AN: There are references to 'Older And
Far Away' in this chapter, specifically about
the birthday party. However, I've changed things
to make it a much nicer party. There will be NO
references to the beating Spike took in 'Dead
Things'. Not in MY happy little story.

Part Five: Bluffing

Whoever said that "good things come to those
who wait" didn't know what the hell they were
talking about. Either that, or they weren't
waiting to have sex with Spike.

I've been waiting for three days now, and to be
honest, I'm sick and tired of it. To win this bet
and get back to where we once belonged, I'm
finding myself in need of an edge.

Last night...I got one. And it's a doozy!

I woke up this morning and discovered that my
period had started during the night.

My cycle is usually pretty regular, but for some
reason, I don't know why, it came early this time.
I can only assume that someone up there likes me,
because opportunity is not only knocking on my door,
it's also leaning on the bell and sticking it's fingers
through the mail slot.

My vampy lover boy will crumble like a house of
cards the minute he gets close enough to sniff me.

Another advantage of having sexual liaisons with
a vampire is that he's not squeamish when a girl is
on the rag. I found that out when I had my first period
after we became lovers.

Of course, there ARE lots of other advantages, too.
Things like stamina, an almost nonexistent recovery time,
and the generous size of their equipment...although
I'm not sure if that's a 'vamp' thing, per se, or a 'Spike'

In other words, he's not called 'the BIG bad' for nothing.

Apparently, a slayer's menstrual blood is like catnip
for a vamp. Drives them bug-fucking nuts. I remember
a scooby meeting we had not long after our Glory days
were over. There was something important going down,
but Spike wasn't paying a bit of attention to what was
being discussed.

He kept staring at me, then he'd look away real quick
whenever I caught him. I didn't know what the hell was
bugging him. He drove everyone crazy drumming his fingers
on the table, fiddling with a stack of reference books,
and drawing pictures on some thousand year old scroll
with Willow's Hi-liter marking pens.

So, then he jumps to his feet and starts wandering
around the Magic shop, humming to himself, snapping
his fingers, and just generally irritating everyone.

Xander told him to settle down, but Spike just gave
him the finger.

We all tried not to pay attention to his
antics after that, but then he started rearranging the
merchandise, picking things up and putting them down
someplace else. Giles hates that sort of thing, being
the type of person who has the contents of his medicine
cabinet arranged in alphabetical order.

Since I wanted to avoid a fight, I got up and headed
across the room to lay a little 'slayer' discipline on my
biggest problem child. He saw me coming and backed
away fast, knocking over a display table and breaking
a bunch of glass bottles that contained ingredients for
different spells; bottles with labels on them that read
'Skunk Root Elixir' and 'Canine Saliva' and the ever
popular 'Badger Urine'. It took us three days to air the
place out and make it fit for customers.

Giles was furious and Anya started to cry. It turned
out that those stinky spell ingredients were some of the
best selling items in the store, not to mention the

I decided to get Spike out of staking range, and
marched him out of the store by the scruff of his
neck. I nagged him all the way back to his place,
trying to get him to tell me what the hell was the matter
with him, but it wasn't until I wrestled him to the ground
and sat on him that he finally fessed up.

Imagine my surprise when he informed me that the
whole sorry mess was MY fault! That if I hadn't been
"sashaying around, flaunting my human female bodily
functions right under his nose", it never would
have happened."

I didn't know a person COULD sashay
while sitting in a chair.

That was when I first found out about the effects
a slayer's menstrual blood can have on a vampire.

I never dreamed that the knowledge would come in
so handy!


After I packed Dawn off to spend the night with Willow
and Tara, I took a quick shower and put on a halter top
and a pair of my shortest shorts. I fixed my hair and
make up, then went downstairs and waited for the doorbell
to ring.

When Spike walked in, he took one look at me and
knew we weren't going anywhere.

"You feel all right, love?" he asked, looking at me all
concerned. God, can he be sweet when he wants to

"Yeah, I'm okay," I answered, sounding as listless as
I could. "Just don't feel like going out tonight is all."

He took off his coat and tossed it over the back of
a chair. My tongue nearly hit the floor, he looked so
damn good in his black button down shirt and tightest
pair of jeans.

"Right, then," he said, shoving his hands into his
pockets and tilting his head to one side a bit, and oh,
God...I love it when he does that!

"Umm...I rented a movie," I said, controlling my urge
to tackle him and tear his clothes off. "And I made some

This is a sure fire form of distraction. Spike loves
movies. He drags me to see every new one that hits the
local cineplex. No matter how crappy it is, he makes me
sit through it, bribing me with treats from the candy counter.

Actually, I really don't mind, because during the real
stinkers...the movies that rate a raised middle finger
instead of a thumb...we usually sit in the back row and
start making out like a couple of horny teenagers.

That's the kind of thing I didn't have much of a chance
to do when I was a kid. I was only sixteen when I was
"called to meet my destiny", as Giles puts it, so I didn't
really have much of an opportunity to date, being busy
with the slaying and all.

Even after I met Angel, I didn't get to date much. He
took me out for coffee once, and then to a movie two
years later. That was pretty much it. And there was no
fooling around either time.

But Spike is making up for it.


"What are we watching?" Spike planted himself at
the far end of the sofa and propped his feet up on the
coffee table.

"You've got your choice," I said, showing him what
I'd rented. "Interview With The Vampire."

He snorted and rolled his eyes.

" about 'From Dusk Til Dawn'?"

"What else?" he asks.

"Finding Nemo?"

He smiled at me. Bingo!

Spike is such a little kid sometimes. Between his
fondness for candy and his enjoyment of animated
films, you'd swear he was only nine years old.

So cute!


I went into the kitchen and came back out with the
popcorn, a huge bowl of M&Ms, and two bottles of
Orange Crush. It's disgustingly sweet, and he's the
only other person I've ever met that likes it as much as
I do.

He's got the movie ready to go, and punches the
play button as I settle down next to him on the couch,
sitting real close so that we can share the popcorn.

The first day of my period is usually pretty heavy,
so I wear a sanitary pad because those super absorbent
tampons scare me. When you've literally come
back from the dead, you don't take any unnecessary
chances with health and mortality. At least I don't...well,
beyond the ones that I'm forced to take due to my occu-
pation, I mean.

After a couple of minutes, I feel a rush of fluid exiting
my body. Like Pavlov's dog, Spike sits straight up on
the couch, then turns and glares at me.

"You're diabolical," he says, inching away.

"How so?" My innocent act needs work.

I can't look at him and keep a straight face, so I
start tossing M&Ms into the air and catching them
in my mouth.

He reaches over and snatches one out of the air,
popping it into his own mouth. "It's not going to work,
Slayer. I've got a bit more self control than you give me
credit for."

Funny. Up until tonight, I didn't give him credit for ANY self
control. Spike's always been Mr.' If-I-want-it-it's-mine-so-
hand-it-over-right-NOW!' Especially when it comes to
me and him...and sex.

Would a guy with self control follow me into the
bathroom, pull down my pants, and nail me to the wall
during my birthday party? I think not.

I've got to stop thinking about those things, or I'll
never win this bet. Then I'll be seriously up shit creek
without a paddle anywhere in sight.

However, I'm starting to find out that it's easier said
than done, 'specially when a girl's not getting any of
what she's become so divinely accustomed to.

That birthday, what a night that was!

I've often had dreams...fantasies, I guess...of being
locked in a house overnight with Spike. The things we
do in those fantasies would make the Decline and Fall
of the Roman Empire look like an Easter egg hunt.

But my fantasy did NOT include all the other people
who were there. No tantrum throwing
little demons, friendly or otherwise...and
definitely no blind date set ups arranged by those
whose hearts were in the right place, but who are
blissfully ignorant of the fact that my body is permanently
spoken for...yeah, and my heart, too.

Absolutely, my heart!

Next: Bluffing (cont..)

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