Meanwhile back in the study a nervous Buffy sat alone in a chair staring into a glass of amber liquid. “I feel I can answer as to why Angel could not find anything on Buffy Summers you are right. She did not exist until I came here before that my name was Elizabeth Finn and before that my last name was Blake I changed my name to hide from my past. When I said that I had thought that Werewolves were only in fairy tales that was true till I married Riley. When a full moon would rise he would change not just fiscally he would be so cruel I would have to hide all the bruises. It went on for years until I finally could not take anymore so I stabbed him with a silver letter opener and left him to die. I ran as far as I could but then I thought the only way I would be truly safe was to disappear. So when I arrived here I discovered that vampires existed as well so I thought if the legends were true that Vampires are stronger then I should find one and become one. That is when I found you Darla I thought I would safe if I became a powerful being just in case one of Riley’s pack mates found me. I am sorry for lying to you all.” Then she looked up to meet Spikes gaze he then nodded to let her know that it was okay”. She then continued “But I do not know who could be doing this Riley is dead… wait Parker Aimes! He was Riley’s best friend he was second in command of their pack and if anyone is behind this my money is on him plus he and Riley would fight about me Parker thought Riley stole me from him.” she said as she put her drink down on the table next to her then folded her hands in her lap.

“Well my dear that dose explain a lot. Now you realize that you are safe with us Buffy you are my childe and I promise to keep you safe.” Darla said as she got up and walked to Buffy and knelt to her putting her hand on top of Buffy’s hands.

“Well then if it is this Parker Bloke that is behind all this he sure as hell picked the wrong Vampire to mess with. Now he has the Big Bad to deal with and I am pissed.” Spike said throwing his glass still half full of Bourbon into the lit fireplace as it exploded he started walking to the front door then stopped when he felt his phone vibrate. “Hello” he said aggravated.

“Hey Spike you coming in to work tonight the Captain is pissed you have not shown up all week I can’t cover for you anymore man.”

“Yea Gunn I will be there in a bit I have to do some research anyway I will be there in an hour”.

“I’ll let her know hey while you are on your way you should call your partner he needs to get his ass here too.” Gunn said as he hung up the phone.
As he hung up his phone Spike turned back to the study walking in he saw Dru with Buffy and Darla and Angel talking by the fire. “I have to go to work Liliah is throwing a fit that I have not been there at all this week” Then he walked over to Buffy kneeling down he lifted up her chin so she was looking into his eyes. “Are you going to be alright if I go to work tonight I mean do you want me to stay or will you staying with Dru be alright luv be honest I will stay if you want.”

“I will be fine I have a gun and I think I might go to the office myself for a bit but tomorrow we need to patrol if it is Parker then the faster we kill him the better.” She said as she got up.

Spike got to his feet taking Buffy in his arms holding her tight. “I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you I would not know how I would react if I lost you Goldilocks.” He kissed the top of her head “I love you so bloody much.”

“I love you too and feel the same way so please be careful.”

“You would call me Goldilocks?” he said arching his scared eyebrow at her.

“Shut up.” She said laughing. “Now you better get to work.” She said as she leaned up on her tip toes and kisses his soft lips.

Once Spike was gone Buffy turned to remaining vampires in the room. “We are going to the swamps so get ready.”

“But Buffy it... there is no way I am going to talk you out of this is there?” Angel said looking at her face.

“No but you can try, but it will just piss me off.” She said with an angelic smile.

"Fine then but you are going to be at my side the whole time I am not going to be staked by my brother because you got hurt.” He said then turned to face the keeper of his heart. “Darla I do not want you to go you might get hurt and if that would happen it would be unforgivable of me.”

“Angel I think you are right I think I should go to the council and square things with Giles but you make sure both of you come back unharmed.” Darla said hugging Buffy before looking back at Angel.

“If she dose not it would be unforgivable of me.” He said taking her hand and kissing it. “Farewell my sweet Darla.”

“I think I should stay here incase I am needed the pixies are saying that I should stay.” Dru said looking at Buffy then to Angel.

“Very well Dru then are you ready Buffy I have ammo and guns in my car if you wish to use them.” Angel said as he walked out towards the front door turning once more to see Buffy. “Are you sure about this it is not too late to change your mind.”

“I am sure Angel.” She said as they left Darla walked out with them neither vampire noticed the dark figure behind the bushes looking at the scene that took place before his eyes.

“Well I guess the little Darlin now has her own bodyguard this might be useful I better go before one of them spots me.” Lindsey said to himself as he hurried beck to his car that was parked down the street. As he reached his car his phone went off noticing the number he answered. “Well, well Spike I thought you were dead.”

“Shut it you wanker, where are you?”

“Well I am on my way in to work you know that place that pays you and provides you with the badge you love so much.” Lindsey said as he looked at the other phone in his hand that was going off.

“Well I am on my way in myself so I will see you there.” Spike said as he hung up. “I hate that guy what did I ever do to piss Liliah off so much to deserve a partner like that.”

As Lindsey hung up one phone only to answer the other “Hello darlin what can I do for you.”

“Well Riley wants a Status report thingy do you know anything?” Harmony said as she began to play with her gum.

“As a matter of fact I do Spike is on his way to work but I do not think it is wise to get him tonight, and as for Buffy she just left with Spike’s brother Angel I do not know where they are heading though. But I do know that I am going to go to work if you need anything else call me there just say you are my girlfriend. Fred our receptionist will patch you through.” He said as he started his car and pulled out on to the street heading towards the station.

“Alright Lindsey I will get back to you if I need to by the way do you have a girlfriend?”

“No but if you are interested I can make arrangements.”

“You are funny but I am sorry Riley won’t let me date he says I get distracted too easily but once we are done here maybe.”

“Well it is your call Darlin anyway I have to go.” As he hung up he thought to himself how much fun it would be to have Harmony bouncing on his hard length moaning with desire. All in good time I have incredible patients when it suits me. He thought to himself.

As Spike walked onto the station he was greeted by Fred Burkle the night receptionist “Hi detective Addams we have missed you around here.” She said with a chipper voice.

“’ ello Fred how are you?"

“I am fine but you might want to hurry to your desk.” She said then went back to answering the phones. “Paranormal Investigations Unit this is Fred how may I help you?”

As Spike sat back at his desk he nodded at his friend detective Charles Gunn. Then he cringed as he heard his name being yelled from across the room from the Captains office.


Spike got up and headed towards the proverbial Lions Den. When entered Caption Liliah Morgan was leaning on the edge of her desk with her arms crossed in front of her. “So Addams you now see it fit to grace us with your presence.”

“B….” spike tried to speak but was cut off by his boss

“You just better have a good excuse as to why you did not let me in on the fact that Giles hired you to investigate the murders this is a team not a P.I. office we are not in the business of renting cops to the Master Of The City I do not care if he made you, you work for me!!!”

“Sorry Captain I should have told you but please do not take this case away from me I have a personal interest in it now.” Spike said looking her in the eyes.

“Very well but I will put my foot down on you bringing Ms. Summers in on the case she is a Civilian not cop keep her out of this or I will personally have your badge. Do you understand me? I do not care what Giles wants this is my city and you work for me!” She said walking to the door. “Now get out of my site.”

“Yes Captain.” As he was leaving the office he spotted his partner at his desk with a smug look on his face his feet crossed on his desk leaning back in his chair. "Enjoy the show mate?" Spike said raising his scared eyebrow while he tilted his head in his usal cockey manner.

“You do tent to piss her off a lot Spike one of these days she is going to cut off your balls and mount them on her wall for target practice.” Lindsey said looking at his partner. "But to ansewr your question Yes i enjoyed the show emensly."

“Shut up Lindsey.” Spike said as he sat down at his computer there he started to look up everything he could get on one Parker Aimes.

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