Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks for all of the reviews! Sorry this chapter took so long to get out, but my little sister came to visit last week and I figured my mother would not be too pleased with me writting smut around her. This was a bit rushed and forced, muse was cooperating tonight but it was difficult to put to words. Hope you guys like it! Please review!
Buffy’s stomach was tied in knots; anxiety eating away at her nerves until she felt like she was about to throw up her breakfast all over the plush leather seats of the town car Angel had provided for them. As she fidgeted with the tiny iridescent beads that adorned the edges of her pale pink sweater, Buffy imagined all of the horrible things that could happen once they got in the courtroom. She was in the middle of a particularly gruesome massacre scene when Spike nudged her in the side, effectively pulling her out of the daydream.

“We’re here,” Spike informed her, pulling her hands into his. “You ready, pet? The press must have camped out because the bloody vultures are already swarming the place.”

Her mouth opened and closed like a guppy; words refused to form. Taking a calming breath, she tried again. “Ready as I will ever be, I guess. Do you think my mom and Giles are here yet?”

“Let’s hope so. Angel mentioned sending a car to their hotel early this morning so that they wouldn’t have any run-ins with the press. I imagine Peaches would have called if there had been any problems.”

“I wish their flight hadn’t been delayed so that they could’ve come with us. Mom was just being stubborn last night when she refused to let us pick them up. Like midnight is too late!” Grumbling, Buffy settled back against the seat and started picking at her clothes again; trying to find anything to distract her from the looming courthouse.

“Your Mum just worries about you is all, kitten. Figured you and the Niblet needed the rest for the big day is all.” Spike reached over and took one of Buffy’s hands in his in attempts to get her to stop fidgeting before all the beads fell off her shirt.

“Yeah, whole lotta good that did me, huh?” Buffy commented with a devious smile. “Somebody kept me up all night!”

“Oi! Bloody well believe you were the one who woke me up!” Spike replied, wearing a look of pure shock across his face. Curling his tongue over his front teeth, he pulled Buffy closer and snarkily said, “Didn’t hear any complaints coming from your direction.”

“EWW!! Hello…impressionable younger sister still in the car with you guys.” Dawn shrieked as she slapped her hands over her ears. “Way too much information!”

Buffy rolled her eyes at her little sister’s antics, but changed subjects anyway. “So, how long does something like this take? Days…weeks? What time frame are we looking at here?”

“Don’t rightly now, luv? Let’s keep our finger crossed that this circus will be over shortly. I, for one, don’t fancy being in a suit day after day like a namby pamby nancy boy. Never understand why anyone would want to wear a bleeding noose around their necks everyday?” As if to accentuate his point, Spike tugged at his crimson neck tie with a sour look on his face.

“Oh, I don’t know. I think the suits kinda hot.” Wriggling in her seat, Buffy turned herself towards Spike and ogled him appreciatively. When he had emerged from the walk-in closet that morning, Buffy’s mouth had literally dropped wide open. In fact, after she had stopped staring at him, she was amazed to find that there was not any drool lingering on her chin. While Buffy was rather fond of his worn in jeans and countless black T-shirts with his leather duster, she could definitely get use to the tailored black suit, black button up dress shirt and crimson tie. Licking her lips suggestively, Buffy’s nerves literally melted away as all of her thoughts were now focused on inappropriate thoughts of a naked Spike; until the town car lurched to a stop. Instantly, her anxiety reappeared and clasped her hand tighter around Spike’s for comfort.

“It’s now or never, luv.” Once he got her nodded approval that she was ready, Spike opened the car door and was instantly flanked by Angel, Gunn and Wesley. The four men surrounded the Summers’ sisters, giving them a slight sense of security. With a firm grip on Buffy’s hand, Spike slowly led her and Dawn towards the entrance of the courthouse.

“Miss Summers! “ The press shouted, the bright flickering lights from their cameras causing both Buffy and Dawn to blink rapidly. “Buffy! Do you have anything to say about the trial?”

Head held high and a death grip on Spike’s hand, Buffy replied, “No Comment!” Though her reply fell upon deaf ears, they wanted a response and would not stop until they got what they wanted. “Vultures,” she muttered under her breath, trudging slowly behind her protector with Dawn’s hand frantically grasping at her other hand.

Finally, the front door of the courthouse was in Buffy’s sights, offering a slight sense of security to Buffy since the press was not allowed inside the courtroom. Buffy was about to sigh with relief when Angel wrapped his hand around the door knob, moving slightly aside to allow them through, when she heard the press erupt into another fit of questions behind her. Standing just inside the doorway, Buffy turned around to see what all of the commotion was. When she tucked Dawn safely behind Angel, Buffy came face to face with Riley and his attorney.

With a smug grin plastered across his face, Riley turned to face the press and began answering questions which he had obviously prepared for at length before hand. His attorney, a tall, slim brunette with curves in all the right places stood protectively against him in a manner that suggested she was more than just Riley’s lawyer.

“That is the look of one unsatisfied woman.”

Buffy turned to look behind her and came face to face with Anya and Xander. “Unsatisfied?” She asked with a confused look on her face.

“Yes. Much like the one that you use to have, Buffy.” Anya informed the group with a knowing look. “All pinched and unpleased. I mean look at her! Her body language screams that she is in need of anorgasm.”

“Ahn…” Xander said quietly, “remember the whole ‘Proper Public Conversations’ thing we discussed?”

“What?!? It’s true. That woman looks very much like what Buffy use to when she was having sex with Riley. Buffy’s face looks much better now that Spike is giving her sufficient orgasms on a daily basis. Don’t you agree?” When no one answered her, Anya huffed. Xander’s exasperated cry sent her into full blown pout mode until Spike wrapped his arm around Buffy’s shoulder and said with a puffed up chest, “I totally agree with you, Anya. Buffy was a bit disgruntled before I came along.”

With a crimson blush creeping up her neck, Buffy smoothed an imaginary wrinkle from her heather gray sleeveless dress. “Ok, so now that my sex life or lack of one has been dissected can we please get this show on the road?”

Once inside the courtroom, Buffy was grateful to find her mother and Giles already seated in the front row. Hurrying forward, Buffy fell into her mother’s embrace; wrapping her arms around Joyce’s waist, clinging to her mother for comfort. “I’m so glad you’re here, Mom.”

“Sweetheart, nothing could have kept me away.” Joyce assured her oldest daughter, smoothing Buffy’s golden locks with one hand while the other one calmingly stroked her back. “I have to be here for my girls.”

“Thank you.” Buffy placed a soft kiss on her mother’s cheek, then moved away to swap parents with Dawn; leaning into Giles for a fatherly hug before taking a seat. Buffy sat in between Spike and her mother, while Dawn moved in to take the free spot next to Joyce before Giles could sit down. Angel and Wesley sat at the end of the row next to Giles, while what could only be called as the rest Buffy’s entourage, Willow, Tara, Gunn, Faith, Oz, Xander, Anya, Lorne, filled the row behind them.

A door at the back of the room opened and a hush fell over the crowd as the black robed judge entered; the bailiff loudly announcing his arrival. Once Judge Hargrove was settled, he greeted the Assistant District Attorney Mr. Mitchell, where they went over the charges for the State before moving on to the defense.

Standing up proudly, Riley’s attorney announced, “Lilah Morgan, your Honor. My client pleas not guilty by reason of mental insanity or defect.”

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