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Chapter 6

“I’m going to Hell,” Spike commented to his friend weeks later.

“You are not going to Hell,” he responded.

Spike wasn’t convinced. “I’m having improper thoughts about my wife’s sister, Xander. How is that good?”

He thought about it. “Well, maybe this means that you’re finally ready to move on. I can understand why you would be attracted to Buffy. She does look just like Elizabeth, after all.”

Spike shook his head. “It’s not just that. Besides the looks, they don’t have anything in common. I like spending time with her. I can talk to her about anything, and she’s the first woman that has really made me laugh since Elizabeth died. I sometimes forget that they were related at all. Does that make me horrible? Does this mean that I will forget about Liz? She was my first love, my first everything. She’ll always have a place in my heart, but Buffy is like no woman that I have ever known. I just keep thinking about how easy it would have been to fall for her if I had the chance to meet her first. Not that I could ever regret the time that I had with my Elizabeth, but we were only together for two years. There was so much that we didn’t know about each other. We rushed into everything, marriage, starting a family. I just wonder what would have happened if we took things slower. She might still be here and I might have never gotten the chance to know Buffy.” He groaned and buried his face in his hands. “God, I’m so bloody confused.”

Xander took a step toward Spike’s desk. “Okay, I have a solution.”

Spike lifted his head and waited for whatever his friend had to say.

“I think it’s about time you started dating again.”

He raised his eyebrows.

Xander decided to clarify. “I think you need to see what else is out there. There are a lot of beautiful women in this town just waiting for a guy like you. If you stay around Buffy all the time, you’re just going to keep being confused. She has her own life, Spike. She’s not cooped up inside all day like you are. She’s probably out there dating herself for all you know. I think you should do the same. In fact, I have a friend that you might be interested in. Should I set something up?”

Spike was about to turn down his suggestion, when Buffy’s laughter stopped him. He frowned and stood up, making his way out of the office and into the living room.

Xander let out a sigh and followed behind him.

Spike found the living room empty, then heard her voice by the front door. He also heard another voice that he didn’t recognize, a male voice. He stopped suddenly at the sight of Buffy laughing with a tall, brunette man.

“Thanks for taking me home, Angel. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He smiled and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Thanks for the company. Goodnight, Buffy,” he said before walking away.

She closed the door and turned around, only to be met with the angry face of Spike.

“Who the bloody hell was that?”

Buffy was taken aback by his tone.

Xander cleared his throat. “Well, it’s been great. I’ll see you later, Spike.” He then made his way out of the house.

Spike didn’t seem to notice and kept his attention on Buffy. “Well, who was he? I have a daughter, one that you’re supposed to be caring for. I don’t think it would be such a good influence on her to have you bring men home at such a late hour.”

Buffy was stunned. “It’s only ten and it’s not like he came inside. He was just dropping me off. What? You would rather me walk home by myself? You know how I am with driving. Angel’s a nice guy that I met at the Bronze. We were just talking. Am I not allowed to have any friends now? You don’t have a problem with Willow.”

He glared at her. “Is he just a friend? It seemed like more to me if that kiss was anything to go by.”

“It was only on the cheek. What’s your problem, Spike? I do a damn good job here. I think I’m allowed to go out and have fun every once and a while.”

Spike threw his hands up in the air. “Fine, do what you want. I don’t bloody care,” he claimed and stomped away, without even another glance at her.

Buffy just stared after him in shock, wondering what just happened.

* * * * *

Spike was furious when he got back to his office. He didn’t know why he blew up at her, but he just didn’t like the idea of her being so comfortable with another man. It looked like Xander was right about her dating. He would be damned to just sit around, while she was out having the time of her life. It was about time that he started to live again. With that thought in mind, he snatched the phone off of his desk and dialed a familiar number. He took a deep breath when Xander picked up on the other line.

“Hey, mate. I think you were right about what you said earlier. I want you to set something up with that friend of yours. I think I’m ready to move on.” He listened to Xander for a while longer, then hung up the phone when he got the information that he needed. It turned out that Xander had a feeling Spike would agree to the blind date and already called the woman. They would be going out over the weekend and Spike was a little nervous about it. He has not dated since Elizabeth passed away. He was too busy getting drunk and trying to numb the pain that her loss caused, but it was time to see what else was out there. Twenty-eight years old and he has only ever been with one woman. Sure, he dated a lot when he was younger, but Elizabeth was the first woman that he gave himself to completely. He would always treasure everything that they shared together.

Spike shook the thoughts away and decided that he needed to get some rest. He couldn’t even care to head up to his room and just lay his head down on the desk. He instantly dozed off with flashes of a beautiful, golden girl. He knew for once that it wasn’t Elizabeth in his dreams, but another golden goddess that was just as similar, and yet entirely different.

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