Author's Chapter Notes:
I was originally intending to split this out into two chapters but I thought I'd post this as a bumper chapter as a thank you to those of you who have left such lovely and encouraging reviews. They really do keep the muse happy! I'm so glad you're still enjoying this as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
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banner by the lovely vampgirly

She giggled. “What time do you want me?”

Right now. “Eight o’clock?”

“Erm, it’s gone ten thirty.”

“Holy hell!” He bolted upright.

She giggled some more. “Then I guess I’m late for work huh? I’ll be right over.”

The dial tone purred. Shit, she was coming over. And he was still naked. He flopped back down onto the bed. But first, a more pressing matter to take care of. His eyes fluttering shut, he gripped his cock firmly, slowly pumping his fist. Images of Elizabeth underneath him flooded his mind as rolled onto his side, biting hard into the pillow.


Upon her arrival at the hotel, Buffy slipped into the works entrance she had used the previous night and weaved her way through the storeroom towards the staff room. As she had prepared to leave the house, she had felt a slight wave of nerves but the memory of Angel’s words and the brief and fake explanation he’d given for his absence these coming days had spurred her on further to exact her revenge.

“Baby, you know I wouldn’t go if I didn’t absolutely have to.”


“I’ll bring you back something real pretty.” His lips were damp and cold as they nibbled at the nape of neck.

“What is it you’re actually doing out there?”

He ran his hands up and down her arms, whispering into her ear. “Oh, it’s some deal that Will has set up. Big bucks at stake here baby. He has some meeting or other so I have to fill in.”

Bigger liar. “Well, if you’ve got to go then you’ve got to go.” She turned to face him, beaming smile at full wattage. “I’ll miss you.”

He scooped her towards him, holding her tight. “I’ll miss you too.”

Stepping out of the ladies, she examined her reflection. Plain, maid-like Elizabeth. She pulled her shoulder length hair into a low ponytail. Perfect. She wanted to blend and slip around unnoticed so she wiped off her lip gloss and hoped that she was sufficiently dowdy and non-descript.

The door swung open and a girl in an outfit matching hers bounced through. “Hi, you must be Elizabeth! I’m Willow.” The red haired girl grinned widely. “Mr. T. said you were due and asked me to come get you.”

Buffy nodded and beamed right back. “Great, I was wondering where I should go. And after yesterday, what with the getting lost…”

“Yeah Faith told me about that. I owe you big time for jumping in at short notice to cover for me. I hope you didn’t get too hard a time for it.”

“Oh no, Mr. Thorndale was very – understanding.”

Willow smiled dreamily. “Yeah, he is. I had such a crush on him when I first started here.”

Buffy giggled, forgetting herself. “Yeah, he is pretty crushworthy.” Way to play it cool huh? “I mean, generally speaking. It’s not like I have one or anything.”

“Oh, of course you don’t.” Willow smiled wryly. “You and about every other female here would love to get their hands on him, if not for his abs alone. He had one big, bad break-up two years ago and I don’t think he’s ever got over it. Either way, he doesn’t sleep around with the employees. That’s more Mr. O’s style.”

“Mr. O?” She knew full well that Mr. O was Angel O’Donnell.

“He’s Mr. T’s partner. Very much the ladies man. You’d be hard pushed to find someone here he hasn’t managed to lure to the seedy pit that is his bed. Well, apart from me, Faith and Tara. He gets them when their new and they all think they’ll be different to the last but they never are.”

Buffy smiled tightly. I guess Faith didn’t tell her friends the whole story about me after all. “I can assure you, he won’t be luring me anywhere.”

“You’re safe anyhow; he’s away for a few days so there’s plenty of time to catch up on all that gossip. Right now though, I need to set you to work before we get accused of skiving!” She grabbed Buffy’s wrist and led her out of the bathroom. “And I think I should get you a map from Reception, just incase!”


The day passed by rather uneventfully. She lost count of how many sheets she’d folded, how many corners she’d tucked and how many dirty towels she’d replaced. Strangely enough, she felt good about herself. As she wheeled her cart along the corridor, she realised it had been a long time since she’d done a decent day’s work. Angel didn’t like her working so she’d had to give up her job at the gallery and when she’d tried to take on some evening work as a barmaid at the Bronze, Angel had well and truly thrown his toys out of the pram. They had fought for weeks about it but the hassle hadn’t been worth it. She resigned after only a month. The worst thing was, she had really enjoyed it despite only working there for such a short time. She liked to meet people and she had felt comfortable behind the bar. It had given her a confidence that she didn’t really have any where else and she had never found it again since.

“Wow, you’ve done wicked lots today!” Willow appeared beside her, admiring the bulging cart. “You’ve done like two floors compared to Anya’s one!”

“Oh, I just got the momentum going I guess.” Buffy smiled modestly as Willow grabbed the other side of the cart helping her guide it up the corridor.

“Well, you’ve earnt your Tequila tonight missy!” Willow beamed widely as she realised Buffy had no clue what on earth she was talking about. “Tequila Tuesday! It’s like the quietest afternoon in the restaurant so every month or so, usually on a Tuesday, Mr. T funds a staff gathering where we get to drink for free.”

Buffy nodded, digesting all the information. This was even better than she’d hope for. Drinks with the girls, a chance to find out more about Angel and his exploits… See William perhaps… Dammit. Kick that habit.

“So, you up for it? It’ll give you a chance to meet everyone properly!”

“Hell, why not?” Buffy grinned.


Slipping back into her jeans and camisole top, she brushed her hair out of its ponytail until it hung loose and light around her shoulders. She didn’t want to go to overboard so refrained from touching up her make up, opting for relaxed rather than racy.

Stepping into the restaurant, she spotted Willow along with Faith and another crowd of girls she didn’t know sat in a row along the bar. In front of them lay two rows of shot glasses in the process of being filled by a rather handy barman. And it wasn’t just any old barman, it was William! Shirt sleeves rolled up, tie shucked loose and draped over his left shoulder, he looked positively gorgeous. The girls were giggling as he attempted a brave Cocktail style manoeuvre with the tequila bottle and then groaned loudly as he caught it upside down. Sliding onto a stool next to Faith, she tapped her on the shoulder. “Does he always do this?”

“Hell no, he’s half tanked. But hey, not complaining here. We’re on the second bottle already!”

Buffy laughed as he made another attempt to spin the bottle in midair.

“Look B, I didn’t mean to be so harsh with you last night. I’m trying to look out for you, you get that right?”

Buffy nodded again, distracted by the look of pure glee on William’s face. He was having a blast, cutting loose. She sensed that this was as close to the real William that he had ever gotten to showing and wondered why he didn’t act like this more often. Sure, he was the boss and sure there were rules but to see him laugh like that, truly laugh – well, it was just wonderful. Just then, he turned to her catching her eye. His jaw dropped along with the bottle, crashing loudly onto the stone floor behind the bar. The girls cheered and Buffy blushed.

Faith looked knowingly at William and then Buffy. “You’re playing with fire here and you know it.” Resigned to the fact that she could not divert the impending apocalypse, she downed another shot.

Before Buffy could answer, Willow appeared beside her, accompanied by some of the girls from the other end of the bar. “Elizabeth, this is Anya, Tara and Amy. Girls, meet our newest recruit!”

Buffy nodded a hello to each of them as Anya pressed a glass into her hand.

“Welcome to our party. Drink this in celebration of your new job cleaning dirty sheets and towels.”

“She’s odd but she’s nice!” Willow whispered conspiratorially. Buffy laughed nervously and drank down the shot.

“I am not odd. I’m just different.” Anya argued.

“Of course you are sweetie.” Willow grinned at Buffy, shrugging.

“Ladies and er, Faith – can I have your attention please?”

Faith’s retort was drowned by the catcalling from the crowd. William was brandishing a lighter, the flame burning tall and orange.

“Sambuca anyone?” He whistled loudly and set the glasses alight one by one. The girls screamed, slamming their hands over the flames to douse them before necking the steaming shots. Buffy giggled as Faith and the rest of the girls spluttered.

William caught her eye once more, a shot glass poised at his mouth. He winked, licked his lips and downed the liquid in one swallow. Her breath hitched in her throat as she watched the smooth line of his neck as he tilted his head back and the muscles in his jaw tighten.

Captivated by his movement, she didn’t realise she was gawking outright until she felt a hand on her arm. Tara smiled shyly at her.

“A smiling face doesn't always mean a smiling heart you know.”


A bottle smashed behind the bar, drawing their attention back to William.

“I see it in him as I see it in you.” She looked very serious, peering at Buffy through her lashes.

“I don’t know -”

“Elizabeth, over here!” Willow beckoned from a table at the far end of the bar.

“Come on.” Tara made her way toward the crowd. This appeared to be where the boys were hanging out, beer bottles hanging between spread legs, looking oh-so-chilled.

“Guys, meet Elizabeth. Elizabeth, this is Oz, Xander and Riley.” Willow pointed at them one by one.

She nodded politely, suddenly feeling very self-conscious.

“Hey! You have no beer!” Xander jumped up sloshing his own beer over Riley.

“Oh, that’s just nice Harris.” Riley stood, swiping at the frothy stain on the front of his shirt.

“Don’t get your panties in a bunch Finn, just because you didn’t get the lovely lady a drink first.” He grinned at Buffy before making his way towards the bar.

“Now, now boys! Play nice!” Amy chided. “Don’t want to scare little Lizzie away now do we?”

Something in Amy’s tone made Buffy cold. Amy was smiling at her widely but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. One of Angel’s conquests perhaps?

Xander returned with a bottle of lager, making great sport of presenting it to her with a bow. “M’lady.”

Buffy giggled, taking the bottle. “It’s so great that the bosses do this for you, I don’t think I’ve worked anywhere where they’d pay for their people to party, let alone run the bar for them.”

Riley shook his head. “Not bosses, just Mr. T. Mr O doesn’t really like the idea so it generally happens when he’s away or in bed with one of his girls.”

Buffy choked on her mouthful of beer causing Riley to reach forward and pat her gently on the back. She nodded her thanks, wiping her lips discreetly. So much to learn. He continued rubbing her back lightly, his eyes holding hers for a second longer than was necessary.

“So Mr O doesn’t like parties huh?” She tilted her head, showing her interest. This guy seemed like he knew what he was talking about. Can’t hurt to be nice can it?


William topped up his glass with the dregs of the tequila. He usually enjoyed the staff parties, they gave him a chance to get to know them all better and do a spot of people watching. It was surprising how much he learnt about his staff at these dos, all relaxed and out of work mode. It made him feel a bit more normal to. He was more comfortable clowning around behind the bar than he was giving a speech in the board room. But this time, he was having a hard time holding onto his party spirit.

From behind the bar, William watched Finn sliding his arm around Elizabeth’s shoulder as they talked. Why was she letting him touch her like that? Finn of all people. He was the slimiest, stupidest, smelliest waiter on his books. Smelliest? Bloody hell, I am pissed. Either way, Finn was trouble. And by hell was he going to let him get his grubby paws on Elizabeth. If he couldn’t have her, then Finn wouldn’t be having her either. I mean, what the hell does he have that I don’t? Why does she want him and not me? He knocked back the tequila and hissed through his teeth. I’m gonna go over there and I’m gonna -

A high pitched squeal interrupted his train of thought. “Blondie bear! Where have you been hiding?”

Oh bollocks.

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