Author's Chapter Notes:
Special thanks to my beta (and my dear friend) Maricel! Thank you so much for helping me out with this chap!

Three years ago (The week before Buffy’s 17th Birthday)

Inside the tree house, the petite young blonde lay flat on her stomach as she patiently waited for her best friend to meet her.

Even if she appeared to have buried herself in the comic books that she borrowed from the bleached blonde, she was actually feeling giddy about what she was about to do that day.

She’d painfully endured having to watch Spike drool over their next-door neighbor, Drusilla far too long. The previous night, Spike came to her house and asked if she could help him write a letter to Dru and that had been the last straw. At first she agreed, just to get him off her case, but she ended up writing a letter that was meant for him instead.

It was a Love Letter. Much to her chagrin, it took her almost the entire night to finally have the guts to write it. And now, as she hid it between the pages of a comic book, she can’t help giving out a big exasperated sigh. It was now or never. She was never much the type who would hold back especially at something she desperately wanted. And in this case, she wanted Spike. She wanted him more than anything and the only way she could do this was to confess…in writing. This way, she could be as far away as she could when he reads her impassioned confession. And if rejection was the outcome, she figured that the best way she could handle it was not to be there at all.

Looking at her watch, her scowl deepened.

He’d better not have gotten straight to that vampire wannabe, she thought angrily to herself.

“Summers.” Buffy heard his voice from behind her but she didn’t move.

“Spike.” She casually greeted, pretending that she wasn’t the least bothered by his tardiness.

When she turned her head, she looked at him in confusion for she could’ve sworn he was peeking through her skirt as he approached her. But then it could’ve just been her imagination.

“Sorry, luv. I was just making sure that I look good before I dropped that letter to Dru. How was that coming by the way?”

“Right umm,” Buffy started, standing up to face him. “About that letter. I was working on it last night…”

“Good, let me have a look at it then.”

“Well, you see that’s the thing.” She said hesitantly. “Will you believe me if I say that my dog ate your letter?”

“All right, first of all, you don’t have a dog and second- well actually there’s just the first.” A smirk crossed his face before he turned an irritated look at her. “I was expecting that letter, pet. You said last night that you were going to help me. What happened.”

“I just changed my mind. I believe that you should write the letter yourself. After all it is your letter. I don’t understand why you have to turn to me for this.” She told him angrily. ”I don’t even think you need to write one. What year are we? The freakin’ eighties? Seriously, who writes letters anymore? ” Really, Buffy? Hypocrite much? “If you’re that spaz about giving her a message, why don’t just give her one of your poems?”

Spike’s nose flared. “Fine! If you don’t wanna help me then don’t! But that’s not gonna stop me from marching down her door right now to ask her out.”

For a second, Buffy had been tempted to tell him everything that’s on her mind, but instead, she held her tongue and handed him the comic book that contained the letter that she wrote for him.

“Okay just make it quick. We should’ve been at Xander’s by now. I think I’ll go ahead and tell them that you’ll be late…er.” She said. ”Oh by the way, here’s your freakin’ comic book. I’m done with it.”

Her eyes were still glued to the book he held while He started to walk away. There’s nothing more you could do, Summers, she silently told herself. Now that you’ve given him your heart, you’ll just have to wait and see what he’s going to do with it.


Dru greeted Spike with a smile as she opened the door for him. “Spike.”

The brunette that eyed her suggestively from head to toe was indeed lovely…A good distraction. She would do well in taking her mind off from his irresistible best friend, whose image had began to occupy his mind more often than before.

“Hi Dru,” he greeted. “I was-“

“No need to tell me, my Spike.” She gave out a mad laugh. “I already knew that you would come. I just didn’t know that it’ll be this soon.”

“You were expecting me? How did you know?”

“Miss Edith told me.”

“Do I know her?”

Dru showed her a doll. “This is Miss Edith.”

“I see.” Spike grinned this time. So she has doll at her age, that doesn’t mean she’s crazy, right? Buffy after all has Mr. Gordo. It’s a security kind of thing.

“Wow!” Dru piped up, looking at the comic book in his hand. ”Is that the latest edition to The Ninth wonders? Do you mind if I take a look?”

Spike gave her the book. “Dru, the reason why I’m here is because I wanted to ask if-“

“What is this?” Dru held out the envelope she saw peeking from one of the pages.

He looked at it and smiled wryly. So Buffy did write the letter after all. She was just probably teasing me when she said she couldn’t do it.

“Is it a love letter for me?” Dru asked excitedly.

Spike contemplated on whether he should give it to her now when he hadn’t even checked what the letter said. But he trusted Buffy and he knew that she wouldn’t do anything that would cause him trouble so he’d decided to let her read it. “Yes, luv. It’s for you.”

When Dru began to read the letter, Spike failed to notice the wicked smile that crossed her face.

“Why Spike. You’re so sweet. Thank you.” She told him before she leaned forward and gave Spike his very first kiss.


Buffy couldn’t stand the thought of leaving Spike with Dru so she had chosen to stay and wait for the bleached blonde to come back. But several minutes had already ticked by and still Spike hasn’t come back so, she’d decided to look through the window to try see for herself if she could find out what he’s been up to.

Leaning forward, she could see Drusilla and a trace of his hair from the high fence. Her eyes went wide when she made out a bit of Drusilla pulling Spike towards her.

Buffy saw a branch outstretched near the window and made her way to it. Finally from her view, she was able to see what was happening between the two. And now that she did, she now wished that she hadn’t.

A persistent tear had managed to escape from her eyes as she saw a clear view of Spike kissing Dru. Just then, the branch she was standing on swayed beneath her and before she knew what was happening, she heard a cracking sound before she fell to the ground.


“Oh God! Buffy!!!”

Spike was still in Dru’s arms when he heard Joyce’s loud scream on the other side of the fence.

Upon hearing Buffy’s name, fear ignited within him as the possible horrible scenarios of what happened to Buffy went through his mind. He didn’t even realize that he hadn’t even said goodbye. He just turned and ran as fast as he could, completely forgetting about the girl he was talking to.

His heart never pounded so loud until that moment. It felt like it was gonna leap out of his chest. Joyce was clutching the phone under her chin when he walked into the house. “What happened, Mrs. Summers?”

”Oh William, I just called the ambulance. Buffy fell from the tree and I’m afraid that…Oh God.” She broke of in a distressful tone

Spike thought his heart stopped right then. “Where is she?”

“I..I didn’t move her. I can’t-“

Spike ran towards the backyard. His eyes went wide as his eyes fell upon Buffy’s motionless body on the ground.

“Buffy…” He whispered as his mind tried push away thoughts of losing her.

When she moved to sit down, a tiny spark of hope was ignited within him. He rushed immediately to her side but did not attempt to move her.

“Buffy,” He pleaded, his voice almost breaking. “Stay with me. You have to stay awake for me, can you do that, pet?”


“Yes, luv. I’m here.”

“My leg hurts.”

Spike closed his eyes in an attempt to pacify the worry he was feeling inside. ”Hold on pet. The ambulance is on their way.”


Meanwhile, from the other side of the fence, stood a fuming Dru. How dare he run off and leave me like that? But no matter. I already got Spike just where I want him, she mused. With an evil glint in her eyes, she read once more the letter that Spike had given her.

Dear William,

I’m not really good with letters so you’d better read everything before you start cracking up.

Dru’s beautiful…at least that’s what you keep saying. She’s perfect (on what book?) and effulgent as you mentioned on one of your poems but, I just feel that she’s the kind of girl who will just stomp all over your sentimental heart. She’s not the right girl for you. I’m saying this because I know you more than anybody else. I care about you, William…more than you know and I don’t ever want to see you hurt.

I love you…not just as a friend. I think I have for a long time and just didn’t know what I was feeling until recently. There, I said it. I know you’re probably laughing right now, thinking that I’m just a teenager with a crush. Go ahead. Laugh all you want, but please don’t let this letter change what we already have. I believe our friendship is way too precious and far too important to be destroyed by just a mere mindless rant from your foolish best friend.

There’s one more thing I need to ask from you though. If you feel the same way or think that there’s the tiniest possibility that you could learn to love me back, please hand me a single red rose on my 17th Birthday and if you don’t, just pretend you never read my letter. I prefer that you not mention about this ever. Don’t worry about me. I’d rather have you as my best friend than not become a part of your life at all.



End of flashback


A/N: Love all your reviews. I must say your feedbacks and emails never fails to inspire me. When I post a new chap, I would usually keep checking for my reviews all throughout the day coz’ I really love them!

I apologize if I am not able to respond to all your feedbacks. I used to but I tend to give out too much information so I had to stop (smiles guiltily). Yup, totally my fault. But one thing I can assure you is that I always take feedbacks, suggestions and constructive criticism into account and apply whatever I think is useful and helpful to the story. Also please note that I answer all my emails so if there’s anything or any question with regards to clarification to a certain event in my chapters, send me a note at

Now for the chapter I’ve just posted, this is kind of the part that answered most of your questions. Early references to this story are chapters - three and nine. IFeedback on this chapter is very much appreciated. Also, I'm excited to know what you think of the letter that Buffy wrote for Spike. Thanks!

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