[Reviews - 37] LikedPrinter
Summary: My first Spuffy fics:) Have to repost for I didn't realize that after the upgrade many moons ago, the fics are now deemed too big, and do not open and will freeze your page when you try to veiw them. So for those who reviewed these, hope you will again, enjoy:)
Rated: 18
Categories: Serial Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: The Uncanny 6th Season
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 11578 Read: 24919
Published: 05/31/2004 Updated: 06/17/2013

1. 1 by Pari [Reviews - 26] Liked (1235 words)
I'm writing this here off the top of my head, so please excuse/disregard typos and grammar/spelling errors. Thanks!!!

2. 2 by Pari [Reviews - 2] Liked (1133 words)

3. 3 by Pari [Reviews - 2] Liked (1637 words)

4. 4 by Pari [Reviews - 3] Liked (2294 words)

5. 5 by Pari [Reviews - 1] Liked (1886 words)

6. 6 by Pari [Reviews - 3] Liked (3393 words)