Author's Chapter Notes:
Thank you, thank you for reading and reviewing! :) Even if most of you have read it before, it means a lot that you're rereading it again :)
“So, oh King of Planning at the Last Minute—Do you have our hotel too?” Buffy asked after they’d grabbed their suitcases and nabbed themselves a rental car.

“Yes, as a matter of fact I do,” Spike told her haughtily. She raised an eyebrow at him. “I do. I just need to look in my little envelope here—“ He was hoping and praying that he’d just overlooked that when his uncle had handed him the package and that there was something about reservations. He opened the envelope as Buffy waited, slightly impatiently, tapping her foot.

He opened the envelope and rummaged around. He held his breath until he found what he was looking for. He sighed in relief. Thank Almighty Zeus! He was sure he’d never hear the end of it if that hadn’t been booked.
“See?” he thrust the paper containing the hotel complete with pictures and directions at her.

She smiled and skimmed over the information. She gasped. “Spike, this is incredible. It’s a resort—we have a townhouse complete with a kitchen and a balcony—but it only has one incredibly large bedroom that takes up the top floor.”

Spike rolled his eyes upwards, not sure if he should thank or damn his uncle for that.

“Well, it says that the couch pulls out in the living room. So I could take that—“

“No you will not. My girl gets the bedroom. Vacation remember?”

She shook her head. “But it’s your vacation too, and you planned all this.”

“Buffy, you can take the bedroom.”

“Thank you. Will you let me pay for my half of –“

“I told you I’m not taking your money.”

“But Spike you had to have—“

He put a finger to her soft, full lips. “No. Not a cent, got it?”

She nodded.

“You can treat me to dinner, how’s that?”

She smiled and nodded. He grinned and ushered her to the car they’d just rented. “Then we can check out the island, yeah? Drive around, see what’s up?”

She nodded enthusiastically and buckled herself in. He smiled at the joy on her face.


“Spike, we can get massages in our room! And they have Hula lessons and a private beach . . . oh look! They have a pizza place right down the road from that delivers too!” Buffy sat on the couch in their town house poring over the perks of their resort and Spike sat back and just watched her. Already she looked as if the weight she’d been carrying around in Sunnydale had been lifted. He was seeing a passion for living that he had yet to see and had hoped to bring out in her. The magic of the quiet –and romantic—island was weaving its spell. Course, Spike had to wonder what other magick’s were coming out to play and just what his uncle was thinking. Was he trying to drive him right around the bend by placing he and Buffy here? It was both his pleasure and his hell.

She looked up at him “We should get some groceries so we can make breakfast here. What do you think?”

He nodded and smiled.

“What are you thinking? You’re being awfully quiet over there.”

“I’m thinking how cute you are when you’re excited. You positively glow kitten.”

She blushed, something else he wasn’t used to. Setting down the brochure she jumped up. “So, let’s get going. I’m feeling the jet lag catch up with me.”

“Ah, but we have to beat it by staying up.”

She grinned, “Slave driver.”

He smiled, “Yep. And your master wants you keep your eyes open for a nice place to eat.”


She wanted him that much she knew. Beyond that, she didn’t really want to analyze it. She’d known she was attracted to him in Sunnydale, and she’d beaten the feeling down with a stick. No, more like a tree – it took that much force to beat it down, curb it and generally make the best of ignoring it. But something about being in a different place so far away from home, something about the island was weaving its spell around her and she felt free. And, if she was even more honest with herself, she felt safe with Spike, cherished even. He cared about her and it wasn’t because he wanted something from her. No, he truly cared. That meant everything to her. Everything that she couldn’t express with words. Words failed her a lot of the time and she’d learned a hard lesson that sometimes giving voice to what you really felt inside, could only cause you pain. Showing vulnerability meant that it could be used against you. You could become crippled by your feelings when put in the hands of someone not worthy of your love and trust.

Spike, however . . . she trusted. To a degree anyway. She still needed to keep herself in check and wasn’t about to go all nilly willy with gushing to him about how much this meant to her, about how much fun she was already having and how thankful she was to him for getting her away.

However, that didn’t mean she couldn’t show him right? Maybe she couldn’t say how much she wanted him or how much this meant to her, but she could surely show him. She pondered that as she watched him decide what to order. My but he could be picky when it came to choosing food. She hadn’t noticed before how he had to have only the best. However, she should have known by the resort he’d booked for them. It was outrageously gorgeous and exotic.

“What are you thinking about kitten?” he asked as he placed his menu down.

She shook herself out of the trance she’d been in watching him and shook her head,


“Looked like something.”

“I was just thinking about how I could possibly thank you for all this,” said, gesturing around them.

“For dinner? You’re paying remember?” he grinned.

“No, Spike, for this vacation.”

“Just you havin’ a good time is thanks enough for me.”

“Hmm… We’ll see,” she murmured.

“What do you mean by that?” he asked, his eyebrows shooting up.

She shrugged, “Just that.”

He fidgeted in his chair. “Oh?”

She studied him, cocking her head to the side. He was nervous. She found that odd . . . and oddly refreshing. The things he did to make her nervous – his pet names, his tender looks, his fierce protectiveness and the way he always seemed to want to touch her and hold her –now the tables were possibly turned and he was the one who was nervous. She grinned devilishly. Oh yes, she could definitely have fun with this.

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