Author's Chapter Notes:
Yeah, I know, this is on hiatus. Really, it is. The Trio just really wanted me to share this with you. So go read SINGLETS. Go, now.
Buffy smiled, enjoying the sound of the rain outside. The room was dim, softly lit by what light managed to sneak through the rain. It was the perfect day. She was snuggled between her lovers, Spike’s hand running over her hair, Will nuzzling into her stomach, stretched length-wise on the bed. She gave a deep, soul cleansing sigh. After yesterday, this was just what she needed.

She reached down to Will’s tousled head, running her nails along his scalp. A deep rumble echoed through his chest, and she smiled languidly. Romance novels always missed this part, where the heroes just laid in bed, too satiated to move, just...enjoying each other’s presence.

“My big kitten,” she said softly. Spike huffed softly in her ear, nuzzling against the side of her face. Will just continued to reap the benefits of Buffy’s scalp massage. They stayed that way for what seemed like an eternity. None of them were in any hurry to move or do much of anything; their silence was intimate and comforting, no one feeling forced to fill it. It was enough that they were simply together.

Buffy let her mind wander, safe in the embrace of her Twinlets. She glossed over the confrontation with her parents; that was too infuriating, and this was not the time. She thought over her relationship with Spike and Will. They were different than any other relationship she’d ever had.

Pike, her first boyfriend, had been a wild, rebellious ride. They’d grown up together, and he was, in reality, safe. But he was also a little of a bad boy, and had been someone she could throw at her parents. They’d had fun, in the way all high school romances were fun until the teen angst got in the way. But they’d actually managed to avoid all that, just sort of...drifting apart. They’d pretty much mutually decided they were no longer a couple. That, Buffy realized, was a far more mature approach to relationships than some people ever managed. But Pike had been...high school. She’d developed and changed, growing out of her relationship with Pike.

It had been the same with Parker, who had been her first ‘real’ boyfriend. She totally didn’t agree with all that bullshit about puppy love and how you couldn’t know what real love was as a teenager. But Buffy considered Parker her first real, adult relationship, where snubbing her parents wasn’t a major part of it. And he’d hurt her. A lot. He’d betrayed her trust, cheated on her with countless other women. But...still, as with Pike, she’d grown past that, grown beyond him, if that made any sort of sense. She wasn’t the same person she’d been when they’d started dating, and while a lot of that change had been in response to what he did to her...he didn’t make her change, didn’t challenge her to grow.

And then there’d been Riley, who was pretty much a desperate attempt to be normal and have what everyone around her seemed to find so effortlessly. She was just going to chalk that one up to momentary lapse of sanity. Though, to be honest, in the beginning it had been...not fun, but alright. Riley had been good for now, a sort of holding-over until something better had come along. Unfortunately, something better HAD come along, and she’d wasted six months struggling with the whole twins are wrong argument. Which really was so ridiculous. Guys got to fantasize about girl twins. What was so wrong with her twins? And what happened to love always being right, you can’t control who you love, etcetera etcetera? Totally and unfair double standard! Oh, and who decided that it was wrong? Some prudish people who were long dead, Buffy decided with finality.

Regardless, whenever she thought about them, Buffy was amazed at how much she’d grown with the twinlets. She’d stopped questioning her instincts for one. When she’d finally gotten over the whole “moral wrongness” of their ménage, she’d reached a level of contentedness, of completion, that had eluded her before. And she really did love them. She thought she'd loved people before, but Will and Spike? What she had with wasn't the passionate love that consumed the people involved until there was only ash where a raging fire had once existed. This was an inferno, well stoked and with lots of fuel. They were hers, both of these delicious specimens of the male species...and she was theirs, wholly and completely.

“Think our girl’s thinkin’ again, Will. I smell something burning,” Spike’s languid voice broke through her thoughts. The head against her stomach laughed, sending deep vibrations through her relaxed body.

“What d’you reckon about?” Will asked.

“This ought to be good,” Buffy murmured, snuggling further into Spike and caressing Will’s high cheekbone.

“Judgin’ by the look? The answer to life.”

“Already figured that one out. It’s 42. Try again,” Buffy said with a small giggled.

“You’ve gone literary on us, pet,” Will mock scolded her. Buffy let loose a huge yawn, stretching her satiated muscles. Will’s head was lifted as she arched her back, her taught stomach firm against his cheek. She stretched her arms in Spike’s face, trying to be as obnoxious as she could in her lackadaisical state.

“Hey! I can be all brainy girl when I want to!”

“Of course you can, pet,” Spike said patronizingly. Buffy pouted, her lower lip trembling. She fought back the smirk that threatened to ruin her look when Spike’s eyes zeroed in on the offended lip.

“Since you’re being mean, I’m not going to tell you what I was thinking.”

“Aw, pet, come off it. I didn’t mean it. Scouts honor,” Spike whined. He wanted that lip back.

“You were a scout?” Buffy said skeptically.

“Well. No. Not exactly. But I ate one once...”

“Spike!” Will growled, forcing himself to leave his comfortable Buffy-pillow to glare at his stupid ass of a brother. “Don’t--“ He was cut off when Buffy casually swept his arms from under him, planting him face down in her rather delectable cleavage.

“You’re interrupting my groovy vibes,” she complained. Oh, there went that lip again. Will reluctantly picked his head up (though not before giving her a little love nip) to stare at one of the loves of his life in mute horror.

“Did you just say groovy vibes, pet? I’m sorry; we can no longer be friends.”

“Shut up you dorko!” Buffy exclaimed, slapping him on the shoulder. But she was all soft and pliant when he wrapped around her other side, his warm breath caressing the sensitive skin on her neck.

“So pet, what were you thinking?” he asked, his deep voice soft and coaxing in her ear. She shivered involuntarily; her body unconsciously responded like it always did in their presence.

“I was thinking...I was thinking that I love you.” She heard their silmultaneous intakes of breath, felt them both still, and she could feel the awe, adoration, and deep love radiating off of both of them.

“Never get tired of hearin’ that, pet,” Spike murmured. She realized he was shaking, the force of her words affecting him too much to contain.

“We’ve waited so long to find you...” Will trailed off, unable to finish putting his thoughts into words. A sudden peal of thunder made them all jump.

“We’re a sad lot, jumping at thunder!” Spike joked.

“I had a dog that was terrified of thunder once,” Buffy murmured, a small smile stretching across her lips at the memory.

“Your parents let you have a dog?” Will asked with disbelief.

“,” she finally conceded. “We were dog sitting for one of Mom’s high society friends. She couldn’t exactly say no. But for three months, I had a dog. And it rained a lot at that time, because whenever there was any lightening or thunder, she’d come and snuggle up to me. What about you guys? Any pets in merry ole England?”

“Twelve fish..” Spike said promptly.

“Two birds...” Will continued.

“Three cats...”

“...but the cats ate one of the birds and left the other one too terrified to come out of its little nest-house...”

“A snake that didn’t last long...”

“Ah, good old Balthazar.”

“You named your snake Balthazar?”

“Oi! It’s a right good name for a snake!”

“He was a great snake.”

“All four days that he lived.”

“Yeah, didn’t take to England very well.”

“Lessee...oh yeah, the Mastiffs.”

“Sampson and Delilah. Right great dogs those were.”

“Bollocks. They were evil!”

“Don’t hate the dogs for having taste, Spike.”


“No, we never had one of those.”

Buffy laughed at their antics. Her Twinlets may be powerful publishing VPs, but underneath it all they were just fun loving little boys. And she definitely wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I really wish my parents had let me have a pet,” she sighed wistfully. Will and Spike glanced at each other. They wished her parents had done a lot of things, pets being one of many on THEIR list.

“You know what will make everything better, pet?” Spike asked.

“What’s that?”

“A house party.” Buffy sat straight up in bed, her eyes wide. She ignored the protests of the men behind her.

“That is BRILLIANT. We’ll need beer and food and chips and salsa and do you think Lorne will make his famous dip? Oh, and we’ll need to clean the house and make sure everything’s perfect, because this is the first time we’ll get all our friends together know...and we need a date! What about Friday? No, people might want to go out Friday, but Saturday might not be good because people might want to just have a relaxing day off...”

“It’s deja vu all over again,” Spike muttered resignedly as Buffy started arguing with herself about the date.

“You started it,” Will grumbled, watching his golden goddess work herself into a frenzy. On the other hand, it might be fun helping her work OUT of said frenzy...

A/N: Nothing like the parents showing up to get you thinking about your past relationships. But yes, this is still technically on hiatus. Consider it a present. Gift me back by leaving a review. And read the prequle, Singlets, if you haven't already. It'll make me finish that faster so I can get back to posting this!

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