Author's Chapter Notes:
Hmmm - turns out this was only two chapters long. I guess I should have put the whole thing up last night. Anyway - here's the rest. I hope you enjoy it. :)

When they reached the restaurant, Buffy was amazed to find the staff was obviously well acquainted with Spike; fawning over him as they were shown to their table. “Mr. Bloody, so good to see you again!” the headwaiter said with what appeared to be genuine delight.

A bottle of excellent wine appeared on the table “Compliments of the house” as the waitress took their orders.

“Why do I have the feeling you’ve been here before?” Buffy asked wryly.

“Because I have, love. Nice place. No mirrors to worry about, soft lights, good food. And they know how to treat a bloke.” He grinned at her rakishly and added, “ Of course, I’m also a bloody good tipper.”

Buffy listened with interest as his working class accent came and went depending on whom he was speaking to. She was far from an expert on British class distinctions and accents, but she knew enough to recognize the difference between his usual rough language and the cultured tones he used with the wait staff.

Before dessert, Buffy excused herself to go to the restroom, grateful that at least there were mirrors in there. While she was in the stall, two members of the staff came in chatting eagerly about one of the patrons. It took only a second for Buffy to realize the cocktail waitress and one of the bartenders were talking about Spike and his “date”.

“How long do you think this one will last?” one of them asked.

“No more than a couple of weeks. Just like the rest of them. Maybe less. She’s not really his type, is she?”

“No, not really. Too skinny. And that hair…..”

Buffy only realized she was clenching the handle of the stall door when it broke off in her fist. As the other women went out, still comparing her to Spike’s other dates, she found herself trapped by the now handleless door. She debated very briefly about crawling under, then with a growl, just ripped it off its hinges and stomped to the sink.

As she washed her hands and combed her hair, (What’s wrong with my hair? Stupid, jealous girls.) she tried to calm down and smother the little ache caused by the thought of Spike’s having brought other women here.

(Way to go, ego-girl. It’s been over ten years and you’ve been dating that whole time. Was he supposed to remain celibate while you went on with your life?)

The mental pep talk helped to calm Buffy’s anger, but it did nothing for the pain that the image of Spike with other women was causing her. (Guess it’s time to have that talk now) she told herself as she made her way back to the table.

Spike’s eyes lit up as he saw her gracefully winding her way through the crowded restaurant. He saw no sign of the thirty-three years she had been on the earth – defying all expectations of Slayer longevity. She looked like the young, beautiful woman she was and he cursed himself for a fool for letting her get away without a fight. Briefly he wondered about the man she had called earlier and the seriousness of the relationship. He knew Buffy too well to think she would be involved with someone unless she had feelings for him. His demon was insisting the man could be taken care of, and he struggled to smother his homicidal urges towards someone he hadn’t even met.

When Buffy saw the awed expression on his face as she approached the table, she felt her whole body growing warm; she blushed as she sat down.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she whispered; although she knew he knew she was enjoying every minute of it.

“Sorry, love. Can’t help it. You’re the most beautiful woman in here.”

“You sure I’m not too skinny?” She tried to bite her tongue, but it was too late to call back the words or the tone.

“What?” he gaped at her. “What are you talking about?”

“Nothing, “ she said quickly. “Never mind. Just something I heard…”

He looked at her quizzically for a second, but when she didn’t explain, he shrugged and shook his head.

“Don’t know where you got that idea, love. You’re as perfect as you’ve ever been. It’s amazing, really. You don’t look any older than when we left Sunnydale. In fact, considering how worn down you were then, you look better than ever. Haven’t aged a bit – still delicious.” He leered at her , as expected, but with a warmth and affection that negated any trace of disrespect.

Buffy blushed at his praise and at the hungry look he was giving her. To avoid having to answer the implied suggestion, she explained that apparently Slayer healing also retarded the aging process and she was in many ways the same woman.

“You mean, you’re immortal?” he gasped.

“We don’t know. I’m the first Slayer to live past her early 20’s, so this is all new. All we know is that my body seems to be repairing itself as it goes; so no wrinkles, no slowed reflexes or arthritic changes, none of the things you’d expect to see in a thirty-three year old woman who’s led the life I have. It’s either slayer-related or, maybe a result of Willow’s resurrection spell; we’re not really sure yet.”

The implications of that discovery and what it could mean to their situation were not lost on either one of them.

(I could be with you forever. You’d never have to watch me grow old and die.)

(You could be with me forever. I’d never lose you to old age and death.)

Spike’s hand had crept across the table to cover hers.

(Bugger the no touching rule. This is too important.)

“Buffy,” he began in a tight voice, only to be silenced by her fingers on his mouth.

“Don’t” (To hell with no touching) Her fingertips touched his soft, cool lips and he automatically began kissing them. “We aren’t ready for that conversation, yet.“ (But we will be!)

With great effort she pulled her fingers away and turned her other hand over in his so that they were holding hands lightly.

“Don’t we have a meal to finish?” she asked, even as her breathing and the pounding of her pulse told him she wasn’t thinking about food.

“Not hungry,” he growled, the look on his face putting the lie to his words.

“Me neither,” she said, never taking her eyes off his.

“We should go then,” he said hoarsely, as he motioned for the check.

“Yes, yes, we should. They’ll need the room for other customers and if we’re not…..” Buffy realized she was babbling and stopped talking, but she never took her eyes off his. The waitress began her “Do you want dessert...” spiel, but swallowed her words when the electricity crackling between them became obvious. Instead, she just presented Spike with the check, which he signed without ever taking his eyes off Buffy.

“Thank you, Mr. Bloo-“ was not even out of her mouth before her customers had left the table and crossed to the door faster than she would have thought was humanly possible.

The two decidedly not ordinary people – one most definitely not human – barely made it out of the restaurant before they were in each other’s arms and falling into the kiss they had been putting off all evening. Oblivious to the amused looks from other pedestrians and the encouraging beeps from cars passing by, they clung together and let their lips and tongues try to make up for ten years of separation.

Moaning with desire and relief, Buffy lost herself in the feel of his supple lips and tongue. She could feel the emotions behind his kiss as though they were being absorbed into her body. Desire, need, tenderness, longing, happiness and the overwhelming love that had always been present, even when she hadn’t wanted to acknowledge it.

(No one should be able to put that much into a kiss,) she marveled. (No one else can.)

Spike surrendered to the sensory overload as her scent and the feel of her lips on his, as well as the pulse pounding through her veins, made him tremble with desire. His demon was clamoring for him to take her right then and there and only the soul gave him the strength to resist.

Eventually they had to stop so that Buffy could breath, and with an embarrassed start, she realized they were standing in the middle of a public sidewalk. Her face flamed as the small crowd that had formed around them broke into applause. The vampire just grinned and bowed before grabbing her hand and pulling her away.

“Which way, love?” he demanded.

She understood him completely. “Two blocks, that way,” she said breathlessly, pointing toward her flat. They made the two-block walk in less than two minutes; slowed only by the fact that Buffy was wearing high heels.

As she fumbled to get her key in the door, Buffy was trying to maintain the fiction that they were going to talk and take it slowly, deciding where they were in this new relationship. However, as soon as the door closed behind them, she gave up the pretence and came willingly into his open arms.

“Love you, Buffy. Love you – want to make love to you. Please, baby, now, let me love you now.” The constant murmuring from the vampire as his hands roved her body, loosening her clothes, touching all the places he knew she liked, had Buffy’s head reeling.

She felt his hard and throbbing erection pushing against her stomach and she reached down, unzipping his pants to allow it to touch her bare skin. Feeling it’s velvet hardness pushing against her abdomen wasn’t enough and she shoved it between her legs to press against her suddenly moist underwear. He shivered as her warm hand touched him and he growled softly. Clenching her thighs around him, she could feel her juices soaking through her panties and coating his cock.

Spike braced himself on the door and lifted her onto his body. He tore off what was left of her underwear and then captured her eyes as she lowered herself on to him. In a repeat of the first time they were together, they stared into each other’s eyes while Buffy slowly rode up and down on him. Instead of the shock and awe that had been in their eyes that first time, the looks they were exchanging now were full of the denied passion of the last ten years and their relief at finding themselves joined again.

(This is what home feels like.)

The unspoken thought was there for both of them as their eyes filled. Buffy pressed her forehead to his and allowed the emotions to flow, knowing he was feeling the same things she was. There were tears running down both their faces as they surrendered to the overwhelmingly intimate moment.

She was still for several seconds; just reveling in the way he filled her up and understanding how much she had been missing this part of their relationship.

(No wonder I’ve never been able to fall in love with anyone else. This is the body that was meant for mine.)

He didn’t mind when she stopped moving. He could have stayed in the same position for hours, just enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by her again.

(This is why I never found another love. This is the woman I was meant for.)

“Ah, love, none of that unless you want this to be over very quickly.” He chuckled into her ear as she unconsciously clenched her muscles around him in an effort to make sure he stayed put.

“I don’t ever want it to be over,” she whispered. “Can you stay here forever?”

“If that’s what you want, love. But I can’t promise to stay still. As happy as I am to be here, parts of me are insisting on more action….”

He began to rock his hips gently against hers and she resumed sliding up and down on his now slippery cock. He held her rounded ass in both hands so as to be sure she was getting the right contact on her clit as she moved. It seemed like no time before she was biting his shoulder and digging her fingernails into his back as she squeezed around him and shuddered all over with the force of her orgasm. As soon as she tightened down on his cock and he felt the beginning of her climax, he allowed his demon full rein and he spurted into her, growling his pleasure.

When they had both recovered somewhat, she slid down his body until her toes were on the floor. They both whimpered as his softened cock slid out, but they kept their arms tightly wrapped around each other so that their bodies remained almost one.

“I love you, Buffy,” he breathed in her ear. “I love you and I don’t ever want to be without you again.” His hand was gently rubbing up and down her spine as he whispered, “Say it again.”

Buffy looked up at him apprehensively and asked, “ Will you believe me this time?”

“Say it, love. Say it for me, please?”

“I love you, Spike. I loved you then, and I love you now.”

His arms tightened even more as he pulled her closer and she eventually had to say, “Spike? Breathing issues, here. Could we take this to the bed?”

He smiled and scooped her up, hoping as he did so that his pants wouldn’t spoil the romantic moment by falling down around his ankles. “Which way, pet?” he asked, nuzzling her hair.

She pointed silently in the direction of her bedroom and pressed her face against his chest, inhaling his scent and tasting her sweat on his skin. He stopped just inside her bedroom door and looked at the room. He frowned at the lack of personal belongings. A couple of photos of Dawn, one of Willow and Xander and that was about it. Even allowing for her having lost everything when the hellmouth was destroyed, surely in ten years she had accumulated some personal mementos?

He sat down carefully on the edge of the bed, still holding her in his arms. She sat up on his lap and began tugging at the sleeves of his ripped open shirt.

“Too many clothes,” she pouted. “Clothes bad – skin good” (Great! Now I’m channeling Cave-Buffy!)

“Never thought I’d see the day you didn’t like clothes, Slayer.” He smiled at her as she continued tugging on his shirt.

“They have their place,” she allowed. “But my bed isn’t it! Not on you, anyway.” She finally wrestled his shirt off and slid off his lap to begin taking off his boots and jeans.

Finally getting them both naked enough to suit her, she climbed back onto his lap and wrapped her legs around him again.

“Now, where were we?” she asked softly as she nuzzled his neck and allowed her senses to be flooded with everything Spike.

“Where we were meant to be, love.”

“Don’t leave me again, William. Promise me? You won’t leave me?”

“I’ll never leave you again, Buffy. I swear it. Anyway,” he added, running his mouth down her neck and nipping lightly at her skin, “We’ve got ten years of not being together to make up for. I s’pect that’s going to take us awhile.”

“Probably so. We should get busy on it now, don’t you think?”

“That we should, love. That we should.”

And they did.

The end

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