Author's Chapter Notes:
Five reviews and counting so here's your reward! P.S. Apologies for the angst - things are gonna be pretty rough for the next few chaps but plz bear with me becoz Spuffy love wins through in the end!
Chapter 26

The next morning, Spike parked his DeSoto in his driveway and slumped back in the seat, trying to will his head to stop spinning. He didn’t remember drinking that much but then he must’ve have imbibed a fair bit for him to pass out in one of the many bedrooms. When he’d woken up this morning, he’d felt like shit, but had managed to drive the short distance home.

Getting out of the car, he hauled his ass inside the house and up the stairs to his bedroom. He wanted to make sure that Buffy was ok – he couldn’t believe he’d spent the night at Cordelia’s after promising he’d only stay a couple of hours. ‘Bad Boyfriend Award’ for Spike Giles! But before he saw her he needed a shower and a toothbrush. His head was splitting and his mouth tasted rancid.

Opening the door to his room, he stopped short when he saw his girlfriend curled up on his bed, wearing one of his black sweaters over the top of her pajamas and cuddling her little pink stuffed pig.

Seeing that she was still fast asleep, he shed his clothes, headed next door and jumped in the shower to wash away the cobwebs, before brushing his teeth. Feeling a little more human, he returned to his room and sat down on the bed. The mattress dipped with his weight and Buffy stirred and opened her eyes. When she focused on him she sat up.

“Spike, where have you been? I’ve been worried sick.”

“I think I passed out at Cordy’s. I don’t know, I don’t remember.”

“I waited for you to come home and when it got to about eleven o’clock, I came up here to wait for you, figuring if I feel asleep, I’d wake up when you got back. I even tried your cell phone but it went straight to voicemail.”

Getting up, Spike picked up his jeans and fished around in the pocket for his phone. When he found it, he saw that the screen was black.

“I guess the battery died. Kitten, I’m sorry for making you worry. I guess I had more to drink than I thought I had.”

Buffy smiled, before pulling him into her arms. “I’m just glad you’re ok.” Then drawing back, she frowned. “Spike, where’s your pendant?”

Spike put his hand to his neck and realized he wasn’t wearing the ‘spike’ pendant that she’d bought him during their LA trip.

A puzzled look crossed his face. “I don’t understand – I’ve never taken it off. It must’ve fallen off last night.” He paused. “Maybe the clasp broke or something.”

“You think you’ll be able to get it back?” Buffy asked.

“Don’t worry, luv, I’ll ring Cordy later and ask if she’s found it. If not then I’ll go back over there and look for it myself.” He kissed her. “Anyway, how are you, pet? Feeling any better this morning?”

“A bit. My stomach’s still a little churny.”

“Maybe you should go see the doctor. I mean, you’ve not been feeling well for a few days. It might be worth just checking with the doc that you’re ok.”

“Perhaps you’re right. I’ll ring and see if I can get an appointment for today. Can I use your phone?”

“Go ahead,” Spike said, gesturing to the cordless handset on the bedside table, before collapsing on the bed beside her.

Five minutes later, Buffy hung up, having booked an appointment for an hour’s time.

“Gimme forty winks and I’ll go with you,” Spike muttered, sitting up, his eyes half shut with tiredness.

Buffy smiled. He looked so cute when he was sleepy. “Don’t take this the wrong way, baby, but you look like death. I can go alone – I’d rather you stayed here and got some rest.”

“Ok, luv,” Spike said as he flopped back on the bed, too tired to argue.

“Hello Buffy, come in and sit down,” Dr Jenny Calendar said when Buffy entered her office, gesturing to the seat in front of her desk. “What can I do for you today?”

“Well, I’ve been feeling a bit off the last few days. I think it’s just a tummy bug, but I just wanted to make sure.”

Dr Calendar smiled. “Ok, hop up on the bed and I’ll take a look.”

Buffy climbed up onto the examining couch and lay back, while the doctor picked up her stethoscope.

“Lift up your shirt, please.”

Buffy lifted her shirt and Dr. Calendar placed the stethoscope against her stomach and listened, before pressing against it with her fingers.

“Ok, you can get up now.” After Buffy straightened her clothes and returned to her seat, Dr Calendar gave her a small cup. “I’d like to take a urine sample, if that’s ok, Buffy?”

Buffy nodded and the doctor directed her to a small bathroom. Minutes later, a nurse knocked on the door to take the deposit from her and Buffy returned to the doctor’s office.

“Ok, Buffy, while we wait for the results, I just want to ask you a few questions, ok?”


“Do you have a boyfriend?”


“And do you and your boyfriend have sexual intercourse?”

“Yes,” Buffy replied, blushing. She knew she was underage, but Dr Calendar was required by law to keep her patients’ revelations secret.

“Can I ask what contraception you use and how long you’ve been using it?”

“I’ve been on the pill for about seven months. Why do you think it could be something to do with that?”

“I’m not ruling anything out, Buffy.”

Just then the phone rang and Dr Calendar picked it up, spoke briefly to the person on the other end and then put it down.

“Buffy, that was the nurse with your results.”

Dr Calendar’s tone sounded grave and a look of alarm crossed Buffy’s face. Something must be seriously wrong.

“Buffy…you’re pregnant.”

About half an hour later, Buffy sat on a bench in the park half a block away from the doctor’s surgery, trying desperately to get her head around everything. She’d been in a daze ever since had been given the news, though Dr Calendar had given her a pamphlet detailing her options and managed to get her to book another appointment for later in the week.

While everything was kind of a blur, one thing was clear to her. Yes, she was terrified at the thought of becoming a mother, but she knew she could never have an abortion or give the baby away. Even though she’d known about her pregnancy less than hour and the baby wasn’t even the size of her pinkie, it was part of her. Her and Spike.

She had no idea how she was going to tell Spike, let alone how he’d react. She doubted he’d imagined becoming a father at eighteen. Even so, she knew he’d make a terrific dad. The thought of a little boy or girl with his incredible blue eyes brought a smile to her lips.

“He doesn’t deserve your smiles, you know.”

Buffy looked up to see Drusilla standing next to the bench. “What do you want?” she asked, her eyes narrowing.

“Happiness is short-lived, sunshine. Your boy’s been very naughty.”

Buffy shook her head in bewilderment. The girl was a certified loony. “Just leave me alone.”

“Did he tell you where he was last night? What he was doing?”

“Look Drusilla, Spike is with me now, so just get over it and stop trying to come between us. And tell your boyfriend the same thing.”

Drusilla looked affronted for a moment. “I’m not playing with any dolls that don’t want to play with me. But my Spike still wants to play with me. He always has.” She smiled. “Didn’t you wonder why he didn’t come home last night? Because he was with me.”

A niggling doubt crept into her mind, but Buffy refused to acknowledge it. She trusted Spike. “I don’t believe you. You’re just pissed because Spike wised up to your crazy ho-bag ways and doesn’t want anything more to do with you.”

Drusilla’s smile was pure evil, as she pulled something out of her pocket and held it up. “Recognize this? I found it in my bed this morning.”

Buffy’s froze, seeing Spike’s pendant swinging from Drusilla’s fingers. The niggling doubt grew more insistent. He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t have.

Her rival tossed the trinket into her lap. “Give it back to him, will you? And tell him last was fun – we should do it again soon.” And with that, she walked off.

Buffy stared at the bauble lying in her lap and felt sick. She didn’t know what to think. She’s been so sure about Spike but what if she’d been wrong. He’d been distraught when he’d found out about Drusilla, Angel and Darla. What if he’d never gotten over her? What if he was just biding his time until he could get her back?

She sat there, her hands resting on her still flat stomach, her head spinning from everything that had happened. She’d been trying to work out how she was going to tell Spike about the baby and now she’d been thrown a curveball with Drusilla’s declaration. Tears silently fell from her eyes and one question lay at the forefront of her mind.

What was she going to do if Drusilla was telling the truth?

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