Spike didn’t know how he made it back to the house but he somehow managed it and bypassed the living room which had all the men in it and went straight to his room. He ran straight to the bathroom and lost the contents of his stomach in the toilet. He rested his head against the cool tile on the floor and tried to catch his breath again but was interrupted by a knock on the door. He groaned and went up to answer it and found a smiling Angel on the other side of his door.

“So what did you think of her?” He asked with a smirk.
“Yeah she’s something all right.” Spike managed to get out in a normal voice turning his back on the bastard before he punched him in the face.
“yeah she sure is…now I wanna go over a few things with you okay.” Angel took a seat opposite Spike and crossed his legs casually leaning into the comfort of the seat. Spike couldn’t believe that someone so sophisticated looking and human be behind this. Spike nodded and looked did his best to look interested.
“Okay well one is…your gunna be the main guy in this now okay?” Angel stated.
“What?” Spike asked all colour draining from his face.
“Well I have no doubt of Parkers capabilities but you seem to be doing well and I trust Wilkins with my life so I know I can trust you to do a good job as well. I do trust parker he’s been loyal to me for almost three years but I saw the look in his eye when he saw Buffy and I didn’t like it so im leaving her in your hands.” Angel said calmly.

Spike nodded his head trying to act calm while inside he was elated. This meant he could keep Buffy away from the sadistic bastard.
“You don’t really have a fixed table but I think you’re gunna have to visit her at least 3 times a week to get her up to standard okay? I may make the occasional visit but it will be mostly you.” Angel smirked at the last part. The delicious thoughts that entered his mind at the alone time he could have with her were bloody beautiful
Spike gulped and nodded this was more than he had hoped for even if it wasn’t the best situation.
“Okay any questions?” Angel asked.
“uh yeah actually…can I have access to a phone or the internet or anything?” Spike asked and immediately regretted the question when he saw Angel’s suspicious look.

“There is only one phone in this estate and that is my private cell phone and there are three computers downstairs but new guys aren’t aloud to use them for at least a month. Why are you asking?” He asked briskly standing up in an attempt to intimidate the new guy who had dared to ask such a question.
“Nothing just thought if im gunna be in this house for 8 weeks id like to have some bloody contact with the outside world. don’t get your knickers in a twist peaches.” Spike replied coolly putting on his playful smirk hoping that Angel would accept it and when he saw the smile bloom on his face he knew he got it right.
“I like you Spike…you got spunk.” Angel laughed before striding to the door and leaving.

As soon as the door shut behind him Spike’s head dropped into his hands and he let out a loud groan.

Man he was fucked.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * ** **** * * * * * * * ** *

Spike went downstairs the next morning and went straight to the kitchen to make himself some coffee. He hadn’t slept a wink last night and he needed something to wake him up. He walked into the kitchen and stopped dead when he saw three girls standing sitting at the kitchen island. As soon as he walked in their talking abruptly stopped and they all stood up obediently bowing their heads at him.
“Would you like some breakfast sir?” one of them asked in a quiet voice and Spike’ ears perked up when he heard the French accent.
“Urm…I wouldn’t mind a coffee.” Spike mumbled and she immediately went to the coffee maker and started the machine.
They all stood there in silence for a bit and Spike looked down at the floor awkwardly not knowing what to do.

“Would you like a seat?” Another woman asked pulling out a chair for him to sit on. He nodded his head and took the seat nervously waiting for his coffee. He had never felt more uncomfortable in his life and he took a quick gulp of the coffee without thinking and gasped when his tongue and throat was set alight. He coughed and spluttered moving quickly to the kitchen sink to pour water down his burning throat. He touched his tongue gingerly and berated himself for being stupid he turned around to apologies for being so stupid when he noticed the three women were standing there visibly shaking and staring at him as if waiting for something.
“I apologise sir I am sorry.” The woman who poured his coffee said and Spike could sense the fear and remorse in her voice.

“No that wasn’t your fault it was mine don’t worry about it.” He said softly hoping to soothe the three obviously scared girls. They all looked at him unsurely as if expecting him to suddenly change his mind and hit them or something but he just smiled at them reassuringly and took a seat at the table again.
“So…your from France right?” Spike asked looking up at the brunette expectantly.
She looked at the two girls as if trying to decided whether to answer before nodding.
“So I assume you can speak French?”

“Yes.” the girl replied a little smile slipping out at the seemingly kindness of this man. She had been at the house for a year and she didn’t even care if it was fake she still found comfort in his kindness to her.
“So when did you learn English?” Spike asked interestedly. He needed to know as much French as possible if he was gunna help Buffy.
“I learn everyday.” She replied the smile unable to be hidden now.
The girls next to her gave her worried looks and nudged her in the arm giving her a warning look. They had been here longer than her and they knew that the men in this house had no heart and he was probably just playing a game with them. The girl looked at her friends and bowed her head in shame. She was so stupid.
Spike frowned when he saw them all look down at the floor and he sighed.
“look I don’t know what they’ve done to you here and im sorry but im not like them okay? You can trust me.” Spike said sincerely looking at each of them in turn. They all looked torn and Spike ground his teeth in frustration.

“There’s a girl who has been brought here. She speaks some English and I speak some French so we can more or less communicate but I just hoped you could help me with my French a bit. Perhaps if you had a book or dictionary or something” Spike mumbled but he had given up on convincing them of his intentions and he was already leaving the room when he felt a hand on his arm he turned around and saw the girl standing there nervously.
“I have a English/French dictionary in my room…and a book of French phrases. Ill take you there.” She said shyly ducking her head and leaving the room leading him to the slave quarters that was in the basement. She handed him the book and graced him with a smile which was rare for her.
“Your not like the others.” She stated simply looking him in the eyes.
“No pet…im not.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After a lengthy conversation with the girls he had found in the kitchen Spike went back to his room to begin reading the books he had been given. The girls had told him a lot of the people who worked there but like him they didn’t have any details of where the place was and Spike knew he couldn’t leave befor he found out so he resigned himself to staying. He was putting off going to see Buffy for as long as he could . He was terrified and he felt guilty for telling her he’d be back when he so didn’t want to. He wanted to stay away from there for as long as possible. He was idly flicking through a page in his book when he heard his door open and looked up to see a furious looking Parker storm into the room.

“A knock would have been nice.” Spike smirked but it soon turned into a sneer when Parker attempted to pull him up by his collar. Spike pushed him away and glared at him in anger.
“What the fuck you think your doing?”
Parker didn’t seem to get the message however and cocked his fist as if to hit Spike. Unlucky for him Spike was a much better fighter and he stopped Parkers fist before he could make contact and twisted it painfully before punching the guy right in the stomach. He fell to his knees winded but Spike give him one last kick in the ribs just for the fun of it.
That was for Buffy you bastard.
Spike backed away trying to calm down. He could feel the rage rolling off him and he knew that if he didn’t stop he’d end up killing the bugger.
“What do you want Parker?” he gritted out.

“What did you say to Angel?” Parker snarled standing up again but not daring to try to attack him again. His face was bright red and Spike could tell he was humiliated by being beaten by a much smaller man.
“I didn’t say anything.” Spike replied stiffly.
“Yeah sure….no way would he chuck me off for no reason and give her to you.” Parker snarled.
“Well he did so why don’t you just toddle off.” Spike said mockingly.
“Angel made the biggest mistake ever giving a girl like that too you! You don’t have a clue god you’d probably end up leaving her to starve or something.” Parker said in disgust before storming back out of the room to lick his wounds.
Spike frowned after him and looked down at the book thoughtfully.

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