[Reviews - 302] LikedPrinter
Summary: >: High school fic. When Spike transfers from England to Sunnydale High he finds himself instantly accepted by the ‘popular group’, a group who like to make a target out of the most unpopular kids in school. Buffy Summers used to be the most popular girl at school, until one day everything changed, and now she finds herself victim of the people who used to call themselves her best friends. What happens when the new guy, Spike, is forced to take her out on a date as part of his initiation into the popular group? Winner of the Judge's Choice for best fantasy angst at the Spuffy Awards!
Rated: PG
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: Yes
Word count: 31900 Read: 25433
Published: 07/30/2006 Updated: 10/08/2006

1. Beginnings by wall_flower [Reviews - 20] Liked (2370 words)
Setting: AU [all human]- this is my first attempt at an all human fic, so please don’t bite me!!

Disclaimer: All characters, settings and storylines are property of the wonderful Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy; I’m just borrowing them for the summer :] I’m making no profit from this whatsoever, so please don’t sue me.

2. Initiations by wall_flower [Reviews - 16] Liked (1912 words)
Disclaimer: All characters, settings and storylines are property of the wonderful Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy; I’m just borrowing them for the summer :] I’m making no profit from this whatsoever, so please don’t sue me.

3. Closer by wall_flower [Reviews - 17] Liked (2373 words)
A huge thank you to everyone who has reviewed so far- your nice words encouraged me to write this chapter a little faster, so thank you for feeding my hungry muse guys :]

Disclaimer: You know the drill, all of this is property of J.Whedon and I don't mean to infringe upon anyone's rights, so please don't sue! Thank you xx

4. Half smiles by wall_flower [Reviews - 23] Liked (2463 words)
As promised, this chapter is dedicated to the ever-intrigued Klai, whose reviews [along with everybody elses] are a huge part of what makes writing Spuffy fanfiction so very rewarding. Thank you Klai, this one's for you!

5. Tentative Friendship by wall_flower [Reviews - 30] Liked (2949 words)
A HUGE thank you to absolutely everyone who has reviewed so far- do I need to say again, just how worthwhile writing becomes when you're getting such positive reviews? Well, it's crazy- and every time I read the reviews you guys have left me, it makes me want to get straight back onto my laptop so I can write another chapter for you! My updates have never been so fast before! So thank you guys :]

6. The Yearbook by wall_flower [Reviews - 45] Liked (3159 words)
Thank you Thank you Thank you for the continued support I have recieved in the writing of this fic- it's been truly amazing!!

7. The search by wall_flower [Reviews - 13] Liked (2959 words)
BIG thank you to everyone for sticking with me :] I hope you enjoy this one as much as you enjoyed the others!

8. Wherever she may be by wall_flower [Reviews - 22] Liked (2165 words)
Thaaaaaaank you guys
*hugs* to all of you :]

9. This time last year [part one] by wall_flower [Reviews - 13] Liked (3337 words)
Yep, this will be a two-parter [because I know how much you all love cliffhangers!!] But the second part will be quite a lot darker than the first [just to warn you].

Anyway, read, enjoy, review:: The usual. Thanks very much everyone, and I hope you like this latest bout of twists and turns :]

Oh, and since we're looking into Buffy's past and the journey that took her to where she is today, I'm afraid there will be slight B/Angel. But don't panic, totally not graphic, because, well; eeww.

Pluuuuus some of the dialogue is taken from the flashbacks featured in chapter three of this story :] just in case you wondered. Thanks...

10. This time last year [part two] by wall_flower [Reviews - 22] Liked (2607 words)
Yes, this chapter does involve rape, but it is in no way graphic and is not described so don't let that put you off.
Thank you again to all you fantastic reviwers :)

11. Not too late by wall_flower [Reviews - 25] Liked (2173 words)
Sorry for the long delay in updating. My poor little muse is giving up on me and I've been suffering the infamous [and horrible] writers block :[ Thank you for being patient with me!

12. Spectre-Gray by wall_flower [Reviews - 15] Liked (1714 words)
Thank you for reading :] It means an awful lot to me!

13. Deals and Conclusions by wall_flower [Reviews - 41] Liked (1719 words)
Wow- nominated at the Spuffy Awards!!!! I'm so so happy, and thank you so much for whoever it was that nominated me!! [Come on, own up!] It means a huge amount to me, and I'm so pleased- so thank you!!