Author's Chapter Notes:
I'm trying to pace myself with this fic; I'm having too much fun, and I don't want to forget about my other ones. :D

Leave a review! I love 'em!

He’d heard her scream his name, and if she had bloody hell felt she needed to do that; something was wrong. He took off at a flat out sprint; he could still smell her scent, barely. When her scent took a sharp right into the woods he skidded to a stop.

*What in the bleedin’ hell is she doing stumbling around in the woods?*

He didn’t have to wait long for an answer, the Slayer came barreling out of the trees and crashed into him, sending them both sailing to the ground. She was shaking uncontrollably, and her breathing was serrated, but she didn’t move, she lay on top of him.


His voice cut through her comatose state; she looked down at him wildly. “Let go of me!” She shoved at him sending her sprawling on her back.

“Right then; you come charging out of the woods and run into me and it’s my bloody fault.” Spike jumped to his feet and stared down at her in disgust. “Stupid bint…”he muttered.

She looked up at him, and he noticed the fear in her eyes; something he didn’t see often.

“What is it then Slayer? What’s got you so bloody spooked?”

“Angel…” she whispered, trying to sort her thoughts into something coherent.

Spike started laughing, “Peaches is out in the woods playin’ sodding Boy Scout? That’s what’s got you so riled up?”

She shook her head, and struggled to her feet. Things were starting to make it a bit more sense, and she wasn’t as confused as she had been minutes before.

“Spike, wake up! Do you honestly think that just seeing Angel would cause me to run away?”

“Do you really want me to answer that?”

She dusted herself off, wincing as she noticed the slices in her shirt, and the thin lines of blood underneath. “You always make with the big ego whenever Angel gets mentioned; did you ever think it’s because I don’t try to avoid him like I do you?”

Spike’s eyes narrowed but not before Buffy caught a small flicker of pain, “You called my bleedin’ name Slayer, I heard it; so skip the nasties and tell me what the bloody hell is going on?”

She straightened, “Angel attacked me; went all crazy and then I saved myself.”

Spike blinked, “Did you hit your head while you were running through the trees Slayer?”

Buffy frowned at him and stamped her foot, “Another me Spike! It was me; she distracted Angel and starting fighting him. It’s happened before…I fought him when he was crazy and now it’s happening again.”

He raised an eyebrow at her, “I’m not sure I follow you around that bend luv.”

Buffy growled in frustration. “This, the whole scene back there, has ALREADY HAPPENED. Almost 4 years ago, after I killed Angel, and then he made with the big second coming. He was all crazy and wild after being stuck in hell. I found him in the woods, and I had to beat him unconscious. I dragged him to the mansion and chained him up there. THIS ALREADY HAPPENED!” She was close to being hysterical, pacing back and forth rambling. He could only stare and watch, she was nutty as a sack of hammers.

“Right…so what exactly are you saying luv? That we’re in the past? That the Star Trek triplets sent us back in time?”

“Yeah,” she paused and stared at him. “That’s what I’m saying.”

Spike grinned suddenly and evil glow coming into his eyes. “Which means, I don’t have a bloody chip now do I?”

Buffy stared at him, he truly was an idiot. “Spike, think about it. If I saw another me, that means there is probably another you around her somewhere. That Spike doesn’t have a chip, you do.”


She almost laughed at the defeated look on his face.

*He’s so damn cute*

“So what do we do then?”

She tore her gaze away from his face, and turned and peered back into the forest. “We should probably go see Giles.”

“Watcher-boy? What is he going to do?”

“We could seriously mess up the future by being here Spike, we have to find a way to get back, and Giles is…the most grounded of the Scoobies.”

She turned back to him quickly, a grimace covering her features. Spike took an involuntary step towards her. “You’re hurt.”

She picked at her ruined shirt with disgust, “It’s nothing; although I think my shirt is done for.”

He tilted his head to the side and smiled at her. “Always worried more about your bloody clothes than what is underneath.”

She glanced up at him sharply; he was looking at her with soft eyes.

*He still loves me*

He coughed and straightened; she had noticed him watching her. “Ok Slayer, let’s go then.”

She gazed at him warily as he began to walk away, sometimes, she just didn’t get him.


“It doesn’t look like anyone’s home pet.”

“I can see that Spike; I’m just trying…to remember what else was going on that night.”

Spike rolled his eyes; he was still searching through his duster for his lost cigarettes. “Aha!” He pulled out a bent cigarette and lit it. Buffy giggled, he looked ridiculous the cigarette was bent at an odd angle and he looked ridiculous.

“What?” She was smiling, at him; wonders never cease.

She continued to grin at him, “For the ‘Big Bad’ you’re kind of a dork.”

He coughed, choking on the smoke from his cigarette. “Take that back.” She just laughed in response and turned back to Giles’s apartment.

“Ok, so I was in the woods when I found Angel the first time. I was looking for…werewolves, yes!”

Spike just raised an eyebrow at her.

“Some kid got murdered, and there was a possibility it was Oz. I went out patrolling to see if I could find another werewolf to get Oz off the hook.”

“And you found Peaches instead? That must have been a giggle.”

Her smile faded. “Oh yeah, I thought he was dead, I’d sacrificed the love of my life, and suddenly he’s there in the woods. It really was a Hallmark moment Spike.” She took two steps and punched him in the nose.

“Hey! Watch the nose!”

She turned her back on him. “Xander and Willow went to the morgue to get evidence from the dead dude, and Faith was guarding Oz in the library. Giles should be here…”

“Yeah well he isn’t luv.” He was rubbing his nose. “There is nothing we can do now, let’s find a place to crash and figure it out tomorrow; unless you want to go have a chit-chat with Faith?” He grinned at her, knowing her answer.

She gave him “the look”. “We can’t go to my house, mom will freak.”

“Well I’d say we could go to my crypt, but technically I haven’t moved in yet.”

She looked at him curiously. “Where are you now? I mean then? I mean….oh you know what I mean.”

He stopped smiley, and shifted awkwardly. “In Brazil with Dru,”

Buffy’s mouth made a small O but she didn’t respond.

“I guess we don’t have much of a bleedin’ choice. You head back to my crypt and I’ll go scrounge us up some supplies before sunrise.”


He smirked at her. “Don’t get your panties in a twist luv; I’m talking blankets and maybe some food. I’m feeling a bit peckish myself.”

She blushed, how easily her thoughts betrayed her. “Right, ok.”


She sat on the cold slate of the tomb; he wasn’t back yet. She shivered; it was so empty in here, she couldn’t recall a time when she had been in here and it hadn’t been ‘Spike’s crypt’. She closed her eyes; things should be so clear now, but they weren’t everything was a mess. Not just because her and Spike had been thrust back 4 years, but because she should hate him, but she didn’t.

*You ended it you idiot*

She had no right to judge him on his actions; she had broken all ties in their relationship. Although, sleeping with Anya was kind of a low blow. She understood that too; Anya was hurting, Spike was hurting and they were trying to move on…together.

*Throw in a bottle of JD and its party time*

It hurt, why did it hurt so much? She didn’t love him, but he was hers.

“Willow was right…” she muttered to the empty crypt.

He’d been around for so long, on her heals, consistent and persistent. She’d taken him for granted.

*It’s just the sex you miss, that’s all!*

But it wasn’t just the sex; he got her, better than most other people did. They were so similar.

“Oh my god, I did not just think that.” She mentally smacked herself.

*I should apologize*

“It’s gotta be the time travel talking…” she muttered again. “What do I have to apologize for?”

*For treating him like he was nothing; for using him.*

“He wanted it though! He knew I was using him, and he didn’t care.”

*Because he loves you, you dope.*

She crossed her arms and began to pout. She shouldn’t even be having this conversation with herself. He slept with Anya; he wouldn’t have slept with Anya if he really did love her.

*He thought it would help him stop loving me.*

“Oh God…” Buffy put her head in her hands, and pulled at her hair. “I am going crazy.”

She sat up straight, trying to dissolve her fears.

“I’m going to apologize.” She uttered the words to the empty crypt; it was out there now, she couldn’t take it back.

“Apologize for what pet?” Spike stood the doorway to the crypt, holding two large garbage bags stuffed full.

She stared at him, her mouth hanging open.

*Oh shit.*

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