Author's Chapter Notes:
many thanks to those few kind souls who review. please continue they really mean a lot
Dear Laura,
Here are the photos I promised you from our afternoon out. I am so glad that you enjoyed yourself. I certainly did. If you happen to let the ‘witch crew’ see them, you know when they steal your bag or what ever, don’t worry, we won’t be mad. And you can’t get these on ebay.

The twins are doing really well. Thoroughly enjoying having their daddy home with the. Discipline is unknown. He spoils them rotten. I think we bought out Hamley’s when we were in London. We seem to have an incredible number of soft toys, huge lions and bats. William seems to have developed a thing for bats. He has hung them all over the nursery. We have a protected colony of the things in the old priory but now the stuffed ones are all over the house.

It will be announced next week, but the Dingo’s are heading into the recording studio for six months. You will naturally get an advanced copy of the CD, if you want. I’ll take that squeal as a yes, shall I!
I know you are doing your exams this month so good luck. I hope things go well so please let me know.

Must go, lots to do today


Dear Mrs Jackson,

William and I were glad we could help. My best friend Willow and I know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of teasing. It makes life so hard when you’re a teenager.
I have an offer to make.
I know Laura wants to pursue a career in music, so as a holiday job, I would like to offer her work experience at The Farm. It’s a recording studio we have up here. I haven’t mentioned this to her yet, I wanted to ask you first. I know she’s an adult now but mothers worry, and I didn’t want that for you.
I promise to look after her, my sister Dawn is a couple of years older and will be here with her boyfriend for the holidays, and Halli will also be here, she’s one of the nannies you met in Cannes. Laura can stay in the Castle with us, we have plenty of room. She will be tea and coffee girl, if you say yes, getting lunch, drinks, and generally running around making other people’s lives easier. It’s long hours, with little thanks but great fun. It will look good on her resume and will pay quite well. Always useful for Uni.
Please let me know what you think? As I said, I will not approach Laura until we have your OK.


Dear William,
I have done as you asked and written to Mrs. Jackson. I had the phone call last night and she’s very happy for us to ask Laura to come and work at The Farm for the mid term break. I have promised to look after her of course. I am writing to Cordy, she and Angel seem to be doing very well. Connor is still looking after Dawn, if he wasn’t I think I would kill him quite happily.
The plans for the wedding are coming along wonderfully. We have to choose the flowers soon. I have been looking up traditional wedding bouquets, and the florist thinks she can produce a really nice one.
I heard about Quentin Travers. He got nine years, and is being transferred to a medium security unit in the South of England. So we are well shot of him.
I also heard from Robert, Angus. He has begged my forgiveness and requested that I intercede with my Uncle to allow him back into Society. I was a perfect lady, and told him to get stuffed. See what happens when you go away for two days?

See you the day after tomorrow.

All my love as always,

Dear Cordy,
Thanks for that wonderful long phone call, and I really miss you too. Things are going well here. Dru is settling down with Tara and they have bought a house together. There were a few complaints from villagers about two women living together, but I invited them, very publicly, to dinner at the castle and the mutterings stopped. Pissing off the Lady Laird is not a wise thing to do.
Anya is still turning out every room, cupboard and closet in the castle to see what she can find. The latest is in one of the tower rooms. Seems it hadn’t been opened for years and she found a load of Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian clothes. One of which was the most beautiful silk Victorian evening dress. I am having it copied as my Wedding dress. I know I was going to go with something modern but as soon as we saw it we knew it was for me.
I’m so glad that things are going well between you and Angel. I was so sorry I couldn’t make the wedding but hoped you liked the gift I sent. Knowing what snobs some of the lawyers are over there I thought a few cases of really good vintage wine would start your cellar off nicely. You see, I did remember what you said about your new house having a wine cellar in it. Now just let those idiots at Wolfram and Hart moan about the wine you serve with dinner. Corporate wife seems to suit you down to the ground. If you’re ever over here please come visit. I really love our girlie days and don’t seem to have much time for myself at the moment. Says the girl who took a three month holiday at the beginning of the year!
Connor seemed to enjoy his trip to Balmoral, and he impressed my aunt and uncle. They have invited Dawn and he to Windsor next month for a dinner and concert. I believe the cast of one of the West End shows are coming to entertain.
They are really looking forward to it especially as one of the other guests is the CEO of the company Connor is working for at the moment.

Hope the shops are surviving your sprees.
Miss you lots

Dear Laura,
I am so glad you have agreed to come and help us during the holidays. We are so looking forward to seeing you. The Dingo’s of course will be recording, and we have another, newer, band recording also at the end of the season. They are called RED and I have been told they are very good. Your job will be very unglamorous, running around supplying drinks and food, fetching stuff from the shops and generally being a dogsbody. I have put aside the flat over the stables for your use, that way you’ll have a little bit of freedom but still be in the main part of the castle. Bring your provisional licence and we’ll see about getting you through your driving test while you’re here. I know its only three weeks but Xander is a very good teacher.
William sends his regards and he’ll pick you up from the railway station the first Friday after you finish school for the term.
I hope you didn’t have too many problems with the bullies, but I bet there were questions. Glad we could help.
Must go, Anya’s yelling at me to sit down and go over all the plans for the next few months, she’s still supposed to be on maternity leave but I don’t think she trusts me to look after the house without her. Sad thing is she’s right. Her forthright nature hides a very keen business mind and an astute friend and I’m lucky to have her.
Give you mother my best.
Take care,

Dear Mrs Jackson,
Laura has settled in very well and is keeping up with the work. She and Dawn have been having a fine time; Connor, Dawn’s boyfriend, has been taking both girls out to clubs and ensuring that Laura gets home. He’s a real little gentleman.
Laura has her driving test next week, and if (when) she passes she will have use of the estates runaround. It’s only little, but will give her the freedom to get into the village.
She started to get a little tongue- tied around the band, but soon got over it.
She seems to like the flat and I promise is very happy. Jenny Giles, my housekeeper, is mothering her, and we are all keeping an eye on her. So no mischief.
Must go, we’re having a pool party tonight.
Elizabeth Giles

Dear Faith,
Glad things are going well and if this guy rocks your world and makes you want to come home, no of course I don’t think you’re stupid wanting to get engaged. Remember what you told me, see your goal and go for it
Ps let me know how it goes, you asking him.

Dear Faith and Robin,
Congratulations on the engagement.
Lots of love,

Dear Laura
I am so pleased you passed all your exams, driving test included. And I think the enclosed present should make things easier when travelling too and from college.
Good luck at Cambridge. If you need a holiday job there is always one open for you here.

Dear Mrs Jackson,
Please don’t be cross but William and I wanted to give Laura a gift so have bought her a little car. It is fully insured for a year as the first year’s insurance is always too much for a student. We thought it would give her some independence when at Uni. We were delighted when she got into Cambridge. William and I have also said that there is a holiday job here anytime she wants one. I have also written her a reference. Her work was exemplary.
For the amount of trouble she saved me, she took on so much extra with Anya being on maternity.
My best as always,
Buffy Giles

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