Chapter 7: Pulling Strings Here and There

After making some extensive phone calls to Cordy’s dad, Buffy was finally able to snatch tickets for the Bruin’s next home game.

“Thanks again for the tickets, Mr. Chase” she said into the receiver.

“Of course, Betty. Those would have just gone to waste anyways, I’m glad Cordy finally found a friend to take the rest of this seasons tickets off my hands. Don’t get me wrong, I love the game, it’s just very rare I am able to attend them. Are you a big hockey fan?”

“Uhh, well hockey is okay, I guess. I mean the net is really small and the puck is oddly shaped...”

“But girl a girl your age would rather be watching a certain player, or several, instead of the actual game. Am I right Betty?”

“Well actually it’s Buff-“

“You don’t need to make excuses Betty. I fully support reproduction system of the human race and any necessary steps it takes to get there. What you do is none of my business. However, I will see to it that your tickets are to you liking. Have fun Friday night”.

“Uhh, thanks Mr Chase. I’ll get right on that reproductive thing”.

“No, Betty, thank you. Thank you”.

Buffy hung up the phone. ‘What a wierdo’ she thought as she put the phone back in its holder. Oh well, at least she got the tickets, getting her that much closer to Will. He would learn once and for all that Elizabeth Summers doesn’t take no for an least, not always?

Mr. Chase, laughing to himself, hung up and then began to dial a different number.

“Chaz? It’s Stuart Chase. Good and you....yes, yes all is fine....listen I wanted to talk to you about that contest that you hold once a month at the arena. You know the one....yes, yes, that’s the one. See, My daughter’s friend....I don’t even have to explain it to you...I know Harmony is turning into a bright young woman, Chaz....So, you think you can pull some strings?....Oh, umm... just give me a second her...ahh, here it is: Section 118, Row 6, Seats 9, 10, and 11....yeah, just pick one, it shouldn’t matter....great, great...thanks again...I’ll talk to you later then...take care...buh-bye”.

S/N-I know this is more of an interlude than a chapter, but I just neeed to throw in how Buffy got the tickets and certain things Mr Chase did in order to make Buffy's "stalking the hottie" plan come easier to her than she first thought....hehe please review!

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