touch by TheBear [Reviews - 2] Liked (2080 words)

25. A plan explained by TheBear [Reviews - 4] Liked (2442 words)

26. A gift of power by TheBear [Reviews - 3] Liked (3027 words)

27. A battle commences by TheBear [Reviews - 4] Liked (2039 words)

28. A small victory by TheBear [Reviews - 3] Liked (2090 words)

29. A power struggle by TheBear [Reviews - 2] Liked (3567 words)

30. A moment in the aftermath by TheBear [Reviews - 3] Liked (2262 words)

31. A love reclaimed by TheBear [Reviews - 1] Liked (3758 words)

32. Epilogue by TheBear [Reviews - 11] Liked (724 words)