Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry about delay, I have been ill as a few of you know, hope you like this chapter though!
Chapter 3: Knight in a leather coat

Hearing a commotion by the side of the pool, Spike slowly turned away from the dull Cordette that had been congratulating him on the play, towards the noise.

Seeing loads of people crowded round the edge and staring into the center of the pool, he sauntered slowly over. He wasn't usually one to take part in group activities but he was acutely aware that Buffy was over with these wolves somewhere. After Gunn had come to find him, Spike had left Angel to come and find her, stepping out onto the terrace that is when he had been accosted by the annoying girl in the skimpy bikini.

As he stood by the waters edge he saw as the blond hair, bobbed a moment before sinking finally under the water. His stomach dropped. He knew exactly who every one was cheering at for falling in, Buffy. He also knew she couldn't swim. He had to get her out there.

Without a second thought, Spike stripped off his leather coat, just letting it drop to the floor. Then, with everyone still watching, he dove headfirst into the pool, still wearing all his clothes and his boots, he swam over to his date.

Swimming down, he scooped her up from where she had rested on the floor of the pool.

Holding her tightly in his arms, he swam to the surface, taking in a big gulp of air. Holding Buffy close to him, he ignored all the eyes at the side of the pool staring at them, and carried her carefully to the edge, making sure the whole time that her head was above the water, she wasn't moving at all, and Spike knew he had to get her out the water as soon as possible.

Reaching the side of the pool he realized he couldn't get himself out and Buffy, without either letting her go or jolting her around more than she needed to be. Treading water he looked around at the staring faces. Seeing Gunn off to one side he called him over.

“Gunn? Mate? Little help over here?” Gunn was there in an instant. Crouching down he thrust his hands into the water to help get Buffy out. “Gunn you take her, but watch it, mind her head!”

Carefully the two of them managed to get the unconscious Buffy out of the cold pool water and laid flat on the tile floor at the side of the pool. Pulling himself out the pool as well, Spike went and crouched next to the very still Buffy. Moving her head so that it wasn't at such a strange angle.

Laying his head onto her chest, he realized with a fear that she wasn't breathing. With a frantic pace he immediately started CPR.

After his fourth attempt at it, slowly her chest started to rise and fall of its own accord. Her breathing was very slow and Spike knew she wasn't out of the woods yet, but at least she was alive.

“Gunn, go and phone and ambulance. We need one now!” Gunn ran back into the house to go and use the phone quickly while Spike stayed by Buffy side holding her hand. “You are going to be okay. I promise.” He whispered to her, he just hoped she could hear.

A few moments later, Gunn came running back from the house. “Ambulance is one the way. They may bring cops too, I had to tell them Buffy's age.”

A cry of 'cops' went through the group of teens, and suddenly pandemonium broke out. Everyone was running everywhere, and Spike had to use all his energy's to make sure that no one stood on Buffy in their bid to escape.

Car tires could be heard screeching on the road outside the house. Spike didn't hold it against them leaving, he knew if any of them had been caught drinking, and there would have been hell to pay. Underage teens drinking, not a good mix, so Spike understood why they where leaving. However at the same time it did piss him off as well, with everyone now leaving he would have no chance to find out if anyone knew what happened here tonight.

Spotting a confused and dazzled Cordelia stood by the sun loungers, Spike realized she had probably have been one of the last people to see Buffy before her pool tumble, so if anyone was going to know, then it was a good bet Cordelia would know what had happened.

Leaving Buffy in Gunn's, who had stayed with Spike when everyone else had left, capable hands, Spike went over to go and quiz the hostess.

“Spike. Have you seen Angel. I can't seem to find him. I am sure that he won't have left me, I just can't believe everyone cleared out if her so quickly.”

“Cordy” Spike now looked her clearly in the eye making sure she was looking at him. “I know Angel, I know what he is like. He will have split the second he will have heard the mention of cops. You know as well as I do, he can't have another formal warning against him, he already loads. He will have gone. Trust me.”

“I just can't believe everyone's gone. My party is ruined.” Cordelia was in shock, this was the first time anything like this had ever happened to her before at one of her parties. Things like this just weren't suppose to happen to Cordelia Chase.

“Look Cordelia, I don't sodding have time for one of your tantrums. I need to know how the bloody hell this could possibly have happened to Buffy. How did my Buffy end up in your pool, when people know she can't bloody swim.” In his anger, he didn't even realize that he had called Buffy his.

Hearing Spike shout snapped Cordelia out of her spoilt party daze. Seeing the veins popping on his neck and the way that his jaw was clenched tightly, she realized now was not the time to admit that she had been the one who had pushed Buffy into the pool. “Look I don't want to get anyone in trouble, but you are a good guy Spike, and you deserve to know. I saw it the whole thing Spike, it was like watching a horrible car crash. She was just at the side of the pool, talking with Harmony, I don't know what she was doing by the pool. Well I guess she must have slipped or something, as the next thing I know, she is in the pool and everyone’s shouting and then you dive in, and then suddenly everyone disappears. It was crazy. To be honest though Spike, it looked like she had been drinking, maybe that’s why she fell. I didn't think she drank, but maybe Gunn gave her something. I really don't know about that. I have told you everything i have seen now.” Cordelia had thought that she had done all her acting earlier in the evening, but apparently that wasn't the case. She just hoped that when Buffy woke up she wouldn't rat her in, Cordy really didn't want to face Spikes wrath for lying.

“Thanks, Cordy. Look cops are gonna be here soon, you might wanna sort things out, out there.” With that he turned to walk back to his still princess.

“Wait!” Grabbing his arm, Cordelia spun Spike round. “Please Spike, the cops can't come here. I wasn't suppose to have the party, mom and dad banned me from bringing loads of people to the house, but I thought with them being away this weekend they would never know. But if the cops come then my parents are going to find out and I will be in so much trouble. Please Spike, find a way to stop them coming.”

Spike suddenly felt very torn. He knew he had to get Buffy help as soon as possibly, but he also knew she was breathing so he had some time. If he didn't help Cordy it would get back to Angel and then there would be help to pay. Plus she had just helped him with what happened.

Sighing he looked at the girl with pleading eyes. “Fine! I will take Buffy in the car; A&E's not that far away. You deal with the cops.”

“How do I stop them coming?”

“That’s your problem, pet, you don't want them here. You are a good enough actress. Ring 911; tell them you don't need their services anymore; that you're the girl that fell in. I am sure you will figure it out. You’re clever enough.” With that he left Cordy and went back to Gunn and Buffy.

“Mate, we gotta take Buffy to A&E ourselves. Will you help me get her to the car?”

Gunn looked confused, like his friend had just taken a crazy pill. “But I thought the ambulance...?”

“Look just trust me, I am trying to save more than one girl tonight.” With that the two boys carefully lifted Buffy.

Carrying her to the car, they gently laid her in the passenger seat wrapping Spikes coat round her to keep her warm. Making sure that he head was rested and that she was seated securely. Gunn then climbed in the back of the beat up car, and Spike sat in the driver’s seat.

Despite the one beer that he had, he actually felt very clear headed, he just had one thought in mind, to save Buffy. With everyone in they set off for the hospital at a very fast pace, not caring about speed limit.

Spike just hoped he had made the right choice with not waiting for the ambulance and that he hadn't lost precious time...


I know people didn't like the last chapter as much, I hope this one is better, and I promise Cordy will get what is coming to her!

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