Disclaimer: Joss and Mutant Enemy own everything. I just randomly decided to make Spike and Faith Irish.

Three Families, One Town, and True Love (Maybe)
Chapter Eight: When Did Love Get So Complicated?

Xander and Faith sat comfortably under the big Oak tree in his backyard. They had been dating for three weeks now and were moving pretty fast. Still they didn't seem to mind, and neither did anyone else with the exception of Spike and Connor's brief explanation of what exactly they'd do to Xander if he hurt their sister. Faith had even convinced Xander to go to Mass once, just once; he fell asleep halfway through and Faith finally agreed church just wasn't his thing.

They were all sitting outside, having somewhat of a makeshift picnic. Buffy and Spike, who were now a couple as well sat together, Spike making her laugh about every five seconds or so, which eventually got annoying to the others. Willow and Tara were dangling a string in front of Miss Kitty Fantastic; Tara's kitten that she'd brought over. Jesse and Cordelia had gone to the kitchen to get drinks, and Connor and Dawn were sitting on the porch talking.

All in all everything was--"Creepy."

"What do you mean 'Creepy'?" Dawn asked as Connor surveyed the others and their picnic with distaste.

"It's jus all alil' to perfect dontchya think? I mean; were all havin' a picnic an' everyone's all together an' happy and stuff? That's no' normal."

Dawn considered this for a minute, "Yeah, your right this is a little to hallmark. Let's go inside."

"Thank you!" The two walked into the house and as they went by the kitchen their conversation was completely drowned out.

"You're an idiot!" yelled Cordelia.

"Look who's talking super-skank Barbie!" Jesse yelled back.

"Finally, some normalcy!" exclaimed Connor with a goofy grin.

"I hate you."


Connor and Dawn listened for the next part of the screaming match, but heard nothing, "You don't think he finally snapped and killed her, do you?" asked Dawn with a slight smirk.

Curiosity getting the better of them, the two went into the kitchen, only to find Jesse and Cordelia in the middle of a deep, passionate kiss. "Jesus, is this a house or a brothel?" asked Connor, causing the two to break from the kiss, looking completely terrified at being caught.

There was about five minutes of silence before Dawn started laughing hysterically, "Dawn!" screeched Cordelia, infuriated with her sister, "GET OUT!"

And with that she and Connor ran outside to the cutie picnic which had turned into Faith and Spike arguing and everyone else looking uncomfortable in their absence. "You'll never guess what we just saw!" said Dawn, still in the throws of hysterical laughter.

Everyone was a little shocked at the realization, but most thought Jesse and Cordelia made a cute couple, whether they thought so or not. Xander, on the other hand, was absolutely horrified at the prospect of his best friend getting together with whom he perceived to be the step-sister from hell. It took Faith, who had completely forgotten her argument with Spike over DC versus Marvel, a half hour to convince him not to go into the house and telling Jesse he'd completely lost his mind.

Spike began laughing as Xander continued to wig out, and Buffy eventually turned to him and asked him what was so funny, "Nothin'" he said, still gasping for breath, "It's just...your fam'ly might be more fucked up than mine!" Buffy smacked him on the arm, looking thoroughly unamused.

"I say we just don't say anything until they decide to actually become a couple," said Willow, ever the voice of reason. Pretty much everyone agreed right away, but Xander, again, was apprehensive. However, he agreed quite readily once Willow mentioned something about aquaman underoos.

The were walking upstairs into Xander and Wesley's room, the couples once again acting sickeningly cute as they made their way down the hall (other than the fact that now everyone was arguing their comic book preference ferriosity). Xander turned the door nob and when he opened the door. The argument became a shocked silence as seeing Wesley, shirtless with a girl on his bed.

Dawn furrowed her eyebrows before saying, "Okay, you know what? There is just way too much sex going on here! Honestly, this is the second make out session I've walked into today, not to mention the lovey dovey crap going on with you six!" she added pointing back to Buffy, Spike, Faith, Xander, Willow, and Tara.

The girl, who was pretty in an awkward sort of way, was defiantly made even more awkward by the situation. Throwing on her shirt and putting her glasses back on, she surveyed the ten teenagers currently staring at her before saying, in a southern drawl, "I'm Fred...by the way."

"I'm Cordelia!" exclaimed Cordy with a big smile, "It's great to meet you, and--wait a minute, why did no one act even remotely surprised when Dawn said she walked in on me kissing the createn?"

"Well, actually, she just said she'd walked in on some people kissing," said Buffy, "So if we hadn't of known, you would've given yourself away...but we did."

Cordelia's eyes flared, "Buffy: shut up!"

"Which one's are you related to again?" asked Fred...looking completely baffled.

"The red-headed girl and the boy with the black hair are my little brother and sister...the three girls currently screaming at eachother are our stepsisters, the rest are just their assorted romantic interests and friends," Wesley answered in a tired voice, as though he wished none of what he had just said were true.

"Oh...well, it's nice to y'all," said Fred.

"Oh yeah, you too!" answered Tara, being the only one as shy and odd as Fred actually was.

"Well," said Connor with a humorous sigh, "Atleast it's not creepy anymore."


Dawn, Willow, and Buffy sat on Xander's bed, watching as he layed out his clothes for his date with Faith, looking nervous as ever despite the fact that they had been dating for some time now. Behaving quite unmanly, he must have gone through six different outfits before deciding on one before then turning to his mirror and trying to smooth down the beast that was his hair.

"You'll need a pound of gell to even get it to lay somewhat flat Xan," said Willow with a grin as she got off the bed and walked over to Wesley's side of the room.

"Hilarious Will, really: you slay me with your humor," Xander replied sarcastically as he continued to rake a comb through his tangles to no avail. "Buffy!" he finally yelped.

With a small roll of her eyes Buffy got up off the bed and headed over to her step-brother, grabbing the comb out of his hand, she began to take on the great task. Dawn rolled her eyes as well as she flipped herself so that the lower half of her body stayed on the bed while the upper half hung down, her head resting on the floor. She then raised Xander's bed skirt and began looking beneath the bed.

"Have you noticed Wes is never hear anymore?" asked Willow as she cassually looked through the papers piled on her afore-mentioned brother's desk.

"He used to be here?" asked Buffy as she continued to comb Xander's tangled, nest-like hair.

"Well, not all the time, but he deffenantly spent a lot more time at home," replied Xander, "Usually in here, reading, he's never really been that social--Ow!"

"Don't be a baby," scolded Buffy as she continued to tug at his hair, "So do you think he's spending all his time with Fritz or whatever her name is?"

"Fred," corrected Willow, "And one would assume so, although why she would want to date Wesley is beyond me considering the fact that he's the most aggravatingly pompus person on the planet."

"Do you actually know everyone on the planet?" asked Dawn's muffled voice as she continued to look under Xander's bed.

"What are you doing under my bed Dawnie?" asked Xander as he grimaced at the constant hair tugging.

"Looking for porn." Buffy dropped the brush and and Willow dropped the papers and both girls began laughing hysterically. Xander marched over to Dawn and pulled her up right and put back on top of the bed, obviously thinking it was less than humorous.

"Ah, screw it," said Dawn, "All the blood was rushing to my head anyway."

As the girl's continued to laugh, Xander glared at them murderously, "Yeah yeah; real fucking hilarious."

"Hey!" exclaimed Dawn in mock outrage, "Fourteen year old ears in the room!"

Buffy turned to her sister and gave her a poingnant look that clearly stated Xander would throw her out of the room if she didn't shut up soon. Dawn, while obnoxious had no desire to be thrown to Cordelia's mercy and so she stopped laughing and talking, much to Xander's relief. Buffy grabbed Xander back towards her and began brushing his hair once more. A chorus of 'ows' began to fill the room again as the three girl's stifled their laughter at their brother's intolerance for pain.

"Is it even pos'ble for you ta not spend a night wit Xan anymore?" asked Spike as he stifled his own laughter at Faith as she carefully applied enough makeup to feed a small village.
"If I didn' know any betta I'd say you were jelous Will..." his twin shot back with a small, devilish smirk on her face, "When's the las' time you and B went on a date anyway?"

"It's only been a week. Sorry if no' every one cares to be as sickenin'ly sweet as you and Xanda, ya high 'n' mighty bitch."

"Now why does tha' soun' like I hit a nerve?" Faith asked him, suddenly serious and completely ignoring the 'bitch' comment.

"We're aloud ta take it slow, ya know!" exclaimed Spike in an annoyed voice as he picked up his guitar and began to strum it.

"You are. But it don' sound like ya, Will," his sister said knowingly, "So somehow I think B's bein' slow's annoyin' the shit outa ya."

"Yer powers o' observation are amazin'," Spike replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm, very clearly stating the converstaion was over.

"Fine! Whadda I care? 'M only yer sista after all!" Faith exclaimed in mock hurt before grabbing her purse and heading downstairs.

"I like this," she said in her adorable Texan twang as they sat in his car, "Just you, me, an' the stars. It's nice." She smiled at him taking his glasses off and planting a small, lovely kiss on his head. He grinned brightly in a way the was increadibly uncharachteristic of him. He reached out and took her glasses off as well, brushing the hair out of her face and kissing her mouth.
"So when am I gonna meet your family?" Fred asked, breaking the kiss, much to Weasley's displeasure.

"You already met them!"

"Not your father or your step-mother," she countered, pouting slightly, "And I'd like to meet your siblings while in a less compromisin' position if possible!"

Weasley sighed and hung his head back: this was going to end up being a long discussion about their relationship. He could just tell.

"When did love get so Goddamn complicated?" Cordelia asked Jesse as they both sat on the roof of the Summers/Giles house, "I mean: we hate eachother--"
"Right," agreed Jesse.

"And yet--"

"Here we are," he finished, grabbing her hand in his.

"I'm actually a little afraid," she admitted with a big smile on her face before kissing him

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