Giles turned to Methos and raised one eyebrow in query. “She has something against the Council?”

“Not so much against the Council, per say. Mostly against idiots who think they know better than anyone else about what’s happening, regardless of what is actually going on.” Methos replied with a chuckle.

“What do you mean?” Giles asked as he went over to the chest under the window and extracted a set of chains.

“Well, a while back, James Horton decided that Mac was out to take over the world. So he started setting him up.” Methos began.

“Setting him up? You mean sending people after him?” Spike asked as he helped Giles chain the wanna-be assassin to the chair.

“In a way,” Methos answered, as he took a seat on the couch. “See, the rules state, One on One combat ONLY. No interference from outsiders, and Never on Holy Ground.” Methos leaned forward, crossing his arms across his knees. “Well Horton decided to send mortals after Mac, to keep him off guard.”

Spike forced the council member’s mouth open, and stuffed the end of the man’s tie into it. “Well, mortals shouldn’t have given him any trouble, right?”

Giles fetched the bottle of Glenmorangie Single Malt Scotch from his sidebar, along with three glasses. “From what I understand, it would take a knowledge of what he is, for a mortal to actually do him permanent damage. Am I right, Methos?”

“Yes, normally that would be correct. But these ‘gentlemen’ were only there to soften him up for the main event.” Methos accept the glass that Giles offered him. “They set up an ambush in an abandoned building, using someone Mac cares a great deal for as bait.”


Buffy shook Whistler until his teeth rattled. “Well? Are you going to answer me or has your mouth finally become disconnected from your pathetically small brain?”

Tannic grabbed Buffy’s arm “Let him GO. He was doing his job.”

Buffy turned to Tannic, one eyebrow arched, “does his ‘job’ include making off with pedophiles awaiting trial?”

Tannic’s eyes shifted away from Buffy’s penetrating glare. “I don’t know what you mean; he hasn’t done anything like that at all. And he doesn’t operate without my full knowledge and consent.”

“So I guess you are the one to blame for this bullshit then, Tannic?” Buffy asked a dangerous tone in her voice.

Deais looked at Tannic, “what is going on here? What is she talking about Tannic?”

“I don’t know what is going on Deais, she’s obviously demented.” Tannic stated as he turned away and slowly headed for the doors. “And I do not have to stay here and be insulted like this.”


“So mate, you were saying that they ambushed Mac? What did they use on him? Whips? Chains? Guns?” Spike asked with a twinkle in his eye.

“Guns,” Methos said as he knocked back his drink. “They shot him full of holes in order to weaken him for the main event.”

“That is simply barbaric.” Giles stated in a pompous tone of voice. “Oh lord, someone slap me, I’m channeling Travers.”

Spike reached over and slapped Giles across the face. “There ya go Rupes, don’t say I never do what you ask.”

“Thanks ever so Spike,” Giles said as he rubbed his jaw. “Did you have to hit me so bloody hard?”

“Still talkin’ ain't ya?” Spike snarked as he poured himself another drink.

Methos extended his glass in a silent request for more. “Well, barbaric as it might seem to a stuffed shirt like Travers, Horton thought it was perfectly acceptable.” Methos glanced over to where the chained man was squirming in his chair. “Speaking of barbaric, what are we going to do with him?”

“Dunno yet mate. If it were up to me I’d snap his neck and drop him off the pier.” Spike shrugged. “But somehow I don’t think I’ll be allowed to do that.” Spike jerked his thumb in Giles’ direction. “The watcher there has a conscience .”

Giles rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Sometimes a conscience is not all its cracked up to be. I’m seriously considering letting you do just that.” He looked at his empty glass and grimaced. “Right then, more to drink and maybe that thought will be more appealing.”

“That’s the spirit ol’boy. Loose the conscience and make with the fun. It worked for me.” Spike raised his glass towards Giles in salute.

“Yes well, not all of us can set aside human rules and morals to suit our whims.” Giles softly replied.

“Always seemed to work for me, Mr. Giles. And I am human, sort of.” Methos said with a smirk. “Now where were we…? Oh yes, Mac and Horton. Anyway, after the guys with the guns ventilated Mac…” Methos broke off as Giles started snickering. “What’s so funny?”

“Mac… ventilation… a fan…” Giles sputtered.

Methos looked over at Spike who shrugged, “No clue… I think he’s cracked.” Spike thought for a moment, “Either that or he’s drunk, but I don’t think he’s had more than 3 drinks so far.” He glanced back at Methos and asked, “So, what happened next?”

“Seems Horton as in league with this real bad-ass immortal who had a grudge against Mac for some reason or other. While Mac was laying there trying to heal from a dozen bullet holes, he walks in a tries to take Mac’s head.” Methos shakes his head as he reaches for the bottle. “Mother shows up about then and kicked all their asses. The immortal ended up headless… and Horton… well lets just say he’s no longer bothering us with his inane presence.”

“She sounds like my kinda girl.” Spike said with a grin. “I love a woman who protects her family and doesn’t take crap from anyone.”

“Speaking of which, just what exactly is going on between you and my Mother.” Methos inquired with deceptive calm.


Before Tannic could reach the doors, the swung shut and locked themselves. He swung back around, looking for whoever had done it, a scowl on his face.

“Going somewhere Tannic,” Deais asked as she placed a slender hand on his arm. “I think you had best stay here and answer Buffy’s questions, because I have more than a few of my own to ask.” She pulled Tannic back over in front of Buffy and motioned for a large, armored form to come and take hold of Whistler. “Let the Cearitic hold the messenger, Lady, while we get to the bottom of this.”

Buffy pushed Whistler towards the cearitic and turned to Deais with smile. “Of course dear. That is why I am here. To get to the bottom of this entire situation.”

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