Carla walked along the hallway to the kitchen timidly glancing around hoping she wouldn’t run into anyone. Except that new guy Spike of course. He seemed so nice and she was surprised by how friendly and kind he had been to her and her fellow slaves this morning. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice the closet door in front of her swing open until whoever was inside grabbed her arm and pulled her in. She whimpered in fear already knowing what was coming and stood there in the dark trembling.
“Wait no…shhh Carla its me. Its Spike.” Spike assured her turning on the light and looking at her apologetically.
She immediately released a breath and looked at him in relief.
“I am sorry…you scared me.” She mumbled apologetically.

“No its my fault me being an idiot its just I didn’t want to risk anyone else seeing us speaking.” Spike said.
Carla just nodded her head and looked at him expectantly.
“Okay anyway look I was wondering…what exactly does Angel expect me to do with this girl…I mean I know what im meant to do but…she was down there in a cell and I didn’t see anyone working down there…am I supposed to actually look after her too?” Spike asked uncomfortably.
“Well in a way yes. My master brought food, water and blankets…when he wished of course. Which wasn’t often.” She said sadly looking down at her feet as her memories of being in that awful place returned in waves.
“Im sorry pet.” Spike sighed remorsefully patting her on the shoulder only to be surprised when she threw herself into his arms sobbing uncontrollably into his chest. He stood stiffly for a second before realising how much this girl needed this. How much they all need this and he stood there for awhile simply letting her cry all her pain away and although she never realised. He shed some of his own for her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was dark when Spike finally ventured out of the house and down to the hatch that led to that hell hole. As he drew closer his dread grew and grew so by the time he actually made it to Buffy’s door he was shaking. He took countless calming breaths to try to steady himself before finally entering the room. His heart broke at the scene in front of him. It seemed in the time alone, Buffy had come out of the shock she had been in and the horror of what happened had sunk in. She sat on the bed with her head in her hands and Spike could tell by her shaking shoulders that she was crying. When the door opened she flinched and backed into the corner of the bed relaxing a tiny bit when she saw it was Spike. He looked at her sadly noting her red bloodshot eyes and the black bags underneath. Her hair was in wet tangles which meant she had obviously had a shower but she was still wrapped up in the thin blanket from the night before.

Spike walked closer but stopped abruptly when she moved backwards again. He held up his arms showing the clothes and bag he had.
“Not here to hurt you kitten.” he said softly.
She seemed to understand and nodded her head at him allowing him to sit on the end of the bed as far from her as possible.
“vous êtes revenus.”
Spike nodded giving her a comforting little smile.
“Yeah I came back.” He said holding out the clothes he had brought with him. Carla had helped him with this of course and he hoped they would fit. Buffy reached her hands out cautiously and snatched the clothes away quickly as if waiting for him to grab her hand or something. She looked down at the clothes and stood up inching around Spike before skittering off into the bathroom to change.

She was sick of this blanket and she felt so exposed she was beyond thankful for the clothes he had brought. The loose sweat pants were soft against her skin and the warm jersey he had brought was much too large for her but that was better. She felt safe again as stupid as it sounded. She was still in this godforsaken place but a jersey made her feel safe?

She went back into the room quietly and stood there awkwardly as he watched her.
“Are you hungry?” He asked.
“sont vous affamé?” He repeated in French watching as her eyes seemed to light up and she nodded jerkily.
He opened the bag and handed her a cheese sandwich, an apple a chocolate bar and a juice box he had brought from the house. She practically inhaled the food and he scolded himself for not bringing her food sooner. He handed her the bag after she had finished and she looked into it. It had a few chocolate bars a couple of apples and a few bags of chips and there was a big flask in there too but what really interested her was the two books at the bottom of the bag. She looked at the front covers and looked up at him in surprise.
“I thought it would be best if we learnt to…communiquer.” He finished with a grin as if proud of himself. Buffy giggled lightly at the look and shook her head with a smirk on her face.
Her face suddenly sobered and she looked down at the bed sadly.

“Are you…let me go?” She said slowly looking up at him hopefully.
“Im sorry…I cant…I wish I could.” he answered sadly. He saw her eyes well up and she bit her lip as if trying to keep in a cry and he surprised himself by holding out his arms for her. What surprised him more however was when she actually moved into them. She broke down completely and sobbed openly into his shirt letting out the pain of the last few days in one huge wave of despair. Spike held her tightly rocking her gently and whispering soothing words into her ear even if she didn’t know what he was saying. It took almost two hours before her sobbing seemed to be under control but still she clung to Spike.
“sont vous..bien?”

He asked gently not wanting to startle her or anything. She let go of him and pulled back a little before nodding to him. Her eyes were still filled with tears and tear trails ran down her cheeks making her look even more vulnerable. Spike brushed away the tears with his fingerprints and smiled warmly at her. He could see the strength in her eyes and he hoped that she would be strong enough to get over this.
“Thank you.” She mumbled before sighing and standing up moving over to where the books were and opening them up.

“Look pet I have to go…leave. I’ll be back tomorrow okay?” Spike was to the door when a hand was rested on his shoulder. He turned around and was surprised to see her standing there biting her lip nervously.
“The others...they…come back?” She asked searching his face for any lies.
Spike knew he couldn’t lie and looked down at the floor before looking back up at her again.
“I don’t know…I think…maybe.” He finished sadly.
She nodded in understanding and went to sit back on her bed.
“ils croient qu'ils peuvent freiner moi….mais ils sont erronés je suis plus fort que ces bâtards.”
Spike had no clue what she said and she seemed to go off in a day dream as soon as she spoke the words so he couldn’t ask her. He frowned repeating the words in his head before leaving the cell and running back to the house. He went straight to the kitchen where he found Carla. There was another girl in there now as well as the other two who had been there this morning and they all studied him carefully. Not with the distrust they had shown this morning however, it seemed Carla had brought them around.
“ils croient qu'ils peuvent freiner moi….mais ils sont erronés je suis plus fort que ces bâtards.”
He repeated the sentence that Buffy had said almost perfectly and waited for the woman to come out of her shock to translate it. He had been repeating it over and over again as he made his way to the house and he hoped he had remembered it right. Carla was still staring at him in surprise but before he could shake her out of it she beamed at him and began to laugh. The three other girls stared at Carla in horror. Surely he was going to hurt her for laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Spike asked a bit annoyed.
“This girl? Buffy you call her. She must be a fine woman.” Carla laughed happily.
“What are you talking about?” Spike asked in bafflement.
“They want to brake me…but they are wrong I am stronger than these bastards.” She said with the smile still on her face.
“This Buffy must be a strong woman to say these words after what she has gone through.” Carla said before continuing to wash the dish in her hand.
Spike stood there for a minute before a small smile formed on his lips. For the first time since getting here he realised that Buffy may just have a chance and he sent out his silent prayer to her.
Stay strong Buffy…you can make it.

Not too far away in her dark cell underground. Buffy closed her eyes and smiled softly to herself

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