Author's Chapter Notes:
many many thanks to those who read and even more thanks to those kind enough to review
Dear Willow,
Hoping that all is well with you and Oz.
Wonderful news about the baby! I bet Oz is as proud as can be. Are you still going on tour with the boys? It will be early days for the baby and I will be there. Good news, hey?

Things are going very well here. I got a good night kiss last night.
And that’s all the information you’re getting.

Dawn is doing very well at College. She is doing a business course, with European languages. She always was the brainy one. She and Connor are hanging on in there. He’s headed over this way for some work experience (yeah, Right), and is due to meet Uncle Charles and Aunt Elizabeth, only he doesn’t know it yet. I think Dawn is serious. She also wants him to escort her to Fashion Week in London, to see how he deals with the press. She is evil at times. Though I can understand it. It has always been a part of our lives and I have always had to watch what I did in public. One of the reasons I loved being in America, I could ‘hide’ at college.

London fashion week starts next week, and Amy and I have tickets to some of the really hot shows. We have to be seen supporting British Designers of course, anyway William is coming with us as there are various charity things I’m going to and he is escorting me, again. So if you need me in the next week, William, Halli, the children and I are staying at The Dorchester.

Faith called last week. Seems she is settled on one man, I’m told he’s beautiful and intelligent. He’s the head of the school where she was working as a councillor. She’s due to call you next week so I want all the gossip. I’m missing out here.

Sorry I didn't finish the letter last month but here goes part two:-

William escorted me to all my appointments last month, the RNLI ball went beautifully and we danced all night. The Hospital ‘do’ was excellent: dinner and a charity auction. William bought a private pod flight on the London Eye. The children, he and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Saturday was fun. And I have found someone to come on tour with us: yes, William asked me and I have agreed. Separate rooms, of course. The children and Halli will be with us, but I thought to give Halli a break we’d ask Sarah to join us. She’s already worked with us and knows our ways. Two nannies will be wonderful back- up for us. She can act as PA to the girls club as well as helping to care for the children.

Back to Saturday. Amy and I had been to the gym and then drove out of London to meet William, Halli and the kids at Guards Polo Club in Windsor where James was playing. So naturally we were going to cheer him on, and tease him if he fell off. Not really Spike’s scene but William Giles PHD fitted right in.

So, we got changed in London and headed out in the small car that Amy drives herself around in, and parked up at the car park end. Limited security, and they were following in their car. We were headed for the tents when I see William and the kids playing on the climbing frames they have set up there, and go over and collect the kids so we all can go over together; Amy had Joy and I had Billy. William and Halli start back to the clubhouse quicker than us, as the babies were trying to find their presents from Amy. Then I see Sarah and went over, with Amy, to say Hi, I hadn’t seen her for months, well since the concert, and Halli had already told me she had handed in her notice so I was hoping to offer her the job on the tour.

Sarah had a child in her arms and so no bowing, remembering what James had insisted on. Amy was just as pleased to see her, they had hit it off when Amy had found Sarah telling James off for making a noise and waking the children. So the three of us were chatting away when this very rude woman comes up and tells Sarah that she doesn’t want her child any where near ‘our sort’, that if we were important we’d be nearer the Royal Box, and reminds poor Sarah not to ask any celebrities for their autographs.

Amy and I just burst out laughing. Which didn’t help. I mean, it really didn’t help. Amy is the second most important woman in Britain, and I am not exactly unconnected.

Anyway this woman grabs hold of poor Sarah and starts pulling her away from us. Demanding to know who our employer is, as we obviously have no manners and shouldn’t even be at Guards. Sarah was trying to introduce us, so I stick out my hand and say ‘How do you do, I’m Buffy,’ and Amy does the same thing. The woman wouldn’t even shake our hands. Looks down her nose at us and gives ‘that sniff’. Rude, much. You should have seen her, Mutton dressed as Lamb. And bleached, she made me look natural, damn it she made William look natural.

‘I only want my children talking to important people’s children, not their sort.’ The twins were wearing jeans and a tee, what else would you dress kids in for an afternoon in a field? Her precious was in a suit, at four years old, a suit, I ask you.
Anyway by this time, Amy’s security and our menfolk are making their way over.

William, sorry Spike Devlin, who sees Sarah and smiles, gives her a kiss on the cheek and asks if he’s forgiven for frightening her yet, then James turns up and The Harridan recognises him and tries to curtsey. Americans should never try that she looked silly (did I mention she was American?)

James then says hello to Sarah, by name and turns to the harridan and asks, very politely, if there was a problem.

Her husband turns up to see what is going on, and demands that we are removed for upsetting his wife and child! Well I lost it then and near collapsed with laughter; I had to hand Billy over to William, because I was laughing so much. James picks Joy from Amy’s arms for exactly the same reason. The men really thought we were going to drop the babies and James starts kissing Joy.

The harridan is looking absolutely mortified. And demands that her husband takes her home immediately. Security check their tickets and find out they aren’t even members, just hoping to become members; well it takes more than money.

Harridan then turns on poor Sarah and blames her for not introducing us properly. As if there was anyone in the world who wouldn’t recognise The Princess of Wales?
It was so funny, anyway the upshot is that Sarah is staying with us for the rest of the week. Enjoying helping Halli, and relaxing. I saw bruising on her back when we were in the swimming pool Seems Harridan was a little quick with her fists.

Must go, William is taking us all out to the Natural History Museum. Dinosaurs are the order for today, then an early dinner and the theatre. Mary Poppins is on and we have good tickets. Being with a superstar helps sometimes. I think the children and I will sleep for a month when we get home.

Much Love,


Dear Aunt Elizabeth,
Since Mom died, you have been one of the few I can turn to for advice. I am falling in love with William all over again. Since the rehab and the operation he is back to being my William. His sense of humour has returned, and he is caring and loving towards the children and me. Do you think its safe to let him close again?

Please help

Dear William,
Just a quick note as I intend to be shopping most of the day. I love fashion week.

Please be ready to leave at 7pm. I’ll be back long before that hopefully. Halli and Sarah have said they’ll babysit.
See you tonight
Love Buffy

Dear Aunt Elizabeth,
I thought I’d drop you a quick note before I dive out and head off to the gym.

William and I went out for a proper date last week. I realised when we were out that we hadn’t really concentrated on ourselves since I had lived in America.

Things are very different now, we date, we talk and most important we listen.

We both know that Harmony would never have gotten a look in if we had kept on listening.

William and I went to the Ivy, it is a quiet restaurant, known for exclusive, non-infamous clientele. Spike Devlin would find it hard to get a table. But Mr and Lady Elizabeth Giles of Traymor have no problems.
We will be back in Scotland at the end of the week, then The Dingo’s are off on tour. The children and I are going with them. Halli is coming as is Sarah, separate rooms for William and I, I know, too much information. I am taking things very, very, slowly. If it were only me I would leap, but I’m not risking the babies hearts or happiness, no matter how much I feel we should be together.

Things are going very well on the estate, Anya, needless to say is making us a fortune. A small one but at least we’ll have enough in the budget to renew all the water pipes throughout the castle. Seems that there was still lead in places. It’s needed doing for sometime but we simply haven’t been able to free up the money. When I got the estimate I thought it was the plumbers telephone number.

Do you realise that it is nearly two years since Mom died? Dawn is recovering nicely. She is still long distance dating Connor. He is over here at the moment doing work experience. So I don’t see much of her.
When are you headed to Balmoral this year? She wants to ‘drop in’ and introduce you to him properly.

Security has checked him out already and there are no nasty surprises. In fact he’s a bit of a hero. The only incident of note was of him saving the life of a girl who was being attacked at college.

Good news on my front. I passed my 4th dan black belt last month. I think I aged Giles by ten years. He came into the gym to find William and I sparring at full pelt. I think the sight of us throwing each other round really scared him. He thought William was attacking me and tried to step into the fight…right into my fist, he is now sporting the most wonderful black eye. I bought him a case of 15 year old scotch to dull the pain. After having a couple of glasses Giles offered to let me blacken the other eye in exchange for another case. So I think he’ll live.

Must go or I’ll be late.


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