Author's Chapter Notes:
Thoughts are in 'these'.
BTW. I'm sorry for taking forever. Writers block sucks!
Chapter 4:

“I got her, Vampiric Overlord, now do I get the eternal gift? Please Master.” Chanterelle asked, her hands connected in front of her. Spike turned to her,

“Of course, but there’s just one more thing I need you to do, Mushroom. Do you have some rope?” Spike asked, though the vampire worshiping occult annoyed him to no end, he didn’t mind Chanterelle. Even if she was a bit stereotypical she seemed worthy enough to be a minion. Possibly more.

“Yes, Master.” Chanterelle smiled heading out of the room to get him what he needed.

He could get what he wanted easily right now: the slayer out unconscious on a comfy cushion. Unable to protect herself if he was to ‘accidentally’ slid onto her.

'But I’m not Angelus.' He reminded himself. 'Plus it wouldn’t be satisfying. I want to Slayer to willingly fuck me. I want her moaning under me, begging for it.'

“Here, Master.” Chanterelle said, joining Spike’s side with some chain. Spike gave her a smile that made her almost faint. Spike knelt down at Buffy’s side and tied her wrists behind her back just incase she woke up.

“I don’t think she’ll wake up, Master Spike, I gave her an extra dosage on account of her powers.” Chanterelle said. Spike lifted Buffy over his shoulder and then patted Chanterelle’s blonde head.

“Thanks, Luv. Why don’t you come with me to my place and you’ll be living your dream in no time.”

Buffy woke up a few hours after Spike had gotten her where he wanted her. He had been hiding in the shadows from the start admiring her. In sleep, she looked innocent and carefree. No one would ever suspect that she was a hero who stopped the end of the world everyday. Spike had been in so much thought that he didn’t realize the Slayer fully wake up until she was standing in front of him with a death glare.

“You thought you could get away, Slayer. I think that you should stop thinking because it’s giving you false hope.” Spike smiled, surprised that she hadn’t thrown the punch yet.


“What?” Spike asked, truthfully not knowing what she asked.

“How did you get me.” Buffy said, “How did you find me?”

Spike chuckled, “I have some friends on the other side.”

It was then that Buffy remembered what the fat arrogant man had said.

'But, be careful Miss. Half the population is vampires.'

A soft knock at the door interrupted Buffy’s thoughts.

“Come in.” Spike said, sensing that it was his Mushroom.

“I brought the water and clothe, Master.” She said, setting them on the dresser.

“Vampire worshippers…” Buffy mumbled.

“I know,” Spike grinned, “Loyal lil’ buggers too! Chanterelle, Pet, find your way to my bedroom. I will be there soon.” He waved the woman away with the flick of his wrist.

“Chanterelle, no! It’s not what you think. It’s just death.” Buffy called, soon realizing that the woman was too far gone. Spike shut the door and pointed to the bed, silently asking Buffy to sit. Buffy disappointed him by giving Spike the ‘resolve stance’. (Similar to Willow’s resolve face, but Buffy’s was much more threatening). “What kind of crap are you pulling, Spike? Taking me and keeping me. I know I’m not a hostage, I called Giles and he didn’t say anything about you offering to exchange me for money. I know that you are keeping me alive to skrew up the line. But why not do what normal vampires would do and lock me up in some inescapable dungeon. Not that I’m really complaining,” she emphasized this with putting her hands, palms facing Spike, in front of her, “But, I’m big with the confused at the moment. Because instead of carnivorous rodents and thick chains in a dungeon 30 feet in the ground, I’m two stories high with a big comfy bed with a lack-age of blood thirsty things. That, of course, doesn’t count you because you are constantly watching me and staring at me with that evil smirk… Why are you smirking at me?”

“Because Slayer, your making it seem like it’s something big. It’s not really.” Spike said. Slowly pushing her onto the bed.

“What’s not big?”

“My reason for keeping you here.” Spike shrugged.

“It’s seems pretty big. Since you had to take me all the way to bum fucked and you got a purdy mouth Oregon.” She yelled.

“I think I’ve already make it clear what I want to happen before I let you go.” Spike said.

“I’m sure that you haven’t.” Buffy assured him. But then, her mind went on overload. Everything that had been said and everything that hadn’t been said went through her mind. Then the answer popped into her head, 'Oi, Slayer, I can give you a preview. Y’no just to make sure that my jollies are good enough for it.'

“If you want to get in my pants Spike, you have to at least take me out for dinner and a movie.” Buffy said.

“Ding ding ding.” Spike smiled.

“Of course not.” Buffy said, “Never. I would never do that with you. EVER!”

She jumped off the bed and pushed Spike towards the door. Spike grabbed her wrists and pushed her hard against the wall.

“I know you want it slayer.” Spike said, grinding his hardening erection into her crotch.

“I would n-never want it from you Spike.” Buffy said, trying to push him off of her.

Spike sniffed the air, “I have proof that you do, Pet. I know that every part of you wants that release. Angelus could never give you that release and you want to find someone that can. Poor Slayer, can get her rocks off with a toy. Poor, sexually repressed girl. I can fix that, I can itch that painful, wet, itch.”

Buffy almost agreed.

She wanted to so bad. But she couldn’t. With all the force she could muster, she threw Spike off of her and into the door. Spike waved goodbye,

“Just call for me when you change your mind.” Spike said, shutting the door behind him.

Buffy prayed that she wouldn’t hear the hope crushing click of the lock.

… Click…

Authors Note: Thanks for waiting.

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