Author's Chapter Notes:
sorry it took so long, school started in sept. and ive been overloaded with papers and trying to learn yet another dead language lol.
Buffy awoke somewhat disoriented, scenes from Platoon mixed with those from The Princess Bride had flooded her dreams. She grimaced as an image replayed itself.

“As you wish sarge”
Rat a tat tat
Blood everywhere and then bodies falling down a hill.

Her eyes adjusted to the dim early morning light and she stretched out her now sore muscles, sleeping on a couch just didn’t do it for her anymore.

She swung her legs over the couch and screamed when they connected with flesh.


Spike barely even registered that he’d been hit let alone that she was screaming bloody murder at him.

She let herself calm down and laugh, “You sleep like the dead” she whispered and put the blanket she’d been using around his sleeping form. His very topless sleeping form she thought with a leer before sauntering to the kitchen to start brewing coffee and burning toast…hey, at least she was honest with herself.

When the last drop of caffeinated heaven dripped into the pot she poured herself a generous cup and sat down on the back balcony to simply think.

Her eyes scanned the yard, now that she finally had the money to fix things up she was going to spare no expense. She wanted a pool and she wanted lilies. The pool for exercise the flowers to remind her of her mom. She took a sip of her drink and sighed happily. Things where going to be okay. She was just thinking of how to broach the subject of Spike moving into her place when he ambled out. Still topless and still sleep riddled and still so fucken’ delicious.

She noticed he had a cup of coffee in his hands and smiled.

“Breakfast of champions” she said and raised her own mug in a salute, he smirked and copied the motion before sitting down next to her.

“Beautiful morning isn’t it kitten?”

She hummed in agreement, enjoying the quiet with him. When the steam stopped rising from their cups and their eyes were more open then not she turned toward him and smiled.

“I have a lot of stuff around here to do now that I’ve come into some money.”

“You know I’ll help with whatever I can.”

She nodded, “I know, which is why I’m going to ask you to move into here with me rent free in exchange for your services.”

He gave a small smile, “Not too sure that’s the right way to go kitten.”

She huffed, “I’m not asking you for a relationship Spike, just some construction and renovation type help.”

He eyed her and his smile grew, “Now where the fuck did that little diddy come from princess?”

“Why would you pass that up if not for fear of commitment?”

“You’re fucked up sweetness” he laughed out.

Now she was pissed, “That doesn’t answer my question.”

Smile still in place he answered, “I just don’t want to take advantage kitten, and as for a relationship, I’d get ready for one, I don’t play games Buffy. As far as I’m concerned, you’re my girlfriend and I’ll go on thinking that until you tell me you’re not.”

“We never discussed that William.”

“Shouldn’t have to when we’ve had each others privates in our mouth.”

Buffy couldn’t help it and burst out laughing. “What if I’m not ready for a boyfriend?”

“What if I’m not ready for lame excuses?”

She smiled and leaned into him, “I am fucked up you know…”

“And I am paying rent you know.”

Buffy waited a moment before speaking again, “You don’t think it’s too soon for a relationship? I mean, we only ran into each other again not too long ago.”

Spike smiled and pulled her in closer.

“The way I see it kitten, some people dance around things so much they miss the song completely. What’s the point in knowing all the moves when you’re stuck in the corner watching everyone else have fun?”

“What if it doesn’t work out Spike?”

“Then eventually another song comes on sweetness, and you find yourself someone else to dance with but you always, always save a dance for old friends yeah?”

She smiled, “Yeah…”

“I’m not asking for empty promises ‘Lizbeth, just asking if you wanna’ dance.”

“Do I have to answer right away?”

“Not at all luv’.”

“So no pressure?”

“Wouldn’t dream of it ‘Lizbeth. Besides, whenever you do wanna’ dance, there’s always a song playing somewhere.”

“Thank you.”

Spike knew enough not to ask her what she was thanking him for but how uneasy she was when it came to relationships unnerved him, what the fuck had happened to her?

Instead of voicing his questions he opted to hold her tighter instead, placing a soft kiss to the top of her head.

“So which room is mine then?”

Buffy giggled, “I was thinking we could redo the basement to make it a functional place of it’s own, then you could stay there. Until then, I hope the guest room is okay.”

“You know it is sweets, but you know I’m not gonna’ be living here for nothing. I know the house is paid off, so in addition to helping with the renovating I want to pay the hydro, the cable and the groceries.”

“That only leaves me with phone and internet.”

“Ya, well, once I teach you how to cook, you’ll be making me my meals, and lots of ‘em. I’m a growing boy.”

She laughed, “Alright, if you want to put something I make in your mouth buddy that’s your own undoing, I don’t want to hear any ‘oh god I need to go to the hospital’s or ‘please Buffy kill me’s.”

“I’ll do my best not to say a word Buffy, but do me a favor…”

“What’s that?”

“If I look like I need to go to the hospital, just take me.”

She punched him in the arm as she broke out laughing, “Asshole.”

“You know it princess.” He said with a leer and affection.

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