[Reviews - 5] LikedPrinter
Summary: This story takes place after the Angel finale and is about what would happen if Spike returned without his soul. Spike is stripped of his soul and all of the memories of all the good he has done. Buffy now in semi-retirement is now running a Slayer school along with Giles training and sending slayers all-around the world as needed. Until one day the name “William the Bloody” has resurfaced in LA which changes her life.
Rated: 15
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Violence, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes
Word count: 15375 Read: 8752
Published: 09/03/2007 Updated: 01/15/2008

1. What's in a name? by TillDustDoUsPart [Reviews - 0] (5162 words)
This is my first FanFic so please cut me some slack. Also this is the first story of a trilogy. The next story is "The Thin Line Between Love & Hell".

2. Guess Who? by TillDustDoUsPart [Reviews - 0] (5040 words)
This is my first FanFic so cut me some slack. Also this is the first story of a trilogy. The next story is "The Thin Line Between Love & Hell".

3. Hell & Back by TillDustDoUsPart [Reviews - 5] Liked (5173 words)
This is my first Fanfic so cut me some slack. Also this is the first story of a trilogy. The next story is "The Thin Line Between Love & Hell".