Author's Chapter Notes:
Many apologies for irregular updating - I've had a busy week and needed to get on top of a few things (and I wish Spike had been one of them!!) I hope I can continue to update regularly but life often throws us curveballs that change our plans. Anyways here's my long awaited next chapter - hope you like...
Chapter 6

Spike sat at his usual table at the Bronze nursing a JD and coke. Darla and Dru were with him but were deep in conversation. He was glad nobody was concerned with asking him why he seemed to be in such a foul mood.

Truth was he couldn’t even understand himself. He’d been decidedly morose all day, ever since his encounter with Buffy the previous night. He was pissed off that she’d rejected him and then got up on her high horse and accused him of using her and hiding their ‘relationship’ from his friends. Well that was bollocks for a start – how could she accuse him when she’d known all along what the situation was and had never expressed any objections.

What pissed him off even more was that he shouldn’t even care whether she rejected him or not. He’d had flings before with girls who then played the wounded victim to try to keep his interest – clearly believing the theory that by playing hard to get made a guy want you more. Not Spike – he’d often been amusingly perplexed as to why a girl would give in to his charms and then put up barriers. After all he’d already got what he’d wanted.

So why was this girl bothering him so much? He should be glad that she was calling time – after all it saved him doing it and then having a weeping bird on his hands. And it least he didn’t have to worry anymore about his friends finding out about their secret liaisons. So what if she was incredible in bed – he still had Dru and when she was busy, there were plenty of women out there who weren’t so concerned about morals.

Suddenly determined to forget all about Buffy and her stupid moral principles and concentrate on the good things in life. His father was a world famous novelist with more money than God and Spike was the most popular guy in school. He also had a gorgeous girlfriend who constantly kept him on his toes between the sheets.

Deciding he was glad he and Buffy were over, he went to join Angel at the bar where he was chatting to Xander and Cordy. The crowds parted for him as he moved giving him a great view of the dance floor. It was then that he caught sight of Buffy dancing with Riley Finn.

What on earth was she doing with that Captain America wannabe? The guy was big and burly and totally swamped the petite blonde. He’d probably crush her if he had sex with her. Unbidden an image of two of them in the sack crept into his head making Spike clench his fist. For some reason he was bothered by the idea of Buffy and Finn together but he didn’t know why.

Well she’d be in for a shock wouldn’t she? A do-gooder farm boy like Finn probably didn’t know what to do with a girl like Buffy. He probably had no idea what the clit was let alone where it was and was more than likely an exclusively missionary type of guy. Buffy wouldn’t like that – the girl he remembered was anything but conventional.

Tonight it seemed his brain was determined to torment him as he was suddenly treated to a flashback of him and Buffy together with her on top, straddling him. He allowed himself to nurture the memory, recalling her flushed face and hard-tipped breasts as she rode him at a gallop till his legs buckled, her muscles squeezing him till he popped like warm champagne.

Groaning, he pulled himself out of his reverie as he felt his cock harden in his pants. He wanted Buffy now and it hadn’t been so long that he’d forgotten exactly how to turn her on. He’d bet her morals would fly out the window if he was able to put his hand up her skirt and finger her to orgasm. He had a right mind to walk out onto the dance floor and pull her right out of Finn’s arms and kiss her breathless, but there was no way he could do that with his friends and Dru in the vicinity.

Then he saw Buffy pull back from Finn’s embrace and head off in the direction of the bathroom. With a quick glance to ensure his friends were occupied, he followed in her wake.

Successfully startling her when she emerged five minutes later, he managed to block her path.

“Get out of my way, Spike.”

He ignored her angry command. “Having fun, Goldilocks?”

She glared at him. “Not that it’s any of your business but yes, I’m having a great time.”

“I find it hard to believe that dancing with Captain Cardboard is as thrilling as coming in my arms.”

“Well that’s your problem, not mine.”

“I’m just watching out for you, luv. I’ve heard he’s rubbish in bed,” he said. “You know I wouldn’t want you to be left unsatisfied.” He added the dig, remembering fondly that he’d never left her bed without making her come at least twice.

Buffy smiled. “You sound jealous, Spike.”

“Yeah, right! As if *I’d* be jealous of Riley Finn!”

Buffy grinned to herself at his defensive attitude. “If you say so,” she said, finally managing to push past him and heading back out to find Riley. Spike remained standing there, angry that she danced circles around him and dismissed him a second time.

“You think he’ll take you out on his ten-speed, luv,” he said under him breath as he headed back to his friends. “Jealous my ass.”

“You can just drop me here,” Buffy said to Riley as they approached the Giles mansion.

“Buffy, I promised to take you home and I think it’s only right that I see you to your door.”

“I’m grateful for the ride, Riley, but I would feel better if you let me get out here.”

“Look, Buffy,” Riley said, as he pulled in at the curb. “If this is about not wanting me to know that you live at the Giles mansion, that you don’t need to worry. Willow already told me.”

Buffy paled. How could Willow do this to her? Riley would probably be embarrassed to be seen with her now just the way that Spike was.

“Buffy, I don’t care,” Riley said when he saw her reaction. “It doesn’t matter to me where you live. Even if you lived in a cardboard box, I’d still wanna go out with you.”

“You wanna go out with me?” Buffy whispered, still a little dazed.

“Buffy, I like you, I really do.” He leaned over to kiss her.

As Riley’s mouth descended on hers, the image of Spike kissing her flashed through her head and she pulled away.

“Buffy, is something wrong?” Riley asked, a little confused.

Would she ever be able to move on from Spike, or was he destined to haunt her forever? She’d thought that by setting him straight the other night, she had released her demons. Maybe it was still too soon. Spike was her first love – not something that was easy to get over.

“Look, Riley. I like you too, only I haven’t had the best of experiences with relationships and I’m a little unsure about jumping straight into another one. Can we just take things slow – you know, be friends and then see what happens?”

Riley stroked a finger down her cheek and smiled. “Of course, Buffy. We’ll take things as slow as you want. I’m happy to be your friend and I really hope that one day soon, I’ll be something else as well. Now let’s get you home.”

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