Author's Chapter Notes:
many thanks to those who review. it means a lot
Dear Dru,

It’s been far too long since I’ve written to you, especially as I wouldn’t be enjoying my newly found happiness without you.

We have had an interesting time. The director for the Dingo’s new video wanted it filmed at the castle. Anya saw pound signs and said yes straight away, so we came home to find a film crew taking over the house. All the boys and various actresses were done up as vampires and worked all night. There were Smoke machines and atmospheric spiders webs everywhere and it looked really weird. I’m not sure if I like Spike with fangs and a vampires ridges.

We opened up the old dungeons for them and they filmed part of Spike’s singing down there. It looked very strange with all the cameras and people about, trying to look spooky. Then some children came down and are seen being chased by Oz done up as a werewolf.

It was one for the photo album.

You were right about things changing; William has been asked to be a guest lecturer at Stirling University for one term. A course on the influences of poetry in modern music. He’s seriously considering it. It sounds very interesting, but we have to get the tour out of the way first. I am going with the band for the European leg, then they are heading to Australia and the far east before finishing up in America. All timed with the release of the new single and album.
William has also been offered an acting part. It’s a cameo in a new Space Adventure thing. Again he’s thinking about it all.

He’s being very sweet to me. The sweet Willie you told me about. It’s all flowers and chocolates at the moment. He has found my weakness for Hotel Chocolate stuff and it keeps arriving. You were also right about him changing with the children. Billy and Joy love their dada and he can’t keep away from them. He has rearranged his entire day so that he can spend bath time with the two of them, then he reads them their bed time story. It’s wonderful to see him sitting on the rug in front of the fire in the day nursery, reading about giants and fairies. Then he carries them to bed, tucking in Miss Edith and Dalton in as well, before joining me for dinner most nights.

My mother and father used to have dinner in the bay window of the Great Hall and we are now doing the same. It’s on nights like that I can see us getting back together, but then I remember him denying me, and Harmony being able to split us up, and I get myself all upset all over again.

Anyway how are things with you? Well I hope? Has the new job been everything you hoped it would be? And is the studio treating you well? I do hope so. I’m glad the hypnotherapy course is going well. I think you will make a wonderful counsellor. And as you said it would use your gifts for the benefit of others.

Must go,
Love, your sunshine

Dear Willow,

Are you all set for the crossing to the UK? Five days of luxury on board the Queen Mary 2 as you sail from New York and all because you didn’t want to fly. Not that I blame you, flying pregnant is NOT NICE. Mind, I had a broken arm as well.

I am really looking forward to the tour. How long are you staying with us? I know Oz is worrying about you, but just think of the shopping we can do in Paris, Bonn, Madrid, Rome…
See you in nine days.

Dear Anya,

Just a quick note before I leave for tour. The cars are due here in about ½ hour and I tried to find you but couldn’t.

I leave everything in your capable hands. I know you have my mobile number and I have enclosed an itinerary of the tour dates, along with all the hotels etc. Sarah and Halli can be contacted through the hotels as well should anyone want them. The code word has been set as Sunnyhell, a nice easy one for us to all remember, I thought.

I will be flying back to Glasgow when I am needed for the trial. Harmony is actually being charged with attempted murder, as well as assault. DI Thompson rang earlier; and he will be calling you to let me know when Spike and I are needed.

If Xander needs any help, I’m sure Gunn knows someone who wants some work.

Good luck with the plumber, it will be nice to be missing when all the work done. I know, I’m a coward.

Give Xander my love and tell him I’m sorry I missed him. I will let you know our plans when I know them myself. But tonight it’s the Dorchester, the Eurostar to Paris early the week after next.

Take care.
Love Buffy

Dear Faith,
I know long time, no write. Well I’m writing now.

How are things with you? Still with the school teacher? I really must meet the man who has finally clipped your wings. Do you fancy a nice holiday in Scotland next summer? You’d both be more than welcome.

I hope the psychology is going well and I think working in a prison would suit you down to the ground. All those nice men to look at or is it a women’s prison? In which case watch your back.

As you can see from the heading on the paper I’m back in London. The babies, who would you believe it are two this year, and I are going on tour with Spike Devlin and The Dingoes. Well for the European bit anyway. I wanted to see what William’s life was like, to give me a little insight as to his day, and Willow says it’s her last chance before the baby is born. We are off to Hammersmith Odeon tonight for the opening concert. Only 5000 people!!! There are TV appearances to publicise the album, then we’re off.

First Paris, with lots of shopping. Then Germany, Italy and Spain. Then it’s Wembley Arena and Cardiff, then back to Manchester, then Glasgow. The Dingoes have been asked to play at Windsor Castle for Price James’ thirtieth birthday party. So that should be fun, our two worlds colliding again.

The itinerary is beginning to look like one of those cheesy old films: ‘If it’s Friday it must be Belgium.’ The band then have a whole weeks rest at Montrose before heading for Cannes and the film festival in May. Then it’s home for me, Willow is coming to stay for a short while before SAILING back to America on the Queen Mary 2 and I think driving, very slowly, back to LA.

So that’s it for now, I’ll add a bit on the end after tonight and let you know how it went. William is being very sweet with me, but I’ll have to see how much I like Spike before I make any major decisions.
PS1 a huge bunch of flowers has just turned up. Pansy:- you occupy my thoughts. I told you about the flower book we’d found, didn’t I?
Last bit.
The concert tonight was incredible.75,000 screaming for the Dingo’s Willow and I had front row tickets and the boys played their hearts out. Spike looked amazing and sexy on stage. I don’t know if I should admit that bit, after all we aren’t together together, as it were. He wore all black with a duster and I must admit I was hooked.

The crowd were screaming and throwing things, at one point underwear landed on his guitar, he wiped his face on them and threw them back into the audience, who went mad..
We (Willow and I) went backstage afterwards where a lot of fans seemed to be waiting. It was a rugby scrum in there. There was one particular brunette who was trying desperately to sit on poor Oz’s lap, whispering, if you could call it that, that she knew ‘he had a thing for brunettes, and could they go somewhere private,’ I thought Willow was going to skin her alive, poor Oz was trying to get rid of her, you could see that he kept trying to stand up and she kept pushing him down when Willow walks over and grabs her arm: ‘if you want to keep this attached to your shoulder, get it off my husband!’ At which point Verucca (can you believe some one named their daughter that!!!) stalks off in a huff. Poor Oz was desperately trying to explain that he hadn’t led her on, as if we didn’t know that already, but Willow was enjoyin’ the lovin’ and blamed her reaction on the hormones.

Spike couldn’t be seen under all the female flesh all over him. I think I need to get him a bodyguard. He was polite to them but distant, refused to go beyond professional and there was no light in his eyes when he rested on any of them. There were chaste kisses, photo’s and autographs, and he still hadn’t seen me. Then I went into the room properly and his whole face lit up and he came over and just held me in his arms and smelt my hair. I know it sounds stupid but that meant more than anything else. More than a kiss, or even two. It spoke of a long term closeness, not just a momentary thing. And those eyes should be outlawed…they don’t look real, they are such an amazing shade of blue, if it wasn’t for the fact that both Billy and Joy have the same eyes I would swear he wore coloured lenses!
Then the moment was gone and we were back to the real world again. Oh Faith, what am I going to do? I really am falling for him all over again, but don’t know if I can risk my heart?


Dear Faith,
Of course I’ll keep you up to speed as to ‘what’s hanging’; you don’t need to ask!

Dear Aunt Elizabeth,
I am really looking forward to James’ Birthday, any ideas for a present? I saw a lovely jumper. It’s made by a hand-spinner, in greased wool, so James can wear it outside instead of a coat. What do you think? I’ve also got him both albums from the Dingos signed by the lads. I know he loves them and I thought it was a ‘gift money can’t buy’.

When they are doing the concert for James’ birthday in Windsor I know you’ve invited me to stay at Windsor with you, but I thought I’d stay with them at the hotel. I don’t want Willow to be by herself and I do understand that they can’t stay at the castle. After all, the papers would have a field day with me staying with my EX in the castle under your roof, even with us having separate rooms.

The babies are doing well. They seem to be enjoying the travelling. That might have something to do with everyone playing with them on the coach. They are growing so fast. They have started babbling words now.

Looking forward to Paris, and the fashion houses, it seems an age since I’ve been shopping like that, watch out Dior here I come.

Things are going well between William and myself. We are becoming very good friends. I still can’t trust him with my heart. Some things hurt too much, we’ll just see what the future brings.

Robert, Angus asked me out, I said no, but he is persistent. William didn’t say anything, he just looked so melancholy when it was mentioned. That’s the only word I can think of.

Thanks again for all your support


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