Author's Chapter Notes:
thanks again to all those who are kind enough to review. It really does make my day
Dear Faith,
Well here goes. You had better sit down, get a drink and be ready for the letter of your life.

All I can say is: Wow.

I’m pointing this letter so I don’t miss anything.

1) Everyone arrived on (or near enough) time.. something of a minor miracle. We had Giles acting as Host, and Xander and the lifeboat lads carrying luggage, hoping like mad they didn’t have a call out. We got every one settled into the castle. If someone had wanted to bump off 90% of the top acts in the world, set a bomb underneath Traymour. We had the Dingo’s, the Who, Glory, The Osbournes, The Stone Flowers, and the Scissor Sisters and a couple of others who had Dawn swooning and Janice screaming but I am dull enough not to know. Shame on the big sister! Some were staying in the cottages, but most were up at the house. For some reason I’ve had no problems getting the local teenagers to help out. We’ve had more volunteers than jobs at times.

2) With 50, 000 turning up for the weekend it had taken weeks to organise things like showers, loos and parking. We didn’t even manage to clog the motorway (Interstate? Freeway? To you?)

3) There was a new Hottie for the girls to stare at. Wesley Wyndham Price, special Forces co-ordinator. He was doing security for the Royals, and Sam and Riley for me, a guy named Forrest was doing it for the bands, and more about him later.

4) We had put the helicopter landing pad out on the meadow, I swear we needed air traffic control at some points during the day. Then used 4x4’s to get everyone everywhere. Anya had some sort of time plan pinned up. Thank goodness. Spreadsheets are her thing.

5) Jenny spent all her time organising the kitchen crew. We had a volunteer in there as well. Have you heard of the Scottish Chef Gordon Ramsey? Well, he volunteered his services and that of some of his juniors, so he arrived with his family and stayed on the estate. His kids have been riding and swimming with the estate children all week whilst he got organised with Jenny. Tara ran a sort of kids club for them all and had Gunn build an adventure park style climbing frame up in the woods.

You should have seen the looks on peoples’ faces when they came down to breakfast the first morning. We had the Prince and Princess of Wales sitting at the head of the table with faces that are usually seen in the glossies all round. Luckily my table sits over 50 people. We were using the Banqueting Hall…

6) The main event went off without a hitch as far as I was concerned. We had a few clashes of Ego’s but they were soon sorted. Jamie would go up and ask if there was a problem, leaving some poor musician trying to remember whether or not he was supposed to bow every time he met the Heir to the Throne, or would once a day be enough? Amy was no better. She and Cordie hit it off straight away, and played the crowd wonderfully. One would set someone up, and the other knock them down. The various managers soon learned not to play. The only one to escape their games was Lorne. He took one look at them and promised to play nice all weekend.

7) William was lovely. He came over earlyish to help out with the babies. I think I’m falling in love all over again. He is going to a councillor and getting his blood checked regularly. Seems Harmony did a real number on him. She sent emails supposedly from me, and forged his signature on legal documents. But at the moment she is nowhere to be found. There is an arrest warrant out for her. Enough of her.

William was so sweet. I sent him bluebells: ‘forgive and forget.’ Remember I told you about us finding that Victorian Language of Flowers book in the library? Well, he’s been using it to send me messages. And he came over in nearly in tears. In amongst all the chaos of the day, with photographers everywhere, he was just holding me. I think I could be happy again. I couldn’t see us getting back together then, but 3 days is a long time and when you hear what happened you’ll understand.

8) The Concert was a huge success. We made thousands… in fact when the totals are counted up its thought we will have broken the £500 K mark, and that’s pounds, not dollars. Nearly $1 million for 3 days work, or is that 3 months work? Cordy was incredible. She organised, trouble shot and generally left me to play hostess. I swear she knows where trouble will be before it happens. There were a few amusing moments. Some ditsy blond kept following Oz around claiming (imagine a whiney voice) ‘I’m with the band’ on every and all occasions when anyone tried to stop her. Wesley sorted her out and had her escorted off the estate. Riley’s men, definitely men, were everywhere. Forrest was useless. He wasn’t even checking passes properly.

9) The bands used the old tunnels to get from the house to the stage. It worked exceptionally well. No- one could get into the house who wasn’t known to us, so no- one could get backstage. This worked great until the lifeboat got called out, so in the middle of the Dingo’s set two red maroons went up. Most people thought they were just fireworks and cheered, but course the crew knew differently. They tried to get through the crowd but couldn’t, so I managed to get William (sorry, Spike) off stage for two minutes and explained we had problems getting the crew out and we needed them to come to the front and use the tunnels. Being locals they knew what that meant. With Riley and Sam on security and Xander leading the way they made it through the crush and away. After we had to call Dr. Stephanie through as well. She had to be pulled up on stage by Spike Devlin and hurried through to the back. Others tried to get through but Sam knew Xander and he vouched for all those going. And they ran. They arrived back 5 hours later having got a crewman off of a tanker and to hospital. Thank goodness for the heli landing pad. It was a bit of an adventure.
Spike just kept on going, and I have never been more proud of William, the way he handled the crowd.

10) After the concert we went back to the house and partied. You would have been proud of us. I didn’t get to bed ‘til about 4 am. We were singing ‘Princes of the Universe’ by Queen…you know the lines: ‘I have inside me blood of Kings,’ well Jamie, Dawn Amy and I were singing that bit. It wasn’t ‘til about 10 minutes later that everyone realised we had inside us blood of Kings! With all the portraits around you would have thought they would have realised quicker.

Halli’s helper, Sarah, was on babysitting duty. She knew what was going on but nearly fainted when William and Oz went upstairs to see the ‘niblets.’ Seems she had been listening to the music from the balcony, went into her own sitting room to listen to a CD of the band’s, being a big fan, and walked in to check the babies, to see the lead singer and bassist of her favourite band in there. Poor girl. The lads were sweet enough to give her autographs. Halli, it seems, has a very interesting sense of humour. She hadn’t warned Sarah ‘who the daddy’ was, kept calling him Mr. William.

11) The next two evenings were The Dingo’s playing at the little theatre in the village. The tickets had sold for a fortune. At least £150 each…it included a Q&A with the band, as well as them drinking in the bar before and after the show. So we made over £12000 for the lifeboat each night. But the most important night is the second night. I went down to see how things were going. I was tired but Dawn had begged to go. You’d have thought her autograph book was full enough and her memory banks were filled but no, she wanted to go both nights. As there were no tickets left she had to work in the theatre helping out, not that she or Janice minded fetching and carrying for the band. Security was lighter by now ‘cause there were only the Dingo’s left. The other groups had left, Jamie and Amy had returned to London, Cordy had flown to Paris and Sam and Riley were taking the evening off and celebrating in the pub; leaving Forrest and his crew to man this tiny, intimate event. Problem was, that man didn’t have a brain in his head, it was lower in his body. He followed Dawn out of the theatre and was crude, grabbed at her. Dawn being Dawn knee’d him where it hurt and went to sit at the front of the stage on the steps. I was listening to William, he was playing a sentimental song and I admit I was dreaming. The man is hot. Next thing I know is a knife is heading for me. Seems that somehow Harmony had got not only into the UK but into the theatre. Well the place started ringing with screams. I grab her arm just as Dawn kicks her and William leaps off of the stage. The knife hit William in the arm, not badly, but badly enough. Still no sign of Forrest cause he’s nursing bruised nuts in the hall. We overpowered Harmony and rang the police, who arrive very quickly. I’ve known Johnny (our local Bobby) since we went to school together in the village, and he wasn’t best pleased at being disturbed in the pub, but he let Sam and Riley know there was trouble before he came to the theatre. So the upshot is Harmony is in jail. Oh, Happy Snoopy Dance! Sam and Riley are staying for a few more weeks. Forrest got his, William went all Spike on him and threatened to tear him a new one. Dawn then told William why the pillock wasn’t doing his job and it took both Riley and Sam to stop William beating him to a pulp.

However, Forrest seemed to trip over every time he went past any of the local lads. They weren’t happy at one of their girls getting mauled by a ned (twit, idiot, moron).

12) The boys didn’t let that stop the show, oh no. The Dingo’s carried on and finished the evening off; William and I then walked the three miles back to the castle. It was magical, the northern lights were burning and you could see every star. Anyway he goes to kiss me on the cheek, good night, and I sort of turned my head and he hits my lips and one thing led to another and, well, we’re seeing one another again.

Please don’t shout at me. I’m happy for the first time in over a year.

Hope you enjoyed the catch up. My regards to whichever boyfriend you’re with at the moment, and no that wasn’t being bitchy, well maybe it was, but it wasn’t supposed to be.

Dear William,
I would love to come out to dinner on Friday night. I will be ready at 6.30 as requested. Where are we going?

Dear Willow,
Well you can’t say it wasn’t an adventure. Harmony was definitely unexpected. Thank Oz again for me will you, for getting everybody out of the way whilst we disarmed the blond idiot. He was incredible and I hope you realise what a brilliant man you have there. Is he blushing or squirming yet? But they say that behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining. Nearly losing William made me realise how precious he is to me. He also realised how important we all are to him. So he invited me out for dinner last Friday (after all the kissing we’d shared That Night).
Friday was Wow, and I mean WOW.
William picked me up at half six and had organised a helicopter to take us to Glasgow. He had booked us into the most wonderful 5-star restaurant. There were flowers waiting for me… yellow tulips (desperately in love).
We are taking things slowly, we are trying not to make the same mistakes again, but I do feel loved. We’re heading into London for a couple of days. My duties, not his. The Royal Lifeboat Nation Institute and Royal Free Hospital are having fundraisers. So The Lady Elizabeth Giles, Lady Traymour, is expected to attend. We’ll be staying at The Dorchester. Halli is coming with us as well. I have booked a four bedroom suite, for Halli, the babies, Dawn and William, and of course me. What a party. Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Charles have invited us to Windsor for the weekend as well. Naturally Halli will be coming with us. Nanny is always a part of the family.

A funny. William was shouting in the house and woke up Joy. Halli made him write a letter of apology. He didn’t like the idea of staff, not the American way, but seeing him standing there getting a lecture from Nanny was just too funny. It doesn’t seem that many years ago James’ nanny caught Xander and I pillow fighting and we had to do the same for the maid who had to watch us clear up the mess. She had to ensure that we didn’t miss anything.

I’ll make a Scotsman of him yet.

Take care

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