Summary: As promised, the sequel to A Mother's Plea. Vamped Buffy is learning to live with her new body while she tries to bring down the Mayor before his Acesension ,Spike is learning to be a sire, Angel is learning that draining Buffy might not have been his best move and Giles is trying to cope.
Rated: 18
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes
Word count: 10526 Read: 11225
Published: 05/17/2007 Updated: 05/20/2007
1. One by Slaymesoftly [Reviews - 11] (3093 words)
2. Two and Three by Slaymesoftly [Reviews - 6] (4193 words)
Chapter Two was too short, so I am having to put up both chapters. Sigh.
3. Four by Slaymesoftly [Reviews - 23] (3240 words)