[Reviews - 57] LikedPrinter
Summary: Buffy is dating a great guy, and in doing so has lost her best friend. Or, at least she thinks he's a great guy, until he breaks her heart. Could it be that what she really needs was closer than she thought? Has Buffy missed her best chance at happiness?
Rated: 18
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No
Word count: 14349 Read: 19121
Published: 06/26/2007 Updated: 08/10/2007

1. Betrayal by jadangel2001 [Reviews - 6] Liked (1736 words)
This is my first fic, it's not going to be too long, I'd LOVE as much feedback as possible to let me know if I'm going in the right direction please! I have the next chapter more or less ready to post. I think it's much better than my summary makes it sound, or at least I hope so, cos that sucked big time! any help or corrections are greatly appreciated! oh, and if anyone wants to make a nice banner to pretty it up a little, I know, I have a cheek to be asking, but if anyone's bored anough to help little old me out...! Thanks a lot for reading guys! And thanks to my wonderful boyfriend Andy for going through it a thousand times to correct stuff even though he's not even a Buffy fan!

2. Lost by jadangel2001 [Reviews - 8] Liked (1866 words)
Well, my fear at writing is slowly subsiding, noone's sent me hate mail just yet! Hehe! I'm glad people are reading, and some have even reviewed. Thankyou all for your kind comments, they are very much appreciated! Thanks again to my fantastic boyfriend for reading this and putting up with my spuffy addiction! Now, to the good stuff!

3. Explanations by jadangel2001 [Reviews - 9] Liked (2405 words)
Hi all, thankyou all for reading! I'm glad people haven't given up after the first chapter! Just want to say a gigantic thankyou to smg fan for making mywonderful banner, whaddaya all think? :P I LOVE it, but I'm slightly biased! And of course thankyou to my lovely boyfriend for keeping my stuff grammatically correct! As always, please review if you've enjoyed it!

4. Friendship by jadangel2001 [Reviews - 10] Liked (2791 words)
Hi all! You're all still reading then, that's great! Thankyou for everyone who's reading and not reviewing, I know you're there, and I'm glad you're bothering to read! Thanks again to my wonderful boyfriend Andy for betaing for me yet again, I'd be rubbish without him! He does such a great job! Considering he'd not a fan at all,so thanks honey! Ok everyone, enough of my rambling, you may read now!

5. Realisations by jadangel2001 [Reviews - 9] Liked (1724 words)
thanks all for waiting, took a while to get this sorted, had no time! thanks again for all the wonderfully kind reviews, and thanks to andy for betaing yet again! oh, and i know i mentioned it on the tag board, but not sure how many people read that, so this is a link to my boyfriends new fiction site, for any budding original fic authors looking for somewhere to post! http://fictionkingdom.hyperphp.com

6. Rememberance by jadangel2001 [Reviews - 8] Liked (1869 words)
ok, unbeta'd, very rough,but had to be posted quick! i'll check it when i coe back sunday,but until then,please don't think it's crap! i changed a couple lines towards the end of chap 1 to make this fit, hope that's ok

7. Awakenings by jadangel2001 [Reviews - 7] Liked (1958 words)
Ok I am SOOO sorry for the delay in updating! I am going to be writing the next chap in the next few days to post on thurs, because I am going on holiday on the 17th, for a week and I don't wanna leave you waiting another 2 weeks before you get an update! Thanks as always to my wonderful Andy for betaing for me, hopefully this chap will be a little better than the last rushed one! Enjoy! Oh, and review? Pretty please?