[Reviews - 71] LikedPrinter
Summary: What if somebody else had fixed Buffy up after the eighties-vamp staked her?
Rated: PG
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No
Word count: 17169 Read: 9932
Published: 07/30/2006 Updated: 10/18/2006

1. Fix You by wall_flower [Reviews - 14] Liked (2742 words)
Title: Fix you
Setting: AU ‘Fool for Love’
Disclaimer: All characters, storylines and settings are on loan from Joss Whedon. I do not own them so don’t sue me please :]

2. When you try your best but you don't succeed by wall_flower [Reviews - 17] Liked (2329 words)

3. When you get what you want but not what you need by wall_flower [Reviews - 12] Liked (2554 words)
Thank you to everyone who reviewed. I love you.

4. When you feel so tired but you can’t sleep by wall_flower [Reviews - 12] Liked (2458 words)
Thank you to everyone who's been reading, and letting me know what they think with awesome reviews. I've said it before, but it really does mean the world to me, so thank you!! Oh, and be sure to check out my new fic Invisible Ink [just to be completely shameless about it] Thanks guys :) Dee xx

5. Stuck in reverse by wall_flower [Reviews - 9] Liked (4136 words)
Thank you for reading!

6. And the tears come streaming down your face by wall_flower [Reviews - 7] Liked (2950 words)