Author's Chapter Notes:
i know i was only supposed to post monday, which i will still do, but you guys have been so wonderfully suppportive that i had to sit down and spit out another chappy right away. I know some of you guys out there dont think reviews are all important, and maybe there not, but they are certainly all inspiring!
I'm on my way out right now which is why i didnt mention the names of you who reviewed and its not because i dont want to, im just hard pressed for time right now, i did respond to them though throughout the day, each one of you guys are my muses and i cant thank you enough, you guys kick ass! XXXOOO

Buffy smiled at Spike as he pressed end on the call with Willow.


“So what?” he asked cocking his head.

Buffy bit her lip, something about his head like that turned her on, especially when his incredible eyes stayed riveted on her every time she spoke.

“Coming to the beach with us today? I practically heard Willow screech out the invite and it would break her heart if you didn’t show.”

“Would it break yours?” he asked with a shy smile.

“No” she said standing and walking to the stairs. “I’m gonna go get changed...” she turned to look at his crestfallen face though he was valiantly trying to hide it.


He looked up, “Ya pet?”

“It wouldn’t break my heart... but it would hurt” she admitted with a small smile.

Spike’s face broke into a large grin and he leaned back into the couch, watching her retreating figure, crossing his fingers that she was a bikini type of girl.

Just then a thought occurred and he yelled loud enough for her to hear him, “Don’t have a bathing suit pet ”

“We’ll pick you up one on the way” she answered as she walked down the stairs in a pale green sun dress with a beach bag and sandals. She was stunning, absolutely stunning he realized as the sun streaming in through the kitchen window fell on her golden hair and skin.

A smile tugged at his lips and she eyed him, “What are you staring at Spike? Do I have something on me?”, a slight frown marring her face as she tried to check herself in the mirror.

“Not yet” he growled before his mind could process the fact that he’d said it out loud.

Buffy whirled to face him, “What was that?”

He stood off the couch and walked to her nonchalantly and her heart sped up, God, what time could do to a man was incredible. Gone was the once shy nervous boy and in his place stood a slightly cocky and very much predator like man who oozed confidence. From William to Spike, from childhood day dreams to adult fantasies just like that.
“What are you doing?” she asked softly as he circled her.
“Just making sure, wouldn’t want you to have a thread hanging off that pretty dress now would you kitten?”

She shook her head no.

Spike knew he was being way too forward, he hadn’t seen her in 10 years time but for the life of him he couldn’t help it. No longer flush with baby fat and overalls, no more baseball cap covering her luscious hair, no more training bra’s he thought with a barely contained leer.

“Buffy?” he said softly and she turned to face him, both noticing just how close they where to each other.


“I missed you.”

She threw her arms around him and settled her head on his chest.

“God William, I missed you too.”

They stood there like that for only a moment but time has a funny way of slowing down for all those special minutes in life and it felt as if hours had passed.

She was vaguely aware that she was rubbing his back softly as his fingers ran gently through her hair and she sighed contentedly. She’d never once stopped thinking of him and had always wondered what kind of man he’d become. She had her answer now. He was still the person she’d fallen in love with at 8 years old on the inside, and the type of man she’d only fantasized about as an adult in private at 22.

“I should never have let you slip away from me kitten”

She smiled, “You came back, I always knew you would.”

“Am I too late?”

“For what?” she mumbled.

He opted not to answer and instead drew her closer, inhaling the soft scent of her, burning it to memory. He didn’t want to ruin this moment, or make it awkward. He had time enough to take things slowly. He closed his eyes and smiled. LA was only 45 minutes away, and now he knew where to find her. Nothing in the world could drag him away from her again.

As they walked through the warm sand, his eyes trying to adjust to the glaring sun, he saw a flash of red and the next thing he knew said flash was springing into his arms.

He twirled the girl around while holding her tight before setting her down.

“God Willow, look at you. All grown up” he said fondly.

She smiled and blushed, “Look who’s talking, I barely recognized you” she admitted.

“Still the same bloke on the inside Red, just don’t let anyone else know im still a sensitive ponce yeah?”

Both the girls next to him giggled as they looped their arms through his and headed to the blanket Willow and Oz had set down.

Oz stood up and raised a brow at the stranger, “Should I be worried?” he asked when he saw Willows arm entwined with his. Spike was about to sputter out an ‘of course not’ but then he noticed the small, almost imperceivable, smile that the shorter man sported.

“Can’t help it if I’m beautiful now can I?”

“Suppose you can’t. Oz.” the fiery haired man said and stuck out his hand.

Spike took it and they shook, “Spike.”

They gave each other a nod and all four of them sat down. Spike liked the quietly funny fellow, liked the smile he seemed to bring to Willows face by just being there.

Spike turned to look at Buffy when he felt her stand up and almost passed out.

She was tugging the sun dress over her head and inch by inch her body was uncovered. From well toned legs to curvy hips and a toned stomach, to small perfect breasts. The bikini she wore was blood red and barely there. Spike fought the urge to growl as she pulled her hair from it’s ponytail and shook it loose. She was the American wet dream. Only he wasn’t asleep and now had a painfully growing problem.

‘Bloody hell, I’m buggered’

Buffy smiled knowingly when she caught him watching her and took off for the water at full speed. Primal instinct had Spike right on her heels, hungry for the meal at the end of the hunt.

She loved the feel of the salt water hitting her warm skin, cooling her off. It felt cleansing. When she turned around to see if any of her friends had followed she rammed right into a brick wall.

‘Wait, that doesn’t make sense’ she told herself. And shaking the effects of the collision off and opening her eyes she gaped. Brick wall was no wall after all, it was a solid, tightly ripped chest and it belonged to Spike.

She wasn’t even aware that his arms had grabbed her waist to keep her from falling when she rammed into him. Her eyes where glued to his body, slowly drinking in every inch of the muscled perfection. Her fingers grazed his skin softly and she heard him moan, making her realise just what it was she was doing.

She laughed.

“Something funny kitten?” he asked in a throaty voice.

She nodded her head.

“And what’s that then?”, a smile tugging at his lips.

“This is the first time I’ve seen my husbands chest since the last time we went swimming in the kiddy pool your dad bought for you” she answered with a giggle.

He shut his eyes and groaned, this girl was gonna kill him. When he opened them he saw her staring up at him.

He stepped closer, she moved forward and then they were in another tight hug.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of holding you ‘Lizbeth.”

She smiled into the smooth skin of his chest. “Good” she breathed.

Neither one unaware of the physical state he was in while he held her to his body. Neither one caring.

Buffy sighed happily, her attraction to William was strong, both physically and mentally. She knew they had a lot of catching up to do but she didn’t find it a pressing matter at the moment. All that mattered in this very instant was how safe she felt wrapped in his arms, how good it felt to have him back in her life. They still fit. ‘Probably always will’ she told herself.

She pulled back a little and looked up at him, he was looking back through heavy eyes.


“Ya?” she mumbled, feeling as if she were in a haze.

“Lemme take you out tonight yeah?”

She pretended to roll the idea around in her head for a long moment and he growled.

She giggled and nodded her yes, “On one condition though” she said inching away slowly.

He tilted his head, “And what’s that?”

“You have to catch me first” she said and tore away from him, splashing deeper into the water.

“God help me” he said to no one before taking off after her.

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