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Chapter 26

“We actually bonded for the first time in years. I never realized I had so much anger inside of me about what my dad did, but I like to think that things are getting better with us,” Spike explained, giving Buffy’s hand a squeeze. Two weeks went by and there was still no change. He remained by her bedside, wanting to be the first person she saw once she woke up. And Spike knew that she would, his girl was a fighter.

“So, how’s our patient doing today?”

Spike looked up at the voice to see Buffy’s nurse, Willow Rosenberg. “Everything’s the same,” he responded.

Willow gave him a kind smile. “Well, you should keep talking to her. It helps with coma patients. Aren’t you hungry? I’m sure you can step away for a few minutes to get something to eat.”

Spike shook his head. “I had something earlier, I’ll be fine. I don’t want to leave her.” He knew that he had responsibilities, but none of it seemed to matter. His father made it so he could have time off of school, Dawn bringing him all the schoolwork that he missed. It gave him something to do, at least.

Willow nodded and left the room, her heart going out to the young man. Everyone knew of him in the hospital by now, he would hardly ever leave his girlfriend’s side. She wished more men could be like that. The love he had for her patient made her heart swell. Willow secretly prayed every night that Buffy would pull through.

* * * * *

Spike heard a knock on the door, expecting to see Willow again, but was shocked to see Megan instead. The cheerleader was the last person he expected to show up there. Her injuries weren’t as severe and she was released from the hospital about a week ago.

“What are you doing here?”

She looked shy for a moment and stepped further into the room. “I just wanted to talk to you, and see how Buffy was doing.”

Spike was stunned by her answer, but didn’t make a big deal of it. “She’s doing the same, as you can see. What do you care, anyway? Shouldn’t you be mourning the loss of your boyfriend?” he replied harshly.

Megan flinched a little at his tone, but knowing she deserved it. “He wasn’t my boyfriend. I’m sorry for what happened. I know that doesn’t mean much coming from me, but I never meant for anyone to get hurt. I met Adam at some frat party and I just had too much to drink, I didn’t realize he was so crazy. I definitely never expected him to go after you. And I know you’ll find it hard to believe because of the way I’ve been treating Buffy, but I never wanted this to happen to her.”

Spike let out a sigh. “You made a stupid choice coming to the dance with that wanker, but I don’t blame you for what happened to her. I blame him; you were just at the wrong place and wrong time.”

Megan figured that was more than she would ever get from him, but he wasn’t finished.

“I know why you act the way you do. I’ve met your mum, remember? I know how she treats you, but that doesn’t mean you have to be just like her. You don’t have to hurt others just because she hurts you.”

Megan took in a deep breath. “I guess I don’t know how else to be. She’s made me feel horrible for years, I sometimes don’t know how else to act. That’s how I was raised.”

Spike shook his head. “You have more in common with Buffy than you think, but at least she doesn’t look down on those that are different. Her step-mum treated her like she was nothing, but it only made her stronger in the end. It’s your life; you’re the only one that can choose how it goes. You either become like your mum, or you stand up to her and be your own person. It’s up to you.”

Megan nodded and knew that things were going to change from now on. She never wanted to be her mother. “Buffy was right, you know? I am jealous of her, which is not something I would usually care to admit. She always seemed so perfect without even trying, and she’s really smart. To top all of that off, she has you. Yeah, I was jealous and just wanted to make her miserable like I was, but I know it’s wrong. You won’t ever have to worry about me again when she wakes up, Spike. I’m done hurting people. The accident opened up my eyes a bit. I could have died, but I think I was spared for a reason. I have to make things right.”

Spike didn’t know why, but he actually believed her.

* * * * *

Megan was a new person when she headed into school the next day. She was going to make things better during the remainder of her senior year. She wanted to be remembered for more than just a bitch. Megan smiled when she spotted Harmony at her locker and went over to join the other blonde.

“Hey, Harm, you wanna go shopping with me on Saturday? It’s my treat.”

Harmony raised her eyebrows in confusion. “I thought I wasn’t allowed to hang out with you outside of school?”

Megan waved her hand in the air. “Forget about that. We can even go to that lingerie store that you wanted to check out. I realize that I haven’t been a very good friend to you. I mean, you’re the only one that has really stuck by me, even though I haven’t treated you all that great. I just want you to know that I appreciate you still being there.”

“Wow, you should get into a car accident more often.” Harmony covered her mouth, afraid that Megan would yell at her for the comment, but she only laughed.

“Nah, I think one’s all I need to get my head on straight. Come on, let’s get to class.”

Harmony stared at her friend’s retreating back in shock, but shrugged and followed after her.

* * * * *

“So I lay my head back down, and I lift my hands and pray to be only yours. I pray to be only yours. I know now you’re my only hope,” Spike sang to Buffy, his head resting lightly against her chest. “I wrote that for you, baby. Something I never told you, but I used to be in a band my freshman year. God, we were awful, but it was the most fun I could remember having. I still have my guitar in the bottom of my closet. I don’t play much anymore, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about getting back to. I’m not much of a singer, so I hope my terrible voice won’t keep you from waking up.” A throat being cleared pulled him out of his thoughts; he didn’t even realize anyone entered the room. Spike glanced up to see a nurse standing there, but it wasn’t the one he was expecting.

“It’s time for Ms. Summers to get her shot,” she said, her voice muffled by the mask she was wearing.

Spike didn’t know anything about that, but figured the nurse knew what she was doing. He couldn’t help thinking that she looked a little familiar, but he just nodded and stood up. After pressing a kiss to Buffy’s forehead, he left the room. No matter how much it pained him to leave her side; he figured it wouldn’t be for very long.

* * * * *

She shut the door behind him and turned cold eyes on the comatose girl. Addie then ripped the mask off and grinned.

“Well, what have you gotten yourself into now?” She heard about Buffy’s accident and was just waiting for the right time to make her presence known; surprised it was so easy to fool her boyfriend. Addie stepped over to the bed. “This is just cruel, leaving you here like that when you probably have no chance of waking up. I could just imagine what your poor father is going through. It would be better for all of us if I just put you out of your misery.” Her eyes landed on the machines that were keeping Buffy alive, knowing that it would be so simple to just pull the plug. She moved closer, giving the girl one more look. It would soon be all over, and she would get Hank back. He would realize that she did the right thing. With that thought in mind, she reached out. “Goodbye, Buffy.”

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