Author's Chapter Notes:
Yes, I know it's been a long time since I updated this one but RL has kicked my ass this last couple of months causing my muse to head for the hills. But, today, I chained him up, spanked him a little and this is what he came up with! Updates will be regular now :D A big thanks to all those who have left such lovely reviews - I just hope you like this chapter and you're still interested in William and 'Elizabeth'. Comments and feedback would be greatly appreciated by the muse :)
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She nodded, as they both stood once more in silence. If she didn’t leave now, she’d never leave. “I’ll be going then.” It came out almost as a whisper.

Her words curled around him, his gut clenching at the thought of never seeing this woman again. “How are you fixed tomorrow?”


“I mean work wise. Have the agency got more work lined up for you? I mean, I know Willow will be back and everything but we could sure use the extra pair of hands to help get things back on track. And I really don’t want you to leave here tonight with a bad impression of the place. And of me.”

“I don’t think that is such a good idea.”

“Please, have a think about it ok?” His eyes bored into her, pleading.

“Ok.” Her eyes dropped.

He nodded then glanced back down at his towel. “Oh yeah, clothes.”



“What? Why?”

“Because. Mr. T is one messed up puppy and if he’s taken a shine to you then you can’t go back.”

Buffy frowned at the piece of bread she was buttering as she struggled to balance the phone against her shoulder. “But it’s a VIP pass into Angel’s world, it’s way too good an opportunity to pass up.”

“I’m serious B, no good can come from this.”

“See, I thought that to at first but Angel will be away so it’s not like I can get caught or anything. Nobody knows who I am, I can slip in and slip out and he won’t know anything about it. It’s the perfect plan.”

“Tonight was a bust – the boss knows your face now and he likes what he sees. It’s just too risky.”

“I don’t get it Faith, you were all for it earlier. In fact it was you who convinced me that tonight was a good idea! What gives?”

“It was a close call, that’s all.”

The shower clicked off upstairs. “What aren’t you telling me?” she hissed.

“Just trust me on this one – Mr. T is off limits.” Faith’s voice took on a steely tone that Buffy hadn’t heard before.

“It was just – it won’t happen again. I can do this.”

“B, I’m not usually the begging kind but you gotta listen to me and you gotta listen real good. Don’t go back in there.” She was pleading now.

Buffy’s shoulders tensed as Angel’s comments rang in her ears once more. “You weren’t there Faith. You didn’t hear how he spoke, how he bragged about his women. I was crying in a heap on a bathroom floor whilst he planned his whoring holiday. I can’t do this anymore Faith, I just can’t. Before, it was about truth and closure and moving on. Now it’s about revenge. Cold and simple.”

A long sigh into the receiver. “Fine. But I’m warning you, you don’t know what you’re getting into here.” She hung up.

Buffy rolled her eyes. Seriously, what was Faith’s problem? She of the wild, crazy ways was warning Buffy, she of the reasonable, logical mind to be careful. But surely, with Angel going away tomorrow and William on side, she could find out everything she needed to know and more. The only reason she had reacted to William as she had was because she had been so upset about Angel. And so what if William had taken a fancy to her? It could only be of the good in the grand scheme of things. It may prove to be rather useful. Shrugging off Faith’s warnings, she dialled the hotel.


He opened one eye cautiously, afraid to aggravate the hammering in his head any more than the alcohol already had. His empty bottle of Jack obscured his view of the clock but judging from the sunshine battling through the only chink in his curtains, he judged it to be early morning. Groaning, he rolled over onto his back. His belly was rumbling something chronic. He had never made it down to dinner after all. Once Elizabeth had left, he had locked the door and sank the bottle without a moment’s pause. Frowning, he looked down. Still no clothes.

Christ, what was the matter with him? An hour in the company of some dumb, blonde chit and he was a wreck. He’d done a lot more intimate things with a lot more women and not one of them had got under his skin like she had. One slip of a tear on her cheek and he’d practically feasted on her right there and then. Then he realised. It was his lack of control that scared him. This girl had made him lose all focus. And the daft bleeding git that he was, he’d asked her back today. Was he a masochist? He chuckled then. Always bloody have been. Always about the pain.

The last time he had been like this he’d nearly lost it all. And he’d made a promise to himself he’d never let that happen again. Until last night, his promise had never been tested. Fisting his hands in the sheets, he growled. Bloody bints. None of them worth anything – just a sodding headache and a hangover.

The phone rang next to his head causing him to curse loudly. He snatched at the receiver.


“Call for you, Mr. Thorndale. Elizabeth Summers?”

Bollocks. “Thank you.” He heard the click of the transfer and took a deep breath. She’d better be calling to say she’s coming into work today. He screwed his eyes closed at his own desperation and frustration at his warring emotions.

“Mr. Thorndale, it’s Elizabeth.” Her voice was sure and strong, not the whimpering girly he’d waved goodbye to last night.

He remembered her, all lost and girly like looking at him through her lashes in the staff room then so keen and responsive under his hands on his bed… Biting his lip, he fought to suppress a groan.

“Elizabeth, hello.” He coughed.

“I’m ringing to thank you for your continued offer of employment.” She paused.

The silence weighed heavily in his ears. His mind screamed at the possibility that she might decline the offer – then what would he do?

“You’re more than welcome, it was the least I could do after I behaved so – inappropriately. I do hope we can forget -” He coughed once more.

Buffy smiled into the phone. He was embarrassed and she couldn’t help but think he sounded adorable. “It’s forgotten.”

Her voice came out as a whisper causing his eyes to roll and his fist to clench into the sheets again. His reaction to her was unexplainable but once more, he was hard and ready for her with only the mere sound of her voice.

She heard his sharp intake of breath as her own hitched in her throat. Can’t lose the sight of the plan. I can do this. “What I’m trying to say is, the agency haven’t got any more work for me right now so the extra hours would be handy right about now.”

“Well, that’s just wonderful news, love. I mean, it’ll be great to have you on board. So to speak. All hands to the pump. On deck.” Bloody hell.

She giggled. “What time do you want me?”

Right now. “Eight o’clock?”

“Erm, it’s gone ten thirty.”

“Holy hell!” He bolted upright.

She giggled some more. “Then I guess I’m late for work huh? I’ll be right over.”

The dial tone purred. Shit, she was coming over. And he was still naked. He flopped back down onto the bed. But first, a more pressing matter to take care of. His eyes fluttering shut, he gripped his cock firmly, slowly pumping his fist. Images of Elizabeth underneath him flooded his mind as rolled onto his side, biting hard into the pillow.

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