Author's Chapter Notes:
Disclaimer: Ain't mine, don't own it. Thanks for the reviews, sorry I haven't updated for a while. My exams are over (thang GOD), so hopefully I will be updating more often. Also, I'm hoping to update Grifters soon. The chappie I'm writing at the moment is driving me insane, but I will persevere!

Buffy struggled with the lock to her apartment. Cursing under her breath, the mechanism finally clicked and she tugged on the handle. She stomped into the hall and flung her black clutch onto the side table, closely followed by her keys. What had started as a fun, enjoyable evening had rapidly become tense, and she was feeling more than a little agitated. She was unsure about what had her so on edge, until she entered her sitting room and detected the scent of cigarette smoke in the air. She sighed heavily to herself, and turned as Andrew let himself in. Unusually silent, Andrew shrugged his jacket off and hung it up on the wall before locking the door.

"He was here, wasn't he?" Buffy asked.

"Yeh." Andrew replied.

"Jerk." Buffy muttered under her breath, accompanied by a kick to the coffee table. "He was at the club too?" she asked more audibly.

"Yeh." Andrew said.

"Thought so. I could sense him, just didn't know what.....Angel was here too?" she asked suddenly.

"Yeh. They stopped by a couple of hours ago. And a while before that, too." Andrew informed her.

"Where are they now?"

"L.A. They didn't want to stick around after I told them....." Andrew trailed off, sensing danger as Buffy swiveled around and glared at him.

"Told them what!?

"Uh...well...that...about...y' and the Immortal?" Andre stammered. Buffy looked puzzled for a moment.

"Huh?" Her eyes widened in sudden understanding. "You did WHAT?"

"I told them that you two were...y'" he asked.

"What in Gods name gave you that idea!" She demanded.

"Well, it's just that...y'know....with the're" he asked.

"My GOD, what is wrong with you. Just 'cause he gave me a couple of cuddles on the sofa, we're betrothed or something! He's GAY, Andrew, gay for chrissakes! God, I don't believe you!" she shouted. "And...wait, they just left?"

"Uh...yeah." Andrew replied, mentally breathing a sigh of relief that her anger was being directed elsewhere. Buffy flopped onto the couch.

"Asswipes." she muttered. She sighed heavily, putting her head in her hands for a few moments, fighting back the urge to cry. She had known Spike had been back for a while, ever since she had found a large number of Walfram and Hart surveillance pictured in Giles' office. It was safe to say that the conversation that followed hadn't been pleasant, especially when she had discovered that Andrew had actually seen him a little over a month before hand.

"Are you going to tell him?"

"Nope" Buffy said with earnest.

Buffy was determined to let him make the first move. For all he knew, she could still be completley unaware of his return, so the task fell to him to make the first connection. Andrew had told her that he was going to call, but as time webt on, it became more and more apparent to the Slayer that he had moved on. That he no longer wanted to be a part of her life, or Dawn's for that matter. The fact that he had shown up at her apartment and hadn't bothered to stick around to see her proved her belief further. And that was fine with her. If he didn't want her, then there were plenty of other guys out there who did. And it would serve him right if he thought she was in a relationship again. If he wanted to move on, then two could play at that game.

The Immortal, or Dante, had tried to court her when Buffy had first arrived in the Eternal City. Buffy had rebuffed all of his approaches, until the night she had found out Spike had returned and didn't want to talk to her. She had ended up getting more than a little tipsy, and he had taken her back to her apartment. When he had asked her what was wrong with her, she had refused to talk. It was only with gentle coaxing, and the revelation of his own dark secret that she had ended up telling him everything. When he had told her that his gay, she had been slightly taken aback, but not all together shocked. The guy had more shoes than her, for Gods sake. He had talked about his attempts to come across as straight, while he had listened to her description of the abusive relationship she had once shared with Spike. Although he had tried to gently pursuade her to contact Spike, she had shied away from the topic, much in the way that he had shied away when she attempted to puruade him to 'come out'. After a while they had both desisted, and would often just talk for hours. Buffy had been particularly miserable the day before, so Dante had offered to take her dancing, remembering how she would often talk of partying at the Bronze.

Andrew looked down at the petite blonde, and sighed softly.

"They came to get some kind of head, or something." Andrew said.

"Huh?" Buffy asked, lost in thought.

"Angel and Spike." Andrew explained.

"Oh." she sighed again. "Y'know, the least the jerk could've done is picked up the bill for all the crockery he broke." Buffy said.

"You broke the crockery." Andrew pointed out. "You broke three plates, two cups, five bowls and a wine glass. You threw them at me."

"I wouldn't have if he had told me he was back in the land of the not-quite-living. Besides, Dawn threw the wine glass at you, not me." Buffy informed him. The youngest Summers had not taken the news that Andrew had lied to them about Spike particularly well. Nor the idea that she was going to have to wait around for Spike to contact them. She was already saving up for a ticket to Los Angeles by working in a small cafe in the town. She was two thirds of the way there, and was planning on going during summer vacation, before she started her last year of school.

"I'm sorry. I really thought you and The Immortal...." he began.

"Dante." she corrected.

"Right, you and Dante....I really thought you were a couple. I had no idea that he was gay. I promise." He said.

"That's O....Oh crap. Please don't tell him I told you that. Please don't tell him you know at all." She begged, suddenly realising that her anger had let her slip out her friend's secret.

"I won't." he promised.

"Thank you." she said gratefully. "I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning."

"OK. Goodnight Buffy." Andrew said, as she made her way up the stairs. Buffy slipped into bed to be greeted by disturbing dreams that kept her tossing and turning most the night.

If you're interested, Dante is an Italian name meaning 'Lasting', so I thought that it fitted the Immortal quite well : )

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