Author's Chapter Notes:
Thank for all the reviews, and to spikes mrs for editting this. I know that was just mean the summary. On a side note, due to busy schedules of me and my editors this might end up being updated every other week. Again I don't own them just like to play with them.
Mate’s Pain

Chapter 16 Buffy wakes up 2 weeks after her ordeal.

The next morning, Angel stops in at Buffy and Spikes room before making his way downstairs to see if Spike needs anything.

After walking through the door Angel came to a dead stop at what he is saw, on the bed.

Buffy was lying there propped up against Spike, when Angel stepped into the room she started to rapidly move her eyes from Angel back to the spoon Spike was holding in his hand.

Noticing she was taking longer to eat, Spike quietly says to her, “It’s only Angel, luv.”

“When?” Was all Angel could get out as he remains looking at the sight in front of him.

While he continues to feed Buffy, Spike informs Angel. “She opened her eyes about 10 minutes ago; I am not to sure on what she is seeing though.”

After he has finished feeding her, he puts the jar on the table beside the bed, and Buffy let out a whimper as he did so.

“Sorry luv, same as what I told you with the blood, too much will make you sick. We will have to talk to the Watcher about a schedule for you; it’s been a few years since I have been human. I want to make sure I am doing this correctly.” Spike let his concern be heard in his voice while he was talking to her.

Finally moving from his spot just inside the door over to where the phone was in the room is, Angel tells him. “I wi’ll call Giles for you, what do you want me to tell him?” As he picks up the phone and dials.

Spike tells Angel what to pass on to Giles, “Tell him the Slayer opened her eyes and to call Mum and the Scoobies, I knew they shouldn’t have left early this morning to go back to Sunnydale.”


30 minutes later, Giles comes to Buffy and Spikes room, after he, has telephoned Joyce and the young adults that are Buffy’s friends, to let them know that there has been a change in Buffy and she has opened her eyes.

Hearing a knock on the door and knowing it is Giles, Angel says as he gets up from the chair he has sat himself in after he called Giles. “I’ll get it.” Then he opens the door and moves aside to let Giles in.

Upon entering Buffy and Spike’s room Giles says to Spike. “I hope you don’t mind but I ran into Wesley on the way and mentioned that she had opened her eyes and he wanted to see her. So he asked if he could tag along.”

“It’s fine Watcher why don’t you both come in and close the door.”

After everyone is in the room and settled in a chair or against the wall in Angel’s case, so he could give his chair to Giles, Spike starts. “As Angel told you on the phone, your Slayer has opened her eyes, it happened about 40 minutes ago. She also ate a whole jar of strawberries and half of it was done by a spoon, she started to whimper for more when it was empty, I wasn’t sure how much I should give her. I don’t have a problem with giving her the blood, but to much together could also make her sick.”

“So you were still giving her your blood every 2 hours as well?” Giles asks as he waits for Spikes nod before continuing. “I would suggest we start to wean her off some of your blood, I am aware that she will always be ingesting some of your blood as you would be with her as well. But would I be correct in saying that she is getting more right now than what she would normally get.”

“Yes you are correct, Watcher. With her not taking as much as I am giving her now, but her blood intake was starting to get stronger each time. It would be my guess if the pillock would not have done what he did; her intake would be just as much as mine by now.” Spike informs them as he also talks about what was happening before Riley hurt Buffy.

“Sorry, but what do you mean she will take as much blood as you, isn’t that dangerous.” Wesley asks with a strange amount of confidence in his voice.

“Nope.” Spike simply states as he looks at Giles and Angel to gage there reactions before continuing. “I’m not turning her, what I take from her gets replaced by her taking it from me. You want her to equal my amount, and until she does I have to adjust the speed that I take it from her, so I don’t weaken her too fast. I am required to take as certain amount from her to help strengthen the mating.”

Quietly Wesley asks, “What about your feeding?

“Would never feed from her unless she asked me to.” Spike states to the room.

“I was actually wondering how you were able to bite her for the mating, that day.” Giles questioned him.

“It’s not meant to hurt her, but I think you should ask her why.” Spike says as he gestures to the now sleeping Slayer in his arms as he lays her back on the bed.

“Yes I guess you are right,” Giles replies, knowing that there was a reason that Spike didn’t want everyone to know.

“And if she won’t tell you, I am sure Anya will tell you.” Spike then adds to Giles comment.

“I think I would rather you than Anya.” Giles informs him, a look of disgust knowing what Anya is like talking sexually.

Total confused at what they are talking about, Wesley says. “I am sorry; I seem to have missed something.”

Knowing what they are talking about Angel said to Wesley, “I will fill you in later.”

“So we lessen her blood intake and increase her food intake, what should we be doing?” Spike asks, still a little unsure they are doing the right thing.

Thinking for a minute before replying Giles says. “Well that all depends on what she has done so far.”

“So far all she has done, is open her eyes when, she was awake. She did seem very alert at what she was seeing around her.” Spike tells them thinking of what she did when Angel walked in the room.

“I noticed that when I came in the room, I do believe she is trying to use her slayer senses. Giles informs the group, before asking “So has she talked or turned to you or anything?”

“Nope the only change is that she opened her eyes.”

“I do believe I should contact the doctor and then we can talk about a way to continue helping her.” Giles suggests to the group.

“You know she thanks you right?” Spike questioned Giles.

“Yeah, I know, but I wish it was her saying it.” Giles replies back to him.

“Hopefully it won’t be long before she starts to talk again.” Spike tells Giles.

“Yes you are quite right, now I must go and phone the doctor. Giles tells him as he gets up from his chair.


2.5 hours after everyone has left the room, Buffy wakes up again, as he senses a change in her breathing Spike asks, “Do I get to see those gorgeous green eyes again?”

Buffy then opens her eyes and looks up at Spike who is looking down at her. She opens her mouth to speak, but is unable to get sound out so she closes it and tries a little harder this time. “Hungry, hurts.”

Barely hearing her, he says quietly “Okay luv, I don’t know what to do about the pain, but I can do something about getting you something to eat.” He tells her as he reaches on the table to get a jar of food that Angel left there earlier. “I know it isn’t great, but your Watcher says it’s the best for you right now.”

As he finishes talking, Buffy is laying there with her mouth open waiting for him to start feeding her.

Seeing what she is doing he says with a chuckle, “Now you just be patient, have to get you to a sitting position.

Buffy then closes her mouth waiting for him to reposition her.

After he sits her up against him, he kisses the top of her head and opens the jar of food. “Alright luv lets get some food in you.”

She eats the whole jar before he hears her complain again. “Finger” Was all she said.

Bringing his finger to his mouth, he lets his fangs descend enough to put a hole in the finger and bring it to Buffy lips. She immediately sucks the bloody finger into her mouth.


That is how the doctor finds them 5 minutes later, when Giles brings him up to Buffy and Spike’s room.

Seeing the other people in the room Spike informs her. “That’s enough luvs, you can have more later, and the good Doc and your Watcher are here.”

After she licks the last of the blood off his finger, she allows him to pull it out.

Sitting down in a chair across from Buffy, the Doctor leans over and says, “It’s good to see you awake, I am sure your treatment has not been a conventional treatment, you have quite some protectors watching over you. In fact my local contact is being questioned as we speak. I knew that Spike was a Vampire at the hospital, and you were referred to as Eternal, I didn’t realize you would come to another Vampire’s place, when you were let out.”

“It was for her safety.” Giles explains to him as he takes a seat in a spare chair.

“Angel’s” Buffy says quietly and Spike almost missed it.

“Yeah, luv, Angel has been protecting both of us.” Spike tells her letting the surprise be heard in his voice.

Seeing Spike talk to Buffy in what looks to be an answer to a question Giles says. “I take it she has started to talk?”

“Not getting much sound out, if I wasn’t a vamp. I wouldn’t hear it.” Spike tells Giles.

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