‘It’s all in the genes’

‘It’s all in the genes’

Chapter 2

Summary: Set in an AU season 4 after ‘A New Man’. Buffy has begun to accept and quite enjoy her life as a slayer but Giles is about to reveal a prophecy that will change Buffy’s life (again) forever. Oh yea, Spike may be required to help out, just a little.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, I just borrowed from Joss Whedon.

Xander and Willow just stared at Giles, confusion written all over their pale faces. Willow shook her head "Um….there’s just one problem there Giles!" Willow slid across to the couch and edged in between Xander and Giles, "Buffy doesn’t have a child."

"Got a point there Will" Xander added. "The Buffster isn’t planning on having a child anytime soon, well not that I know of" Xander paused and glanced at Willow hoping for a sign of confirmation. Willow just shrugged anxiously, her small shoulders curled inward.

She whispered, "Maybe Buffy has gotten the baby bug, maybe her and Riley have already planned it, maybe she’s pregnant right now!" Willow’s voice suddenly turned into a whine "Why wouldn’t she tell me? I’m her best friend, her college buddy, college buddies share everything right?" Willow had become distraught, looking at Giles for answers.

"Willow, calm down" Giles sternly pronounced "You’re both jumping way ahead of yourselves. As it quite happens, Buffy is not currently pregnant, or so I hope. I’ve been researching the prophecy all day…"

"Noticeably" Xander butted in, glancing around the disheveled lounge room and a disheveled Giles.

Giles sighed, scowling Xander "I haven’t unearthed any fine details but it seems that the Book of Artemis gives a general overview of the slayer prophecy, which the Council confirms must be established earlier than expected" Giles lifted the large, well worn text and placed it on Willow’s knees. Xander hovered over her shoulders, trying to get a closer look.

Pouring himself another straight scotch, Giles continued, "As you can see, it was essential that if a slayer reaches the age of 22, she must conceive a child who possesses the same strength and power as herself." Giles sipped the scotch slowly, trying to articulate the reactions on Buffy’s friends blank faces.

"Question" Xander spoke up, "Why the hell would Buffy have a child just because a text tells her so. You know Buffy never listens to books, hell, she doesn’t even listen to you"

Giles desperately tried to contain his frustration "Yes" he said through clenched teeth, "but if she does not fulfill the prophecy than the world as we know it will be in grave danger. The hell dimension will open up once again and as we are all familiar, the world will be sucked into it, unable to fight against it"

Willow hesitated and half raised her hand "Uh Giles, one more question. What does Buffy’s child have to do with the whole you know, the world becoming hellish like?"

"Good question Willow!" Giles leaned over and flicked through the pages on the Book of Artemis. He finally paused at a sketch of a slender woman, draped in satin, bearing a demon’s face, her stomach bulged out and a smaller demon was drawn inside of it.

"From what I can gather, if a Slayer turns 22 it throws off the whole balance of ‘the chosen one.’ Basically, there will be no other Slayers to continue the lineage into the future. Her child must be the future slayer. He or she has no choice. From then on the legacy must be carried through their genetic makeup. Otherwise the demon population will take control of the human world and ultimately turn it into the hell dimension they’ve always dreamt about." Giles polished off the remainder of the Scotch and sunk down into the soft cushions of the couch.

"Unfortunately this text is not quite up to date" Giles said as he removed his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You think?" Xander said sarcastically, fingering the faded yellow pages, torn around the edges.

Ignoring Xander Giles continued, "The Council consulted the revised edition and the dates in the old edition did not match up, apparently the slayer must conceive a child at the tender age of 19. Buffy has been the only slayer to survive to such an age, as young as it may seem"

Willow and Xander rose their eyebrows simultaneously.

The room was silent for a few minutes as Willow studied the text while Xander fiddled with his thumbs. Xander was never into research. He generally spent the time eating or making smart arsed comments. Helped make him look busy.

"Wait a minute" Willow squeaked as she leant closer to study the small text in the corner of the picture. "It mentions something here in some sort of Latin. Can you translate it?" Willow pointed to the small inscription as Giles tried to focus on the tiny print.

"Ah yes, I believe it says that the father of the child must match the slayers physical and emotional strength in order for the child to grow into a successful slayer"

"Who on earth can match Buffy’s strength? There’s a reason why we call her the Slayer you know" Xander questioned, looking from Willow to Giles and back to Willow again.

"I questioned myself repeatedly on such a confusing matter but I think I have come up with an answer. Not the best one but it’s our only hope" Giles uttered as he began to tidy the coffee table, stacking the books in some sort of alphabetical order.

"Giles, don’t keep us hanging here" Xander said, frustrated.

"Yea Giles, who could possibly have the same strength as Buffy?" Willow pointed out.

Giles answered hesitantly, "I don’t think Buffy would be too thrilled with the suggestion but I’m afraid he’s our only hope"


Spike had sprawled himself across his scarphogas inside the crypt, his head was swimming, the walls seemed to be dancing all around him. Two bottles of bourbon and his trusty hit flask had been completely emptied.

"Bloody Slayer" Spike slurred aloud, trying desperately to focus on standing up without collapsing again. "Thinks she’s all high and mighty and what not. That bloody chit won’t know what hit her when old Spikey’s finished with her"

"Is that what you’re calling your manly member nowadays is it Mr Spike?" A voice loomed over him. Spike couldn’t quite recognize the voice and the figure standing before him looked rather hazy, it possibly had two heads or three, depending on which way Spike tilted his head.

"Oi, bugger off mate, I’m drowning myself in my own pity here" Spike mumbled. The figure didn’t move.

"Don’t you recognize us Mr. Spike? We only met a few hours ago, outside Willy’s bar if you can recall." The figure hadn’t come alone. With a loud whistle the rest of the gang had surrounded Spike, leaving no room for a desperate escape. Spike lay silent for a moment, weighing up his options through a fuzzy array of thoughts.

"Sorry mate can’t stay long, got a date and all, gotta find myself something half decent to wear, something that’ll be sure to impress the lady’s."

The demon gang looked questioningly at one and other. Spike sat up and studied his enemies. The majority were vampires whilst two seemed to be some sort of Avony demon. Their snouts were purple and their bodies were covered in purple scales.

"What a charming bunch you are" Spike announced and with all his drunken strength he heaved himself into a back flip straight over the demons’ heads and headed for the heavy doors of his crypt. The cool air outside suddenly hit Spike’s face and it seemed to assist him in the sobering up process.

"Get him you pathetic thugs" the leader shouted angrily as they all took off after the blonde vampire. Yet, they struggled to keep up with him. Spike was slim and agile, it didn’t take long before he had lost the demon gang in the cemetery. Of course, Spike had hidden up a large tree, like a scared kitten, as he watched intently over them searching the dark cemetery for their prey. Finally, their leader called them over, gave them some instructions and exited the cemetery together.

Spike exhaled unnecessarily and awkwardly slipped down the tree trunk. ‘Shit, I’ve had it now,’ Spike thought to himself, ‘I’ve got nowhere left to hide out…. Well maybe there’s one place left.’ Spikes lips curled into an evil smile. ‘This is gonna go down well’ Spike smirked, nodding to himself in agreement whilst lighting up a well-earned cigarette.


Buffy was overjoyed to see the large box wrapped in a big pink bow be set down in front of her. She approached the box and slowly untied the silk ribbon, allowing it to fall gracefully to her feet. The box made a noise, a kind of growl. Buffy squealed in joy, clapping her hands together.

"What is it? What did you get me?" Buffy questioned allowed but nobody seemed to answer her. She was alone in a crimson red room, empty, except for the box in front of her.

Suddenly, the lid popped open and a well-defined, short but irresistibly gorgeous man sprung out. His hair was bleached blonde, slicked back and he wore only a faded pair of black jeans. There was something odd about the man. Buffy stepped closer and noticed his face was impaled with the face of a……vampire. Buffy inhaled sharply, she could feel her face burn bright red in anger.

"Spike, what the…….?"

"Thought it was what you’ve always wanted pet?" Spike interrupted as he grinned with satisfaction hooking his thumbs through the belt loops on his pants.

Buffy was suddenly distracted by a loud pounding noise on the door at the opposite end of the room.

Buffy shot up from her pillow, heart racing. She could still feel the anger burning inside her. Thank god it was only a silly dream! But the banging hadn’t resided, it continued to get louder. Buffy froze at first and followed the sound with her eyes to the bedroom window. She cautiously slipped out from under her blue bed sheets and edged towards the closed curtains.

"Slayer, get up, need your help out here?" The English accent penetrated through the glass.

Buffy flung open the curtains and came face to face with the chipped vampire. He ceased the nonchalant banging, smiled at Buffy and gave her a little wave.

"Spike" Buffy hissed through gritted teeth, "Should’ve known it was you!"




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