Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry about major delay... just realised it has been nearly three weeks, i have just had a lot on recently! If anyone is desperate someone should really eamil me and keep bugging me, the more pressure the quicker I post!
Chapter 4: Hospital

“Umm Spike, that’s a red light up ahead,” leaning around the headrest, Gunn looked through the windscreen with mild fear in his eyes. “Uh Spike, slowing down would be good right about now. Spike!” Gunn rolled his eyes. “Or you know you could just speed right through the red light at 80mph without stopping just like it was a green light. Ya know while we are on the subject of your speed, discussing your driving and all, you do realise this is a 50 zone and you are driving a lot faster than that. So why don’t ya just calm down and slow down?”

“No time, got to save Buffy” Spike’s jaw was clenched and he was staring straight ahead, just like when he had driven Buffy and himself to the party. Though he was tense, he was concentrating fully on his driving; on getting Buffy to the hospital in one piece.

“Look Spike,” the humour had left Gunn’s voice now. “You won’t be able to help Buffy if you get us both killed. You have to calm down man. We should have just waited for the ambulance”

Spike banged his fist angrily against the steering wheel. “Damn it Gunn! I couldn’t wait for the bloody ambulance! Cordy pleaded with me, you get that, and you know, funnily enough I listened. I don’t want to give Angel a reason to be more pissed at me than he has to be! But now, see I am worried, that I have made the biggest bloody mistake of my life, because if I don’t get my girl into that hospital soon, whether I am driving fast or not won’t matter one tiny little bit. So no, Gunn, I will not slow down.”

Gunn suddenly got a feeling of just how much Spike cared for this girl, who was lying still next to him. He just didn’t think that Spike himself knew yet. Gunn knew one thing though, if Buffy did indeed pull through this, with Spike looking out for her, she was certainly one lucky and protected girl. “Okay mate, I’m with you. You just get her there. But be careful at the hospital, you don’t want the police thinking you are drunk and did this to her.” Sitting back, Gunn knew he wasn’t going to get Spike to slow down, may as well just accept it and just hope he didn’t die in this car. Looking round he realised this would be a really crap car to die in.

Calming down, Spike realised that what Gunn said was true, unless he could prove that he was sober, they would all be in deep trouble. Like Angel, Spike couldn’t afford another formal warning against him either. He would have to make sure he played this one carefully.

Slowing the car down to a steady speed as he entered the hospital grounds. Stopping right in front of the main doors he pulled the car over. Putting the hand brake on, he jumped out the car without killing the engine. Running around to Buffy’s side of the car, he opened her door and gently lifted her up into his arms, fear shot through him at the way her light body just flopped in his arms.

Leaning back into the car, he called over to Gunn. “Will you park her and then come and meet me inside?” without waiting for an answer, Spike slammed the door shut with his hip, and ran into the hospital with Buffy in his arms.

A&E was packed, and no one was paying him any attention. Rushing up to the counter where the nurse was sat filing her nails. “I need some help here.”

The nurse looked up slowly, like she really didn’t want to be doing this job. Her eyes caught sight of the painfully still girl in the young mans arms, and suddenly her whole demeanour changed. “Oh God.”

Rushing round to the front of the desk, she went and got a wheeled stretcher, which Buffy was placed on. Spike was told to stay with her while the nurse rushed off to go and find the doctor. She returned a second later with a tall man with sandy blond hair in a white coat with a stethoscope round his neck. As they rushed towards Buffy and Spike, Spike could see the nurse was briefing the doctor on what she knew, which wasn’t very much; just that the young man with the blond hair had brought the young girl in.

Stopping by the pair, the doctor immediately placed his stethoscope on Buffy’s chest and listened to her breathing. “Tell me exactly what happened here?”

“We where at a friends house, she fell into their pool, she can’t swim. I got her out and brought her straight here.”

“We need to get her seen to straight away. What is her name?”

“Buffy Summers.”

“Nurse, get Buffy into emergency room one, then go and call her parents. Thank you.” The nurse wheeled Buffy off, while the doctor turned back to Spike. “I need to know, it’s imperative that you tell me the truth. Could Buffy have taken anything tonight, anything at all, that could impair her judgement?”

“Umm, no I don’t think so, no.”

“Good. Now take a seat and myself or another doctor will be out shortly to keep you updated on Buffy’s progress.” With that the doctor rushed off to go and save his patient.

Looking around him, Spike realised that nearly every eye in the room was staring at him now. Running his hands through his still wet hair, Spike went and found a seat and waited for Gunn to join him as the doctors helped Buffy.

Half an hour later Spike was still waiting. The nurse had told him that Buffy’s mother had been called and would be here shortly. Thankfully he had dried out mostly now, and so at least looked a little more presentable to meet Buffy’s mum for the first time. Spike was starting to feel more agitated as there had still been no word on Buffy.

Just as Spike got up to go and ask the nurse what was happening, the doctor Spike had first spoken to came through the emergency doors. Making a bee line for him, Spike strode over.

“How’s Buff, Doc?”

The doctor smiled. “She is stable now, and is going to be fine. We are going to keep her in over night for observation. I do however need to ask you some questions.”

Happy that Buffy was going to be okay, Spike was willing to answer any question. “Sure fire away.”

“Where you aware that Miss Summers had been drinking tonight? We found alcohol in her system.”

“Umm no, I didn’t know.” Spike cast a glance at Gunn, maybe Cordy had been right and Gunn had given Buffy something.

“If that may be the case and you didn’t know, you should be aware that for a patient like Buffy, a girl taking Clonazepam on a regular basis, alcohol can have devastating effects. It may in part explain why Miss Summers lost consciousness so quickly.”

Spike was a little stunned; Buffy was on medication, was she sick? “Doc, what’s …?”

Just then a loud frantic voice distracted them both “I am looking for Buffy Summers.” The nurse pointed her in the direction of the doctor talking to Spike.

“The nurse over there said you could help. Do you know where I can find Buffy Summers?”

“And you are?”

“I’m her mother.”

“I am sorry Mrs Summers. I am Doctor Sharpe. Your daughter is fine I will take you to her in a moment. I was just explaining everything to the young man here.”

Joyce now turned her full attention to Spike “and who may I ask are you?”

“My name is William. I was with your daughter, I bought her in.”

“Look, I don’t know who you are; Buffy has never mentioned a William before. I don’t know what happened here tonight, but Buffy has always been a good girl, and I will not have anything like this happening to her again. So stay the hell away from my daughter.”

Gunn had seen Mrs Summers enter, and could now see Spike starting to get pissed off. He knew he had to get his friend out of there before he did something he would regret later. Placing a hand on Spikes back, Gunn led him away from Joyce and the Doctor.

“Let it go mate, it’s not worth it, not right now. We will come and see her tomorrow, or at school.” With that the two left the hospital.

Joyce now turned back to the doctor, “Now please, take me to my daughter.” Nodding the doctor placed his hand on her arm and led her to Buffy.


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