Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks for the reviews, Again this was looked over by spikes mrs. I don't own them just like to play with them.
Mate’s Pain

Chapter 5 Aftermath of the rape

*****Xander, Anya, and Willow follow Spike carrying Buffy into the hospital. *****

Seeing how distraught Spike is, Willow takes him to sit down with Buffy, before she goes to the nurse’s desk.

“My friend has been beaten and raped all day; she needs to be seen by a doctor.” Willow informs the nurse.

“Please fill these out the best you can, I will get a doctor.” She says handing Willow a bunch of forms on a clipboard.

Willow walks back over to everyone and starts to fill out the forms, as the nurse pushes the call button at the desk to call for a doctor.

Dr. Goodman walks up to the front desk, “Lois is there a problem?” He asks.

“We’ve just had a beaten and rape victim brought in, she is in the waiting room with her friends.”

“Alright, I’ll go speak to them, you call the authorities.” Dr. Goodman says as he starts to walk over to where he was told the victim would be.


Walking up to the only group in the waiting room and especially the man holding a blond girl wrapped in a blanket. He introduces himself, “Hello, I am Dr. Goodman, how may I help you, tonight?”

“She’s been chained, kept knocked out most of the day and raped, she came to and he must have found out and knocked her out again.” Willow says taking charge of the group.

Walking over to where Buffy and Spike are, he says. “Your friend is in good hands.”

Spike looks at the doctor as the doctor bends down to look at Buffy, he then has to fight his demon to let the doctor touch her, but he knows it’s for the best.

“I just want to check her heart, and then I’ll get a room ready for her.” the Doctor explains to Spike who is holding Buffy tightly.

Spike just nods his head.

As the doctor starts to check her heart, Giles comes into the hospital and goes over to meet them.

“Her heartbeat is strong, I am sure she will recover just fine, I” go find a room for her.” The doctor says getting up, and going back into the ER section of the hospital.


After the doctor had left, Giles says, “Graham took him down into the Initiative, after he managed to get him to confess on tape to what happened. I also have this, it is what he used to keep her unconscious and he admits to jacking it right up, when she screamed, at that point he wanted her dead instead of getting caught.”

Willow lets out a gasp at what Giles has just said.

“There is a possibility that when she wakes up she could have problems with certain things, memory, her limbs, but all we can do is wait and see.” Giles tells them.


Just then the doctor comes back. “I have a room for her; I’ll have a look at her and then determine the best course of action. Also in all cases like this the local authorities have been contacted.” Then he looks at Spike, “I’ll allow you to carry her to the room, but then you have to come back out here. Lois said you had a pretty good handle on carrying her, I really don’t want to distress her any more than is necessary, until we can check her over.”

Spike nods and goes to follow the doctor, he sets her down on the hospital bed and goes to leave the room.

Noticing the lack of reflection in the mirrors the doctor says to Spike. “You’re not going to go biting everyone in the waiting room are you?”

Spike stop and is taken back by what the doctors has said. “How?” Was all he could ask, with surprise in his voice?

“Lack of reflection, pale skin, cool to the touch and let’s not mention, she has a heartbeat and I didn’t even get an echo from yours and I should have.”

“You’re correct I am a Vampire, Buffy is…. Buffy is my mate, she is I guess you would say mostly human. She is the Slayer, but when she became my mate, she also became Eternal.”

“I’ll have a look at her, I can’t guarantee anything.”

“That is all we ask, just don’t keep her here if, you can’t help her. She has a fear of hospitals.” Spike tells the Doctor.

“I promise I won’t keep her, I will need to observe her for a few hours, dawn will be in about 8 hours, and I’ll try getting you out before that.”

“Thank you.” Spike says as he goes to walk out then pauses for a minute. “Oh and I only drink bagged blood, the others with her are her Watcher and friend, they are all human.” Then he leaves the room, and goes back to the waiting room.


When Spike gets back to the waiting room Willow is still trying to get over what Giles just said. “Professor Walsh is the leader of the Initiative, she sent Riley after Buffy, I am sure of it, and she told me this morning that Riley is one of the Commando’s”

“What’s this?” Spike asks.

“One of Buffy’s teachers runs the Initiative.” Anya tells him.

Sitting down Spike says. “Dr. Goodman, knows what I am, so I assured him I only drink bagged blood and Buffy is Human, mostly. He also told me, he would send her home, by dawn so we could be together.”

“I want to talk to you about something.” Giles says to Spike.

“Alright Watcher.”

“Let’s go over here and talk.” Giles says as he leads Spike over to a row of chairs about 8 feet away from her friends.

“I don’t know how she will be; but I believe he was keeping her out with this.” Giles says as he shows him a tazor. “I also suspect that when she screamed, his anger caused him to turn it up to a lethal dose.”

“It won’t kill her though, she is Eternal, If we have to there has to be away to bring her back.” Spike says desperately.

“I still need to finish researching the Eternal Slayer; and I have also been thinking, now and please listen to me before you say anything.” Giles tells Spike knowing he won’t like what he is going to say next.

“I think; I am not going to like what you are going to say.” Spike tells him.

“No your certainly not, but I have a feeling you will do what is needed to keep her safe.”

“Yes I would, she is my Mate and it killed me today, not being able to be there for her. If it wasn’t for you lot I would most likely be dust right now from trying to get to her.”

“I believe you might be changing as well, Spike, but right now, our main priority is Buffy, and her safety. The fact is something set Riley off, one of her teachers runs the Initiative, they already managed to capture you and have clearly proven they can get to her and harm her, and they might manage to get to you through her. That is why I plan on calling Angel in LA, both you and Buffy need his sanctuary, she belongs to you which makes her a member of your Vampire Order. I want Willow to go with you and Buffy as well as myself. When Joyce comes home, we will let her know what happened.” Giles explains to him.

“Your right we do need to protect her right now, we will have to leave at sundown, and the doc said he would only keep her for a few hours, to observe her.” Spike tells him.


Just then the Doctor walks up the Spike and Giles, with a Police Officer.

“Sir this is Officer Sears it is hospital policy to contact the local authorities, so now he has some questions for you.” Dr. Goodman tells them.

“Yes I understand, I am Rupert Giles, you will find I am listed as a contact person if anything happens to her.”

“Yes, I noticed that, so will you two please, come with me.” The Dr. says as he leads them back to the room where Buffy is.

“I have gone over her injuries with Officer Sears; let’s just say I am surprised she doesn’t have more injuries. I will start at the top and work my way down.” The Doctor tells them while he moves up to her head, he rolls her on her side and moves her hair away, “We have found at least 6 or more marks like this on her neck, and at the base of her skull and neck.”

Giles pulls out the tazor, “This was beside her and he admits to using it on her.”

The officer reaches for it and Giles hands it to him, walking to Buffy he matches it to the marks on her, and then says. “It’s the weapon.”

“This spot right here appears to be the last one and the one that was the strongest. The extent of that injury will not be known until or if she wakes up.”

“Is she in a coma?” Giles asks.

“That’s the thing, she isn’t in one. Her brain waves are fine, she just seems too be in suspended animation, so it’s a wait and see kind of deal.” The Doctor explains to them.

“Moving on from those marks on her neck, to this mark where it looks like it is under 24 hours old, but it is healing nicely, so I didn’t treat it and am even thinking it was there before she was taken.” The doctor say as he shows them the bite mark Spike put on her the night before.

“It was.” Spike simply told the doctor.

“Both her wrist have red marks on them, it looks like she pulled against what was binding her and broke them, I am thinking some form of handcuff.”

“I believe she might have been handcuffed to the bed.” Giles tell the Police Officer.

“We will look for them, when we search the room, where she was. I am assuming we know who did this.”

“Yes officer it was her ex-boyfriend Riley Finn, he currently resides at Lowell house, on UC Sunnydale’s campus.” Giles tells him as he also hands him, his copy of Riley’s confession. “This is his account of what happened.”

Taking the tape from Giles he says. “Thank you, I’ll send an officer over there now to start the investigation.” He says as he steps out of the room to call the station.

“She has a lot of cuts and tears, at her vagina opening, so even if she was to wake now, I am asking No sexual intercourse, until she is healed and ready.”

Giles nods in agreement, with the doctor.

“There’s just one more injury I found on her, I am not sure what he used to move her, but her knees were banged around a couple of times. Again it is showing nothing serious.

“Now as I told you already, I will need to observe her for a few hours then before sun up, you can take her home. Do you have any questions?” The Doctor asks after explaining her injuries to Spike and Giles.

Spike looks at the doctor and asks, “Can I hold her?”

“She has to stay on the bed, but yes I will let you climb up there and hold her. I don’t know a lot about Vampires, but ever since my sister was attacked a couple of years ago, I have taken it upon myself to learn as much as I can about them.” The Doctor informs them.

Spike removes his duster and boots and climbs in behind Buffy; the doctor rearranges some wires then says. “I’ll just go get her friends, to join you and see Officer Sears out. Dr. Goodman says as he walks to the door, but not before he hears a quiet “Thank you,” from Spike.


5 Minutes later Willow, Xander and Anya are entering Buffy’s hospital room.

“How is she?” Willow asks as she sits down in a chair, by the bed.

“Same.” Spike tells her.

“We’ve decided that we are going to take Buffy to Angel’s, where she can be safe to recover. I would like it, if Willow would come as well. Buffy might need a women’s touch and a friend, also I don’t think it a good idea for Willow to be in class right now.” Giles informs the group.

“I’ll have to talk to Tara; she can help keep and eye on Riley and Professor Walsh.” Willow suggests to them him.

“That might be a good idea.” Giles tells her.


5 hours later the doctor comes back in to check on Buffy, everyone but Spike is asleep, upon hearing the doctor come in he opens his eyes.

“I just need to check her vitals one last time, and then you can take her home. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call.” He says handing Spike a piece of paper with phone numbers on it.

Taking the paper from the doctor he says “Thanks.”

The doctor checks her out and hands Spike a scrub set. “You can put these on her to take her home, I’ll just go and get her discharge papers, but I am going to need his signature since she is unable to do it.”

“I’ll dress her then wake Rupert up.” Spike tells the doctor as he leaves the room.


After dressing Buffy, he cradles her in his arms, as he gets off the bed to wake Giles, “Watcher” he says as he gently shakes him awake.

Waking up Giles asks. “Spike what’s wrong?”

“Doc coming back says you have to sign something, and then we can go back to your place.” Spike tells him, happy to be getting out of the hospital with his Mate in his arms.

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