Rated: 15
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes
Word count: 4313 Read: 19001
Published: 10/07/2006 Updated: 10/21/2006
1. Chapter 1 by Suzee [Reviews - 8] (1383 words)
sorry if that summary sucks, I'm feeling like crap and considering I can't evven write summaries well when I feel alright....I just hope you enjoy the story
2. Part II & Part III by Suzee [Reviews - 10] (1110 words)
at the bottom...oh, and the epilogue to Silently Broken was just posted
3. Part IV by Suzee [Reviews - 10] (1820 words)
it's my birthday! (sorry, I just felt like sharing)....I posted an alternate version to Panta_rei's Bridging the Gap a few minutes ago (Don't worry, she not only knows but sort of made me) and the first chapter of Interpretations will be up in just a few more mins :)